Cooperación de conformidad con el procedimiento aplicable en el derecho interno

República de Austria

Austria - Extradition and Mutual Assistance (EN/DE) 1979 (2020)

General Provisions

§ 4. There shall be compliance with the conditions that another State imposes on the occasion of granting an extradition, transit or surrender, when providing judicial assistance, or in connection with taking over a case for criminal prosecution, surveillance, or execution, and which were not rejected.

Extradition from Austria

Chapter ONE
Admissibility of Extradition

Surrender of Objects
§ 25. (1) In connection with an extradition, it shall be admissible to surrender objects that may be used as evidence or which the person to be extradited has obtained from the punishable act or from realizing objects originating from said act.

(2) If an extradition cannot be granted that would be admissible pursuant to the provisions of this federal law, because the person to be extradited has absconded or is deceased or could not be apprehended in Austria, objects may nevertheless be surrendered on the basis of a request for extradition or a separate request.

(3) The surrender of objects for the purposes of evidence may be granted with the proviso that these objects will be returned immediately on request.

(4) Surrender shall be inadmissible in any event if there is reason to suspect that it would frustrate or disproportionately complicate prosecution or the exercise of rights of third parties.

Extradition from Austria

Jurisdiction and Procedure

Local Jurisdiction and Jurisdiction over the Subject Matter
§ 26. (1) The public prosecutor shall conduct the extradition proceedings, applying the provisions of Part 1 and 2 of the Code of Criminal Procedure in analogy. The public prosecutor in whose district the person concerned has his/her domicile or residence shall have local jurisdiction. In the absence of such a location, the public prosecutor shall have local jurisdiction in whose district the person was apprehended. If the person concerned is kept in court confinement, the place of confinement shall determine local jurisdiction. If no specific public prosecutor can be determined when applying the present provisions, the public prosecutor’s office in Vienna shall have local jurisdiction.

(2) The court decisions in extradition proceedings shall be taken by a single judge of the regional court (§ 31 (1) of the Code of Criminal Procedure) where the public prosecutor’s office is located that conducts the extradition proceedings.

(3) The provisions of paragraphs (1) and (2) shall also apply to the surrender of objects in connection with an extradition (extradition of objects).. The public prosecutor in whose district the object to be surrendered is located shall have jurisdiction over the examination of a separate request for the surrender of objects.

Extradition from Austria

Jurisdiction and Procedure

§ 27. (1) Requests received for imposing detention pending extradition shall be examined by the public prosecutor in order to establish whether there are sufficient grounds to assume that the underlying act gives rise to an extradition. If these prerequisites are met, the public prosecutor’s office shall order the search measures stipulated in Title 9 of the Code of Criminal Procedure or, if necessary, order the arrest of the sought person.

(2) A public prosecutor need not be seized in connection with a request received by way of a computer-assisted search system, by way of the International Criminal Police Organization – INTERPOL – or by way of any other official international criminal police assistance system if there are no grounds to assume that the sought person is staying in Austria and if the request only gives rise to search measures that do not require any public announcement (§ 169 (2) second sentence of the Code of Criminal Procedure).

Obtaining Extradition, Transit, Delivery, Judicial Assistance, as well as Taking Over the Prosecution of a Case, Surveillance and Execution

Obtaining Judicial Assistance

Prerequisites and Procedures
§ 71. (1) Requests for judicial assistance shall be directed, by way of the established channels of communication, to the foreign court, the foreign public prosecutor’s office, or the authority engaged in the execution of punishments or measures in whose district the act of judicial assistance is to be performed. The request shall comprise the facts underlying the proceedings and other information as required for appropriate processing.

(2) Unless direct judicial assistance exchanges are in place, the Federal Minister of Justice may refrain from forwarding a request for judicial assistance for one of the reasons listed in § 2 and § 3 (1).

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 88 Procedimientos aplicables en el derecho interno

Los Estados Partes se asegurarán de que en el derecho interno existan procedimientos aplicables a todas las formas de cooperación especificadas en la presente parte.

Artículo 89 Entrega de personas a la Corte

1. La Corte podrá transmitir, junto con los antecedentes que la justifiquen de conformidad con el artículo 91, una solicitud de detención y entrega de una persona a todo Estado en cuyo territorio pueda hallarse y solicitará la cooperación de ese Estado. Los Estados Partes cumplirán las solicitudes de detención y entrega de conformidad con las disposiciones de la presente parte y el procedimiento establecido en su derecho interno.

Artículo 93 Otras formas de cooperación

1. Los Estados Partes, de conformidad con lo dispuesto en la presente Parte y con los procedimientos de su derecho interno, deberán cumplir las solicitudes de asistencia formuladas por la Corte en relación con investigaciones o enjuiciamientos penales a fin de:

(a) Identificar y buscar personas u objetos;

(b) Practicar pruebas, incluidos los testimonios bajo juramento, y producir pruebas, incluidos los dictámenes e informes periciales que requiera la Corte;

(c) Interrogar a una persona objeto de investigación o enjuiciamiento;

(d) Notificar documentos, inclusive los documentos judiciales;

(e) Facilitar la comparecencia voluntaria ante la Corte de testigos o expertos;

(f) Proceder al traslado provisional de personas, de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el párrafo 7;

(g) Realizar inspecciones oculares, inclusive la exhumación y el examen de cadáveres y fosas comunes;

(h) Practicar allanamientos y decomisos;

(i) Transmitir registros y documentos, inclusive registros y documentos oficiales;

(j) Proteger a víctimas y testigos y preservar pruebas;

(k) Identificar, determinar el paradero o inmovilizar el producto y los bienes y haberes obtenidos del crimen y de los instrumentos del crimen, o incautarse de ellos, con miras a su decomiso ulterior y sin perjuicio de los derechos de terceros de buena fe; y

(l) Cualquier otro tipo de asistencia no prohibida por la legislación del Estado requerido y destinada a facilitar la investigación y el enjuiciamiento de crímenes de la competencia de la Corte.

Artículo 99 Cumplimiento de las solicitudes a que se hace referencia en los artículos 93 y 96

1. Las solicitudes de asistencia se cumplirán de conformidad con el procedimiento aplicable en el derecho interno del Estado requerido y, salvo si ese derecho lo prohíbe, en la forma especificada en la solicitud, incluidos los procedimientos indicados en ella y la autorización a las personas especificadas en ella para estar presentes y prestar asistencia en el trámite.