Trámites nacionales para la ejecución de solicitudes con relación a otras formas de cooperación

Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte

International Criminal Court (Scotland) Act 2001 (2015)


19 Investigation of proceeds of ICC crime

Where the Scottish Ministers receive a request from the ICC for assistance—
in ascertaining whether a person has benefited from an ICC crime ; or
in identifying the extent or whereabouts of property derived directly or indirectly from an ICC crime,
the Scottish Ministers may direct such person as they may authorise to apply on behalf of the ICC for an order or warrant under schedule 5 to this Act (which makes provision for production or access orders and the issuing of search warrants).




(1) An order under this Part of this schedule may be made by the sheriff on an application by a person authorised for the purpose under section 19 of this Act.

(2) Any such application may be made on an ex parte application to a sheriff in chambers.

2 (1) The sheriff may make an order under this Part of this schedule if satisfied that there
are reasonable grounds for suspecting—
(a) that a specified person has benefited from an ICC crime ; and
(b) that the material to which the application relates is likely to be of substantial value (whether by itself or together with other material) to the investigation for the purposes of which the application is made.

No such order shall be made if it appears to the sheriff that the material to which the application relates consists of or includes items subject to legal privilege.

Paragraphs 3 and 4 below specify the descriptions of order that may be made.

3(1) If it appears to the sheriff that there is in a specified person's possession, custody or power specified material, or material of a specified description, to which the application relates, the sheriff may order such person either—
(a) to produce the material to a constable within a specified period for the constable to take away (a "production order") ; or
(b) to give a constable access to the material within a specified period (an "access order").

The specified period shall be seven days beginning with the date of the order unless it appears to the sheriff making the order that a longer or shorter period would be appropriate in the particular circumstances of the application.

Where an access order is made in relation to material on any premises the sheriff may, on the application of a constable, order any person who appears to the sheriff to be entitled to grant entry to the premises to allow a constable to enter the premises to obtain access to the material.

In sub-paragraphs (1) and (2) above "specified" means specified in the order.

Where a production or access order is made by virtue of paragraph 4 below, the provisions of this paragraph shall have effect subject to the modifications specified in that paragraph.

4(1) A production or access order may be made in relation to a person if the sheriff thinks it is likely that material to which the application relates is in the person's possession, custody or power within the period of 28 days beginning with the date of an order.

(2) A production or access order may also be made in relation to material consisting of or including material which is expected to come into existence within that period.

(3) In that case it must specify a person within sub-paragraph (1) above.

(4) Where a production or access order is made by virtue of this paragraph—
the order shall require the specified person to notify a named constable as soon as is reasonably practicable after any material to which the application relates comes into the person's possession, custody or power ; and
paragraph 3 above has effect with the modifications mentioned in sub-paragraph (5) below.

(5) The modifications are—
that the references in paragraph 3(1) above to material in the possession, custody or power of the specified person shall be read as references to the material that comes into the possession, custody or power of the specified person ; and
that the reference in paragraph 3(2) above to the date of the order shall be read as a reference to the date of the notification required by sub-paragraph (4)(a) above.

(6) In this paragraph "specified" means specified in the order.

5 (1) The Scottish Ministers may by regulations make provision as to the discharge and variation of orders under this Part of this schedule.

(3) Regulations under sub-paragraph (1) above shall be made by statutory instrument ; and any such instrument shall be subject to annulment in pursuance of a resolution of the Scottish Parliament.

6(1) Sub-paragraphs (2) to (4) below have effect with respect to the effect of an order under this Part of this schedule.

(2) Where the material to which the order relates consists of information contained in a computer—
a production order has effect as an order to produce the material in a form in which it can be taken away and in which it is visible and legible ; and
an access order has effect as an order to give access to the material in a form in which it is visible and legible.

(3) An order under this Part of this schedule does not confer any right to production of, or access to, items subject to legal privilege.

(4) Subject to section 39 of the 2001 Act, the order has effect notwithstanding any obligation as to secrecy or other restriction on the disclosure of information imposed by an enactment or otherwise.

7 (1) An order under this Part of this schedule may be made in relation to material in the possession, custody or power of a government department.

An order so made shall be served as if the proceedings were civil proceedings against the department.
Where the material concerned might for the time being be in the possession, custody or power of an officer of the department, an order may require such officer, whether named in the order or not, to comply with it.

In this paragraph "government department" means a public department within the meaning of the Crown Suits (Scotland) Act 1857 (c.44) and any part of the Scottish Administration.


A search warrant may be issued under this Part of this schedule by a sheriff on an
application made by a person authorised for the purpose under section 19 of this Act.

9 (1) A search warrant issued under this Part of this schedule authorises any constable—
(a) to enter and search the premises specified in the warrant ;
to seize and retain any material found on the search that is likely to be of substantial value (whether by itself or together with other material) to the investigation for the purposes of which the warrant was issued ; and
for the purposes of exercising the powers mentioned in sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) above, to open lockfast places on premises specified in the warrant.

(2) The warrant does not confer any right to seize material that consists of or includes items subject to legal privilege.

10 (1) The sheriff may issue a search warrant under this Part of this schedule in the cases mentioned in sub-paragraphs (2), (3) and (5) below.

(2) The case is where the sheriff is satisfied that a production or access order made in relation to material on the premises has not been complied with.

(3) The case is where the sheriff is satisfied —
that there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that a specified person has benefited from an ICC crime ;
that there are grounds for making a production or access order in relation to material on the premises ; and
that it would not be appropriate to make a production or access order in relation to the material for any of the reasons mentioned in sub-paragraph (4) below.

(4) The reasons are—
that it is not practicable to communicate with any person entitled to produce the materia l;
that it is not practicable to communicate with any person entitled to grant access to the material or entitled to grant entry to the premises on which the material is situated ; or
that the investigation for the purposes of which the application is made might be seriously prejudiced unless a constable could secure immediate access to the material.

(5) The case is where the sheriff is satisfied—
(a) that there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that a specified person has benefited from an ICC crime ;
(b) that there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that there is material on the premises which cannot be particularised at the time of the application but which relates to the specified person, or to the question whether that person has benefited from an ICC crime, or to any question as to the extent or whereabouts of the proceeds of an ICC crime ; and
is likely to be of substantial value (whether by itself or together with other material) to the investigation for the purposes of which the application is made ; and
(c) that any of the circumstances mentioned in sub-paragraph (6) below apply.

(6) The circumstances are
that it is not practicable to communicate with any person entitled to grant entry to the premises ;
that entry to the premises will not be granted unless a warrant is produced ; or
that the investigation for the purposes of which the application is made might be seriously prejudiced unless a constable arriving at the premises could secure immediate entry to them.

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 89 Entrega de personas a la Corte

1. La Corte podrá transmitir, junto con los antecedentes que la justifiquen de conformidad con el artículo 91, una solicitud de detención y entrega de una persona a todo Estado en cuyo territorio pueda hallarse y solicitará la cooperación de ese Estado. Los Estados Partes cumplirán las solicitudes de detención y entrega de conformidad con las disposiciones de la presente parte y el procedimiento establecido en su derecho interno.

Artículo 93 Otras formas de cooperación

1. Los Estados Partes, de conformidad con lo dispuesto en la presente Parte y con los procedimientos de su derecho interno, deberán cumplir las solicitudes de asistencia formuladas por la Corte en relación con investigaciones o enjuiciamientos penales a fin de:

(a) Identificar y buscar personas u objetos;

(b) Practicar pruebas, incluidos los testimonios bajo juramento, y producir pruebas, incluidos los dictámenes e informes periciales que requiera la Corte;

(c) Interrogar a una persona objeto de investigación o enjuiciamiento;

(d) Notificar documentos, inclusive los documentos judiciales;

(e) Facilitar la comparecencia voluntaria ante la Corte de testigos o expertos;

(f) Proceder al traslado provisional de personas, de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el párrafo 7;

(g) Realizar inspecciones oculares, inclusive la exhumación y el examen de cadáveres y fosas comunes;

(h) Practicar allanamientos y decomisos;

(i) Transmitir registros y documentos, inclusive registros y documentos oficiales;

(j) Proteger a víctimas y testigos y preservar pruebas;

(k) Identificar, determinar el paradero o inmovilizar el producto y los bienes y haberes obtenidos del crimen y de los instrumentos del crimen, o incautarse de ellos, con miras a su decomiso ulterior y sin perjuicio de los derechos de terceros de buena fe; y

(l) Cualquier otro tipo de asistencia no prohibida por la legislación del Estado requerido y destinada a facilitar la investigación y el enjuiciamiento de crímenes de la competencia de la Corte.

2. La Corte podrá dar seguridades a los testigos o expertos que comparezcan ante ella de que no serán enjuiciados o detenidos ni se restringirá su libertad personal por un acto u omisión anterior a su salida del Estado requerido.

3. Cuando la ejecución de una determinada medida de asistencia detallada en una solicitud presentada de conformidad con el párrafo 1 estuviera prohibida en el Estado requerido por un principio fundamental de derecho ya existente y de aplicación general, el Estado requerido celebrará sin demora consultas con la Corte para tratar de resolver la cuestión. En las consultas se debería considerar si se puede prestar la asistencia de otra manera o con sujeción a condiciones. Si, después de celebrar consultas, no se pudiera resolver la cuestión, la Corte modificará la solicitud según sea necesario.

4. El Estado Parte podrá no dar lugar a una solicitud de asistencia, en su totalidad o en parte, de conformidad con el artículo 72 y únicamente si la solicitud se refiere a la presentación de documentos o la divulgación de pruebas que afecten a su seguridad nacional.

5. Antes de denegar una solicitud de asistencia de conformidad con el párrafo 1 l), el Estado requerido considerará si se puede prestar la asistencia con sujeción a ciertas condiciones, o si es posible hacerlo en una fecha posterior o de otra manera. La Corte o el Fiscal, si aceptan la asistencia sujeta a condiciones, tendrán que cumplirlas.

6. Si no se da lugar a una solicitud de asistencia, el Estado Parte requerido deberá comunicar sin demora los motivos a la Corte o al Fiscal.


(a) La Corte podrá solicitar el traslado provisional de un detenido a los fines de su identificación o de que preste testimonio o asistencia de otra índole. El traslado podrá realizarse siempre que:

(i) El detenido dé, libremente y con conocimiento de causa, su consentimiento; y

(ii) El Estado requerido lo acepte, con sujeción a las condiciones que hubiere acordado con la Corte.

(b) La persona trasladada permanecerá detenida. Una vez cumplidos los fines del traslado, la Corte la devolverá sin dilación al Estado requerido.


(a) La Corte velará por la protección del carácter confidencial de los documentos y de la información, salvo en la medida en que éstos sean necesarios para la investigación y las diligencias pedidas en la solicitud.

(b) El Estado requerido podrá, cuando sea necesario, transmitir al Fiscal documentos o información con carácter confidencial. El Fiscal únicamente podrá utilizarlos para reunir nuevas pruebas.

(c) El Estado requerido podrá, de oficio o a solicitud del Fiscal, autorizar la divulgación ulterior de estos documentos o información, los cuales podrán utilizarse como medios de prueba de conformidad con lo dispuesto en las partes V y VI y de conformidad con las Reglas de Procedimiento y Prueba.



(i) El Estado Parte que reciba solicitudes concurrentes de la Corte y de otro Estado de conformidad con una obligación internacional y que no se refieran a la entrega o la extradición, procurará, en consulta con la Corte y el otro Estado, atender ambas solicitudes, de ser necesario postergando o condicionando una de ellas.

(ii) Si esto no fuera posible, la cuestión de las solicitudes concurrentes se resolverá de conformidad con los principios enunciados en el artículo 90.

(b) Sin embargo, cuando la solicitud de la Corte se refiera a información, bienes o personas que estén sometidos al control de un tercer Estado o de una organización internacional en virtud de un acuerdo internacional, el Estado requerido lo comunicará a la Corte y la Corte dirigirá su solicitud al tercer Estado o a la organización internacional.


10. (a) A solicitud de un Estado Parte que lleve a cabo una investigación o sustancie un juicio por una conducta que constituya un crimen de la competencia de la Corte o que constituya un crimen grave con arreglo al derecho interno del Estado requirente, la Corte podrá cooperar con él y prestarle asistencia;


(i) La asistencia prestada de conformidad con el apartado a) podrá comprender, entre otras cosas:

a. La transmisión de declaraciones, documentos u otros elementos de prueba obtenidos en el curso de una investigación o de un proceso sustanciado por la Corte; y

b. El interrogatorio de una persona detenida por orden de la Corte;

(ii) En el caso de la asistencia prevista en el apartado (b) (i) a.:

a. Si los documentos u otros elementos de prueba se hubieren obtenido con la asistencia de un Estado, su transmisión estará subordinada al consentimiento de dicho Estado;

b. Si las declaraciones, los documentos u otros elementos de prueba hubieren sido proporcionados por un testigo o un perito, su transmisión estará subordinada a lo dispuesto en el artículo 68.

(c) La Corte podrá, de conformidad con el presente párrafo y en las condiciones enunciadas en él, acceder a una solicitud de asistencia presentada por un Estado que no sea parte en el presente Estatuto.