Autres formes de coopération


Japan - Act on International Assistance in Investigation 1980 (2019) EN/Japanese

Chapter I General Provisions

(Restrictions on Assistance)

Article 2

Assistance shall not be provided in any of the following circumstances: -
(i) When the offense for which assistance is requested is a political offense, or when the request for assistance is deemed to have been made with a view to investigating a political offense;
(ii) Unless otherwise provided by a treaty, when the act constituting the offense for which assistance is requested would not constitute a crime under laws and regulations of Japan were it to be committed in Japan;
(iii) With respect to a request for examination of a witness or provision of articles of evidence, unless otherwise provided by a treaty, when the requesting country does not clearly demonstrate in writing that the evidence is essential to the investigation.

(Receipt of Requests and Sending of Evidence)

Article 3

(1) A request for assistance shall be received, and evidence shall be forwarded to the requesting country, by the Minister of Foreign Affairs; except that the Minister of Justice shall carry out these tasks when a treaty confers the authority to receive requests for assistance on the Minister of Justice or when the Minister of Foreign Affairs gives consent in an emergency or under other special circumstances.

(2) When the Minister of Justice receives a request for assistance or forwards evidence to the requesting country pursuant to the proviso of the preceding paragraph, the Minister of Justice may ask the Minister of Foreign Affairs for cooperation necessary for the execution of matters relating to the assistance.

(Measures to Be Taken by the Minister of Foreign Affairs)

Article 4

Upon receiving a request for assistance, the Minister of Foreign Affairs shall, except where any of the following applies, send to the Minister of Justice the written request for assistance or a certification prepared by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the fact that such a request has been made, as well as related documents, with the opinion of the Minister of Foreign Affairs attached:

(i) When a request has been made based on a treaty but the form of the request does not conform to the requirements of the treaty;

(ii) When a request has been made without being based on a treaty but there is no guarantee from the requesting country that it will honor requests of the same sort from Japan.

Chapter II Collection of Evidence

(Measures to Be Taken by the Minister of Justice)

Article 5

(1) With respect to a request for assistance in matters other than a transfer of a sentenced inmate for testimony, except where any item in Article 2 (any item in Article 2 or 4 when the Minister of Justice receives a request for assistance pursuant to the proviso of paragraph (1) of Article 3) applies, the Minister of Justice shall, when none of the provisions of the following paragraph applies and the Minister of Justice deems it appropriate to honor the request, take one of the following measures:

(i) Send the related documents to the Chief Prosecutor of an appropriate district public prosecutors office and order the Chief Prosecutor to collect the evidence necessary for assistance;
(ii) Send the documents concerning the request for assistance to the National Public Safety Commission;
(iii) Send the documents concerning the request for assistance to the Commandant of the Japan Coast Guard, or to the head of other national agencies to which judicial police officials belong as provided by Article 190 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (Act No. 131 of 1948).

(2) With respect to a request for provision of a document pertaining to the trial which is in the custody of a court, a public prosecutor or a judicial police officer, the Minister of Justice shall send the documents pertaining to the request for assistance to the custodian of the document pertaining to the trial.

(3) The Minister of Justice may conduct an inquiry on the whereabouts of any relevant person and other necessary matters, when the Minister of Justice deems it necessary in order to take the measures provided in paragraph (1) or any other measures relating to the assistance.

(Measures to Be Taken by the National Public Safety Commission)

Article 6

Upon receiving the documents set forth in paragraph (1), item (ii) of Article 5, the National Public Safety Commission shall send the documents concerned to an appropriate Prefectural Police, and instruct it to collect the evidence necessary for the assistance.

(Measures to Be Taken by the Chief Prosecutor)

Article 7

(1) When a Chief Prosecutor receives an order set forth in paragraph (1), item (i) of Article 5, he/she shall have a public prosecutor in the office take measures to collect the evidence necessary for assistance.
(2) When the Superintendent General or the chief of Prefectural Police (hereinafter referred to as "Chief of Police") is instructed pursuant to the provision of Article 6, he/she shall cause a judicial police officer of the Prefectural Police to take the measures set forth in the preceding paragraph.
(3) When the head of a national agency receives the documents set forth in paragraph (1), item (iii) of Article 5, he/she shall have an appropriate judicial police officer of the agency take the measures set forth in paragraph (1).

(Measures to Be Taken by a Public Prosecutor)

Article 8

(1) With regard to the collection of evidence necessary for assistance, a public prosecutor or a judicial police officer may take the following measures;
(i) To ask any person concerned to appear before them and interview the person;
(ii) To request an expert opinion;
(iii) To make an inspection;
(iv) To ask the owner, possessor or custodian of a document or other materials to submit it;
(v) To ask a public office, or a public or private organization to make reports on necessary matters;
(vi) To request in writing, the person engaged in the business of providing facilities operating electronic communications for the use of the communications of other persons or the person establishing facilities operating electronic communications capable of intermediating the transmissions of many, unspecified persons for the purpose of its own business, to not erase transmission history of specified necessary electromagnetic records out of the electromagnetic records pertaining to the transmission source, the transmission destination, the date and time of the transmission and other transmission history of the electronic communications which are recorded in the course of business, for a period not exceeding 30 days (in case of an extension, a period not exceeding a total of 60 days).

(2) With regard to the collection of evidence necessary for assistance, a public prosecutor or a judicial police officer may, if it is deemed to be necessary, undertake seizure, seizure ordering records, search, or inspection of evidence, upon a warrant issued by a judge.

(3) A public prosecutor or a judicial police officer may, when the evidence to be collected pursuant to the preceding two paragraphs is a business document or item (hereinafter in this paragraph refers to a document or any other item that is prepared or retained in the course of business) and a request for assistance in certification regarding the manner of preparation and retention of such business document or item has been made, request the person who has prepared or retained such business document or item, or any other person who is deemed to have professional knowledge regarding its preparation or retention, to submit a certificate of the matters asked for in the request.

(4) When requesting submission of a certificate pursuant to the provision of the preceding paragraph, a public prosecutor or a judicial police officer shall notify the person whom they have asked for a certificate that submission of a false certificate may result in criminal punishment.

(5) A public prosecutor or a judicial police officer may have a public prosecutor's assistant officer or a judicial police official take the measures set forth in paragraphs (1) to (3) inclusive.

(Penal Provision)

Article 9

A person who submits a false certificate in response to a request for submission of a certificate in accordance with paragraph (3) of Article 8 shall be punished by imprisonment with work for not more than a year or a fine of not more than 500,000 yen; except that this shall not apply when such conduct of the person constitutes a crime under the Penal Code (Act No. 45 of 1907).

(Request for Examination of a Witness)

Article 10

A public prosecutor may request a judge for examination of a witness when any of the following applies:
(i) When the request for assistance is for examination of a witness;
(ii) When the person concerned has refused to appear or to make statements in response to an interview in accordance with paragraph (1) of Article 8;
(iii) When a person who has been requested to submit a certificate pursuant to paragraph (3) of Article 8 has refused to do so.

(Request for Issuance of a Warrant)

Article 11

A request for issuance of a warrant or examination of a witness shall be accompanied with the document set forth in item (iii) of Article 2; except that this shall not apply when a treaty provides otherwise.

(Jurisdiction of the Court)

Article 12

A request for issuance of a warrant or examination of a witness shall be made to a judge of the district court that has jurisdiction over the place where the office to which the requesting person belongs is located, while the filing of an appeal to a measure taken by a judicial police official concerning the seizure or the restoration of a seized article shall be made to the district court that has jurisdiction over the place where that judicial police official has exercised his/her duties.

(Application Mutatis Mutandis of the Code of Criminal Procedure)

Article 13

In addition to those items specifically provided for in this Act, the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure (limited to Chapter II and Chapters V to XIII of Part I, Chapter I of Part II, Chapters I and IV of Part III, and Part VII), and of laws and regulations concerning the costs of criminal proceedings, shall apply mutatis mutandis to the measures taken by a public prosecutor, a public prosecutor's assistant officer or a judicial police official, to the issuance of a warrant and the examination of a witness by a judge, and to the decision rendered by a court or a judge, insofar as such application is not incompatible with the nature of the proceedings.

(Measures upon Completion of Disposition)

Article 14

(1) When the Chief Prosecutor has completed the collection of evidence necessary for the assistance, he/she shall promptly send the collected evidence with his/her opinion attached, to the Minister of Justice. When the head of a national agency set forth in paragraph (1), item (iii) of Article 5 has completed the collection of evidence, the same shall apply.

(2) When a Chief of Police has completed the collection of evidence necessary for the assistance, the Prefectural Public Safety Commission shall promptly send the collected evidence with its opinion attached, to the National Public Safety Commission.

(3) Upon receiving the evidence pursuant to the provision set forth in the preceding paragraph, the National Public Safety Commission shall promptly send the evidence with its opinion attached, to the Minister of Justice.

(4) The custodian of a document relating to the trial who has received the documents concerning a request for assistance pursuant to the provision of paragraph (2) of Article 5, shall promptly send the document or a certified transcript thereof with his/her opinion attached, to the Minister of Justice; but when he/she is unable to do so, he/she shall return the documents concerning the request for assistance to the Minister of Justice.

(5) When, after receiving the evidence set forth in paragraph (1),(3), or the preceding paragraph, the Minister of Justice deems it to be necessary, he/she shall determine conditions that the requesting country shall observe with respect to the use or return of the evidence.

(6) When the requesting country does not assure that it will observe the conditions set forth in the preceding paragraph, the Minister of Justice shall not provide the assistance.

(Notification When Assistance Is Not Provided)

Article 15

When the Minister of Justice, after taking the measures set forth in paragraph (1), item (ii) or (iii) of Article 5, or in paragraph (2) of Article 5, deems it to be inappropriate to provide assistance, he/she shall, without delay, notify the person who has received the documents concerning the request for assistance to such effect.


Article 16

(1) The Minister of Justice shall consult the Minister of Foreign Affairs when making a decision not to provide assistance upon finding that the request falls under item (i) of Article 4 or that honoring the request would be inappropriate, or when setting conditions in accordance with paragraph (5) of Article 14.

(2) When the Minister of Justice takes any of the measures set forth in the items of paragraph (1) of Article 5, he/she shall consult the National Public Safety Commission and the head of the national agency set forth in item (iii) of that paragraph, according to their jurisdiction, except when the agency to collect the evidence is clear from the documents pertaining the request for assistance, such as when the examination of a witness is requested.

(Rules of the Supreme Court)

Article 17

Besides the provisions of this chapter, the necessary procedural rules concerning issuance of warrants, examination of a witness, and appeals shall be determined by the Supreme Court.

(Cooperation with the International Criminal Police Organization)

Article 18

(1) The National Public Safety Commission may, on receiving a request for cooperation from the International Criminal Police Organization in investigating a criminal case of a foreign state, take one of the following measures:

(i) Give instructions to a Prefectural Police which is deemed to be appropriate to make the necessary inquiry;
(ii) Send the documents concerning the request for cooperation to the head of the national agency set forth in paragraph (1), item (iii) of Article 5.

(2) The provision of Article 2 (except for item (iii)) shall apply mutatis mutandis to the case set forth in the preceding paragraph.

(3) The National Public Safety Commission may, when it deems necessary in order to take the measures set forth in paragraph (1), cause an official of the National Police Agency conduct an inquiry into the whereabouts of a person concerned and other necessary matters.

(4) With regard to the measures set forth in paragraph (1), the National Public Safety Commission shall consult the head of the national agency set forth in item (ii) of paragraph (1), according to its jurisdiction, except when the agency to conduct inquiry is obvious in the request.

(5) The National Public Safety Commission shall hear the opinion of the Minister of Justice when it is to take the measure set forth in paragraph (1).

(6) The Chief of Police of the Prefectural Police who has received the directions pursuant to item (i) of paragraph (1) shall order a police official of the Prefectural Police to take the measures necessary for the inquiry.

(7) The head of a national agency who has received the documents pertaining to a request for cooperation pursuant to the provision of item (ii) of paragraph (1) may order an official of the agency who is a judicial police official to take the measures necessary for the inquiry in connection with the request.

(8) With regard to the inquiry set forth in the preceding two paragraphs, a police officer or an official of the national agency in the preceding paragraph may: question any person concerned; make an inspection; ask the owner, possessor or custodian of a document and other articles to present it; or ask a public office, or a public or private organization to make a report on a necessary matter.

Chapter III Transfer of a Sentenced Inmate for Testimony Regarding a Domestic Sentenced Inmate

(Decision of Transfer of a Sentenced Inmate for Testimony)

Article 19

(1) When the requesting country, in accordance with a treaty, requests the transfer of a sentenced inmate for testimony regarding a domestic sentenced inmate (hereinafter refers to a person who is confined in Japan for execution of a sentence of imprisonment with or without work, or of an assistance punishment set forth in item (ii) of Article 2 of the Act on the Transnational Transfer of Sentenced Persons (Act No. 66 of 2002)), the Minister of Justice shall make a decision of transfer of
the sentenced inmate for testimony with a fixed period for transfer of the domestic sentenced inmate, if neither item (i) nor (ii) of Article 2, nor any of the following (with respect to cases where the Minister of Justice receives a request for assistance in accordance with the proviso of paragraph (1) of Article 3, neither item (i) nor (ii) of Article 2, item (i) of Article 4, nor any of the following) applies and where the Minister of Justice deems it appropriate to honor the request:

(i) When the domestic sentenced inmate does not consent in writing;
(ii) When the domestic sentenced inmate is under the age of 20;
(iii) When the requested period for transfer of the domestic sentenced inmate exceeds 30 days;
(iv) When a case regarding a crime that the domestic sentenced inmate has committed is pending in a Japanese court.

(2) The provisions of paragraphs (5) and (6) of Article 14, and paragraph (1) of Article 16 shall be applied mutatis mutandis to where a request for transfer of a sentenced inmate regarding a domestic sentenced inmate has been made. Any technical provisions for such application shall be set forth in a Cabinet order.

(3) The Minister of Justice shall, when having made the decision set forth in paragraph (1), order the warden of the penal institution in which the domestic sentenced inmate is imprisoned to hand over the inmate in accordance with the decision, and shall notify the domestic sentenced inmate to such effect.

(Measures Relating to a Handover)

Article 20

(1) The Minister of Justice shall send a permit of custody, to the Minister of Foreign Affairs when having made the order pursuant to paragraph (3) of Article 19.

(2) The Minister of Foreign Affairs, upon receipt of the permit of custody in accordance with the preceding paragraph, shall send it to the requesting country immediately.

(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, when the Minister of Justice receives a request for assistance pursuant to the proviso of paragraph (1) of Article 3, the sending of the permit of custody to the requesting party shall be done by the Minister of Justice.

(4) The warden of the penal institution who has received the order set forth in paragraph (3) of Article 19 shall, when an official of the requesting country requests handover of the domestic sentenced inmate by showing a permit of custody, hand over the domestic sentenced inmate.

(5) The official of the requesting country who has received the handover of the domestic sentenced inmate in accordance with the provision in the preceding paragraph shall promptly escort the domestic sentenced inmate to the requesting country.

(Treatment of the Period of Transfer of a Domestic Sentenced Inmate)

Article 21

The period for which a domestic sentenced inmate has been made subject to the transfer of a sentenced inmate for testimony (excluding the period in which the inmate was not detained) shall be deemed as a period served for the purpose of execution of the sentence.

(Special Provision to the Act on Penal Detention Facilities and Treatment of Inmates and Detainees)

Article 22

(1) With regard to the application of the Act on Penal Detention Facilities and Treatment of Inmates and Detainees (Act No. 50 of 2005), Article 52, paragraph (1) of Article 53 (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (6) of Article 132 of the Act) , paragraph (2) of Article 53, paragraph (1) of Article 85, paragraphs (1), (2) and (4) of Article 98, paragraph (4) of Article 100, paragraphs (3), (5) and (7) of Article 132, paragraph (1) of Article 164 (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (3) of Article 165 of the Act), paragraph (3) of Article 166 (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (4) of Article 167 and paragraph (4) of Article 168 of the Act), Articles 171, 174 and 175, the handover of a domestic sentenced inmate to an official of the requesting country pursuant to the provision of paragraph (4) of Article 20 shall not be deemed to be a release.

(2) Article 54 (except for items (ii) and (iii) of paragraph (1)), Article 55, paragraph (5) of Article 98 (limited to the part pertaining to item (i)), Article 99, paragraphs (4) to (7) inclusive of Article 132 and Article 176 of the Act on Penal Detention Facilities and Treatment of Inmates and Detainees shall apply mutatis mutandis to the personal effects left behind, remuneration, prohibited or suspended correspondence, or reproduction of the deleted or erased part of correspondence, in the case of a domestic sentenced inmate, who has been handed over to an official of the requesting country pursuant to paragraph (4) of Article 20, escaping or dying. In this case, the term "any of the items in paragraph (1) of Article 54" in paragraph (5), item (ii) and paragraph (7) of Article 132 of the Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "paragraph (1), item (i) of Article 54", and the term "paragraph (1) of Article 54" in paragraph (6) of Article 132 shall be deemed to be replaced with "paragraph (1) of Article 54 (except for items (ii) and (iii))".

Statut de Rome

Article 93 Autres formes de coopération

1. Les États Parties font droit, conformément aux dispositions du présent chapitre et aux procédures prévues par leur législation nationale, aux demandes d'assistance de la Cour liées à une enquête ou à des poursuites et concernant :

a) L'identification d'une personne, le lieu où elle se trouve ou la localisation de biens ;

b) Le rassemblement d'éléments de preuve, y compris les dépositions faites sous serment, et la production d'éléments de preuve, y compris les expertises et les rapports dont la Cour a besoin ;

c) L'interrogatoire des personnes faisant l'objet d'une enquête ou de poursuites ;

d) La signification de documents, y compris les pièces de procédure ;

e) Les mesures propres à faciliter la comparution volontaire devant la Cour de personnes déposant comme témoins ou experts ;

f) Le transfèrement temporaire de personnes en vertu du paragraphe 7 ;

g) L'examen de localités ou de sites, notamment l'exhumation et l'examen de cadavres enterrés dans des fosses communes ;

h) L'exécution de perquisitions et de saisies ;

i) La transmission de dossiers et de documents, y compris les dossiers et les documents officiels ;

j) La protection des victimes et des témoins et la préservation des éléments de preuve ;

k) L'identification, la localisation, le gel ou la saisie du produit des crimes, des biens, des avoirs et des instruments qui sont liés aux crimes, aux fins de leur confiscation éventuelle, sans préjudice des droits des tiers de bonne foi ; et

l) Toute autre forme d'assistance non interdite par la législation de l'État requis propre à faciliter l'enquête et les poursuites relatives aux crimes relevant de la compétence de la Cour.

2. La Cour est habilitée à fournir à un témoin ou à un expert comparaissant devant elle l'assurance qu'il ne sera ni poursuivi, ni détenu, ni soumis par elle à une restriction quelconque de sa liberté personnelle pour un acte ou une omission antérieurs à son départ de l'État requis.

3. Si l'exécution d'une mesure particulière d'assistance décrite dans une demande présentée en vertu du paragraphe 1 est interdite dans l'État requis en vertu d'un principe juridique fondamental d'application générale, ledit État engage sans tarder des consultations avec la Cour pour tenter de régler la question. Au cours de ces consultations, il est envisagé d'apporter l'assistance demandée sous une autre forme ou sous certaines conditions. Si la question n'est pas réglée à l'issue des consultations, la Cour modifie la demande.

4. Conformément à l'article 72, un État Partie ne peut rejeter, totalement ou partiellement, une demande d'assistance de la Cour que si cette demande a pour objet la production de documents ou la divulgation d'éléments de preuve qui touchent à sa sécurité nationale.

5. Avant de rejeter une demande d'assistance visée au paragraphe 1, alinéa l), l'État requis détermine si l'assistance peut être fournie sous certaines conditions, ou pourrait l'être ultérieurement ou sous une autre forme, étant entendu que si la Cour ou le Procureur acceptent ces conditions, ils sont tenus de les observer.

6. L'État requis qui rejette une demande d'assistance fait connaître sans retard ses raisons à la Cour ou au Procureur.


a) La Cour peut demander le transfèrement temporaire d'une personne détenue aux fins d'identification ou pour obtenir un témoignage ou d'autres formes d'assistance. Cette personne peut être transférée si les conditions suivantes sont remplies :

i) La personne donne librement et en connaissance de cause son consentement au transfèrement ; et

ii) L'État requis donne son accord au transfèrement, sous réserve des conditions dont cet État et la Cour peuvent convenir.

b) La personne transférée reste détenue. Une fois l'objectif du transfèrement atteint, la Cour renvoie sans délai cette personne dans l'État requis.


a) La Cour préserve le caractère confidentiel des pièces et renseignements recueillis, sauf dans la mesure nécessaire à l'enquête et aux procédures décrites dans la demande.

b) L'État requis peut au besoin communiquer des documents ou des renseignements au Procureur à titre confidentiel. Le Procureur ne peut alors les utiliser que pour recueillir des éléments de preuve nouveaux.

c) L'État requis peut, soit d'office, soit à la demande du Procureur, autoriser par la suite la divulgation de ces documents ou renseignements. Ceux-ci peuvent alors être utilisés comme moyen de preuve conformément aux dispositions des chapitres V et VI et au Règlement de procédure et de preuve.



i) Si un État Partie reçoit, d'une part, de la Cour et, d'autre part, d'un autre État dans le cadre d'une obligation internationale, des demandes concurrentes ayant un autre objet que la remise ou l'extradition, il s'efforce, en consultation avec la Cour et cet autre État, de faire droit aux deux demandes, au besoin en différant l'une ou l'autre ou en la subordonnant à certaines conditions.

ii) À défaut, la concurrence des demandes est résolue conformément aux principes établis à l'article 90.

b) Toutefois, lorsque la demande de la Cour concerne des renseignements, des biens ou des personnes qui se trouvent sous l'autorité d'un État tiers ou d'une organisation internationale en vertu d'un accord international, l'État requis en informe la Cour et celle-ci adresse sa demande à l'État tiers ou à l'organisation internationale.


10. a) Si elle reçoit une demande en ce sens, la Cour peut coopérer avec l'État Partie qui mène une enquête ou un procès concernant un comportement qui constitue un crime relevant de la compétence de la Cour ou un crime grave au regard du droit interne de cet État, et prêter assistance à cet État.


i) Cette assistance comprend notamment :

a. La transmission de dépositions, documents et autres éléments de preuve recueillis au cours d'une enquête ou d'un procès menés par la Cour ; et

b. L'interrogatoire de toute personne détenue par ordre de la Cour ;

ii) Dans le cas visé au point a. du sous-alinéa b, i) :

a. La transmission des documents et autres éléments de preuve obtenus avec l'assistance d'un État requiert le consentement de cet État ;

b. La transmission des dépositions, documents et autres éléments de preuve fournis par un témoin ou par un expert se fait conformément aux dispositions de l'article 68.

c) La Cour peut, dans les conditions énoncées au présent paragraphe, faire droit à une demande d'assistance émanant d'un État qui n'est pas partie au présent Statut.

Article 96 Contenu d'une demande portant sur d'autres formes de coopération visée à l'article 93

1. Une demande portant sur d'autres formes de coopération visées à l'article 93 est faite par écrit. En cas d'urgence, elle peut être faite par tout moyen laissant une trace écrite, à condition d'être confirmée selon les modalités indiquées à l'article 87, paragraphe 1, alinéa a).

2. La demande contient ou est accompagnée d'un dossier contenant les éléments suivants :

a) L'exposé succinct de l'objet de la demande et de la nature de l'assistance demandée, y compris les fondements juridiques et les motifs de la demande ;

b) Des renseignements aussi détaillés que possible sur la personne ou le lieu qui doivent être identifiés ou localisés, de manière que l'assistance demandée puisse être fournie ;

c) L'exposé succinct des faits essentiels qui justifient la demande ;

d) L'exposé des motifs et l'explication détaillée des procédures ou des conditions à respecter ;

e) Tout renseignement que peut exiger la législation de l'État requis pour qu'il soit donné suite à la demande ; et

f) Tout autre renseignement utile pour que l'assistance demandée puisse être fournie.

3. À la demande de la Cour, un État Partie tient avec celle-ci, soit d'une manière générale, soit à propos d'une question particulière, des consultations sur les conditions prévues par sa législation qui pourraient s'appliquer comme prévu au paragraphe 2, alinéa e). Lors de ces consultations, l'État Partie informe la Cour des exigences particulières de sa législation.

4. Les dispositions du présent article s'appliquent aussi, le cas échéant, à une demande d'assistance adressée à la Cour.