République de Pologne

Statut de Rome 9 avril 1999 12 novembre 2001
Accords sur les privilèges et immunités de la Cour Pénale Internationale - APIC 30 juin 2004 10 février 2009

Notes sur la mise en oeuvre

Poland ratified the Rome Statute in 2001. The ratification of the Rome Statue was considered to be compatible with the Polish Constitution, which had been adopted in 1997. The Act on Cooperation with the ICC, which implements the ICC’s provisions relating to cooperation into national law, is relatively short. It includes only those provisions which were necessary to address aspects of cooperation which had not previously been covered by Polish law, such as the surrender of persons to the ICC and the dedication of a competent national authority. The Polish Constitution provides that international agreements, such as the Rome Statute, once ratified by Parliament, constitute an integral part of the Polish legal system and are therefore directly applicable. Furthermore, in case of conflict between international and national law, the international norm will prevail. The Polish Penal Code contains a section on offences against peace, humanity and war crimes. However, the crimes against humanity included under Article 7 of the Rome Statute are not yet penalised under Polish criminal law.

Mise en oeuvre de la législation nationale

Chapter 66a. Co-operation with the International Criminal Court
Kodeks postępowania karnego

Principaux mots clés

Voir mots clés pertinents.