Mise en oeuvre de la législation nationale

ÉtatLégislation de mise en oeuvre
Afghanistan Afghanistan - Law on Extradition and Legal Cooperation 2013 EN
Afrique du Sud Implementation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (Act No. 27 of 2002)
Albanie Albania - Law No. 9205 on the Justice Collaborators and Witness Protection (2004) EN
Albania - Law on Jurisdictional Relations with Foreign Authorities 2009 (2013)
Allemagne Germany - Act on cooperation in criminal matters 1982 (2020) German
Germany - Act on cooperation in criminal matters 1982 (2021) EN
Germany - Cooperation with ICC 2002 EN
Germany - Criminal Procedure Code 1950 (2014) EN
Germany - Criminal Procedure Code 1950 (2020) German
Germany - Criminal Procedure Code 1950 (2022) EN
Germany - Law on Cooperation with the International Criminal Court 2002 (2019) German
Argentine Argentina - Implementation of the Rome Statute (ES) 2007
Australie Australia - ICC (Consequential Amendments) Act 2002
Australia - ICC Regulations 2008 (2018)
Australia - International Criminal Court Act No. 41 2002 (2018) EN
Australia - Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Act No. 85 1987 (2018)
Australia - Telecommunications Act 1979 (2016)
Australia - Telecommunications Act 1979 (2020)
Autriche Austria - Agreement ICC on the Enforcement of Sentences 2005
Austria - Extradition and Mutual Assistance (EN/DE) 1979 (2020)
Austria - Federal Law no 135 Cooperation with the ICC (DE) 2002 (2021)
Austria - Federal Law on Cooperation with the ICC (EN) 2002
Austria - Federal law on judicial cooperation in criminal matters with the Member States of the European Union (EN/DE) 2004 (2020)
Belgique Belgium - Act on Cooperation with ICC 2004 EN
Belgium - Decree on the cooperation with the ICC and international tribunals 2006 FR
Belgium - Law modifying the law on the repression of serious violations of IHL 2003 FR
Belgium - Royal Decree on the organization of the Belgian Task Force for International Criminal Justice 2014 EN
Belgium - Royal Decree on the organization of the Belgian Task Force for International Criminal Justice 2014 FR
Bosnie-Herzégovine Bosnia and Herzegovina - Criminal Code 2003 (2018) Bosnian
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Criminal Procedure Code 2001 (2018) EN
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Implementation Rome Statute 2009 Croatian
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Law on Implementation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and Cooperation with the International Criminal Court 2009 EN
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Law on Implementation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and Cooperation with the International Criminal Court 2009 EN
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Law on Protection of Witnesses under Threat and Vulnerable Witnesses 2003 (2005) EN
Bosnia and Herzegovina- Criminal Code 2003 (2018) EN
Bulgarie Bulgaria - Criminal Procedure Code 2006 (2011) EN
Bulgaria - Criminal Procedure Code Bulgarian 2006 (2019) Bulgarian
Bulgaria - Extradition and European Arrest Warrant Act 2005 Bulgarian
Bulgaria - Extradition and European Arrest Warrant Act 2005 EN
Burkina Faso Burkina Faso - Implementing legislation of the Rome Statute 2009 FR
Canada Canada - Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act 2000 (2019)
Canada - International Criminal Court Privileges and Immunities Order 2014
Chypre Cyprus - Amendment to Law ratifying Rome Statute 2006 EN
Cyprus - Amendment to Law ratifying Rome Statute 2006 Greek
Cyprus - Law on International Assistance in Criminal Matters 2001 Greek
Colombie Colombia - Criminal Procedure Code 2004 ES
Colombia - Law 1662 Agreement on Enforcement of sentences delivered by the ICC 2013 ES
Comores Comoros - Law on cooperation with the ICC 2007 ES
Comoros - Law on the implementation of the Rome Statute 2011 FR
Congo, République démocratique du DRC - Amendment Criminal code, militar criminal code, criminal procedure code 2015 FR
DRC - ICC Application Law 2005 FR
DRC - Law amending the Criminal Code (Implementing RS) 2016 FR
DRC - Law modifying the Code of Criminal Procedure 2016 FR
DRC - Law modifying the Military Criminal Code 2016 FR
Costa Rica Costa Rica - Law 8926 ratifying the APIC 2011 ES
Croatie Croatia - Implementation of Statute of ICC 2003 (2004) EN
Croatia - Law on implementation of the Rome Statute 2003 (2004) Croatian
Danemark Denmark - Act No 342 on the ICC 2001 EN
Denmark - Act No 342/2001 on the ICC 2001 (Danish)
Espagne Código Penal y Legislación Complementaria 1995 (2016)
Criminal Code 1995 (2013)
Ley Orgánica 18/2003, de 10 de diciembre, de Cooperación con la Corte Penal Internacional 2003
Estonie Estonia - Criminal Procedure Code 2003 (2020) EN
Estonia - Criminal Procedure Code 2003 (2020) Estonian
Finlande Finland - Implementation ICC 2000 Finnish
Finland - Implementation ICC Statute 2000 EN
Finland - International Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters 1994 EN
Finland - International Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Act 1994 Finnish
France France - ICC Cooperation Law 2002 (FR)
Gabon Gabon - Criminal Procedure Code 2019 FR
Géorgie Georgia - Criminal Procedure Code 1998 (2020) Georgian
Georgia - Criminal Procedure Code 1998 (2020) Russian
Georgia - Criminal Procedure Code 1998 (2022) EN
Georgia - Law on Cooperation between the International Criminal Court and Georgia 2003 EN
Georgia - Law on Cooperation between the International Criminal Court and Georgia 2003 Georgian
Georgia - Law on International Cooperation in Criminal Matters 2010 EN
Georgia - Law on International Cooperation in Criminal Matters 2010 Georgian
Georgia - Law on International Cooperation in Law Enforcement 2003 EN
Georgia - Law on International Cooperation in Law Enforcement 2003 Georgian
Georgia - Law on International Cooperation in Law Enforcement 2003 RU
Grèce Greece - Adaptation of internal law to ICC Statute 2011 EN
Greece - Adaptation of the provisions of domestic law to the RS 2011 Greek
Irlande Ireland - ICC Act 2006 EN
Ireland - International Criminal Court Act 2006 (2021) EN
Italie Italy - Law on Cooperation with the ICC 2012 IT
Japon Japan - ICC Cooperation Act 2007 EN
Kenya Kenya - International Crimes Act 2008 EN
Kenya - Witness Protection Act 2006 (2020) EN
Lettonie Latvia - Agreement on APIC 2004 EN/Latvian
Latvia - Criminal Procedure Code 2005 (2019) EN
Latvia- Code of Criminal Procedure 2005 (2019) Latvian
Liechtenstein Liechtenstein - Cooperation with the ICC 2004 EN
Malte Malta - ICC Act 2003 EN
Maurice Mauritius - ICC Act 2011 EN
Mauritius - Mutual Assistance Act 2003 EN
Moldova, République de Moldova - Criminal Procedure Code 2003 (2012) Romanian
Moldova - Criminal Procedure Code 2003 (2014) EN
Moldova - Criminal Procedure Code 2003 (2020) Russian
Monténégro Montenegro - Law on cooperation with ICC 2009 (Montenegrin)
Norvège Act No. 65 of 15 June 2001 relating to the implementation of the Statute of the International Criminal Court of 17 July 1998 (the Rome Statute) in Norwegian law 2001
Nouvelle-Zélande International Crimes and International Criminal Court Act 2000
Ouganda The International Criminal Court Act 2010
Pays-Bas International Criminal Court Implementation Act 2002
Rijkswet van 20 juni 2002 tot uitvoering van het Statuut van het Internationaal Strafhof met betrekking tot de samenwerking met en bijstand aan het Internationaal Strafhof en de tenuitvoerlegging van zijn vonnissen (Uitvoeringswet Internationaal Strafhof) 2002
Pérou Código Procesal Penal 2004 (2016)
Pologne Chapter 66a. Co-operation with the International Criminal Court
Kodeks postępowania karnego
République centrafricaine Central African Republic - Criminal Procedure Code 2010 FR
République de Corée Act on the Punishment of Crimes within the Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court
국제형사재판소 관할 범죄의 처벌 등에 관한 법률
République dominicaine Dominican Republic - Cooperation with ICC 2018 ES
République tchèque Czech republic - Act on International Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters 2013 EN
Czech republic - Act on International Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters 2018 Czech
Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord International Criminal Court (Scotland) Act 2001 (2015)
International Criminal Court Act 2001 (2014)
International Criminal Court Act 2003 (Isle of Man) 2003
Samoa Faamasinoga a le Lalolagi mo Solitulafono Faava o Malo
International Criminal Court Act 2007, No.26
Sénégal Loi n°2007-05 du 12 février 2007 modifiant le Code de la Procédure pénale relative à la mise en oeuvre du Traité de Rome instituant la Cour Pénale Internationale
Serbie Law on cooperation with the International Criminal Court
Law on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters
Zakon o saradnji sa Međunarodnim krivičnim sudom
Slovaquie Criminal Procedure Code No. 301/2005 Coll. - Part Five: Legal Relations with Abroad
Slovénie Cooperation between the Republic of Slovenia and the International Criminal Court Act 2002
Suède Cooperation Ordinance with the International Criminal Court Ordinance No. 2003.69
Cooperation with the ICC Act N.2002.329
Förordning (2003:69) om samarbete med Internationella brottmålsdomstolen
International Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Act (2000:562)
Lag (2000:562) om internationell rättslig hjälp i brottmål
Suisse Bundegesetz uber die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Internationalen Strafgerichtshof 2001 (2011)
Federal Law on Cooperation with the International Criminal Court 2001
Legge federale sulla cooperazione con la Corte penale internazionale 2001 (2011)
Loi fédérale sur la coopération avec la Cour Pénale Internationale 2001 (2011)
Trinité-et-Tobago The International Criminal Court Act 2006
Uruguay Ley 18.026 - Cooperación con la Corte Penal Internacional en Materia de Lucha contra el Genocidio, los CrÍmenes de Guerra y de Lesa Humanidad 2006

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