Coopération conformément à la procédure prévue par la législation nationale

République du Kenya

Kenya - Criminal Procedure Code 1930 (2018) EN



Warrant of Arrest

100. Warrant after issue of summons
Notwithstanding the issue of a summons, a warrant may be issued at any time before or after the time appointed in the summons for the appearance of the accused.

101. Warrant on disobedience of summons
If the accused does not appear at the time and place appointed in and by the summons, and his personal attendance has not been dispensed with under section 99, the court may issue a warrant to apprehend him and cause him to be brought before it; but no warrant shall be issued unless a complaint has been made upon oath.

102. Form, contents and duration of warrant
(1) Every warrant of arrest shall be under the hand of the judge or magistrate issuing it and shall bear the seal of the court.
(2) Every warrant shall state shortly the offence with which the person against whom it is issued is charged, and shall name or otherwise describe that person, and shall order the person or persons to whom it is directed to apprehend the person against whom it is issued and bring him before the court issuing the warrant, or before some other court having jurisdiction in the case, to answer to the charge therein mentioned and to be further dealt with according to law.
(3) A warrant shall remain in force until it is executed or until it is cancelled by the court which issued it.

103. Court may direct security to be taken
(1) A court issuing a warrant for the arrest of a person in respect of an offence other than murder, treason or rape may direct by endorsement on the warrant that, if the person executes a bond with sufficient sureties for his attendance before the court at a specified time and thereafter until otherwise directed by the court, the officer to whom the warrant is directed shall take the security and shall release the person from custody.
(2) The endorsement shall state—
(a) the number of sureties;
(b) the amount in which they and the person for whose arrest the warrant is issued are to be respectively bound; and
(c) the time at which he is to attend before the court.
(3) Whenever security is taken under this section, the officer to whom the warrant is directed shall forward the bond to the court.

104. Warrants, to whom directed
(1) A warrant of arrest may be directed to one or more police officers, or to one police officer and to all other police officers of the area within which the court has jurisdiction, or generally to all police officers of the area:
Provided that a court issuing a warrant may, if its immediate execution is necessary, and no police officer is immediately available, direct it to any other person or persons, and such person or persons shall execute the same.
(2) When a warrant is directed to more officers or persons than one, it may be executed by all or by any one or more of them.

105. Warrants may be directed to landholders, etc.
(1) A magistrate empowered to hold a subordinate court of the first class may direct a warrant to a landholder, farmer or manager of land within the local limits of his jurisdiction for the arrest of an escaped convict or person who has been accused of a cognizable offence and has eluded pursuit.
(2) The landholder, farmer or manager shall acknowledge in writing the receipt of the warrant and shall execute it if the person for whose arrest it was issued is in or enters on his land or farm or the land under his charge.
(3) When the person against whom the warrant is issued is arrested, he shall be made over with the warrant to the nearest police officer, who shall cause him to be taken before a magistrate having jurisdiction, unless security is taken under section 103.

106. Execution of warrant directed to police officer
A warrant directed to a police officer may also be executed by another police officer whose name is endorsed upon the warrant by the officer to whom it is directed or endorsed.

107. Notification of substance of warrant
The police officer or other person executing a warrant of arrest shall notify the substance thereof to the person to be arrested, and, if so required, shall show him the warrant.

108. Person arrested to be brought before court without delay
The police officer or other person executing a warrant of arrest shall (subject to the provisions of section 103 as to security) without unnecessary delay bring the person arrested before the court before which he is required by law to produce that person.

109. Where warrant may be executed
A warrant of arrest may be executed at any place in Kenya.

110. Forwarding of warrants for execution outside jurisdiction
(1) When a warrant of arrest is to be executed outside the local limits of the jurisdiction of the court issuing it, the court may, instead of directing the warrant to a police officer, forward it by post or otherwise to a magistrate within the local limits of whose jurisdiction it is to be executed.
(2) The magistrate to whom a warrant is so forwarded shall endorse his name thereon, and, if practicable, cause it to be executed in the manner hereinbefore provided within the local limits of his jurisdiction.

111. Warrant directed to police officer for execution outside jurisdiction
(1) When a warrant of arrest directed to a police officer is to be executed outside the local limits of the jurisdiction of the court issuing it, he shall take it for endorsement to a magistrate within the local limits of whose jurisdiction it is to be executed.
(2) The magistrate shall endorse his name thereon, and the endorsement shall be sufficient authority to the police officer to whom the warrant is directed to execute it within those limits, and the local police officers shall, if so required, assist that officer in executing the warrant.
(3) Whenever there is reason to believe that the delay occasioned by obtaining the endorsement of the magistrate within the local limits of whose jurisdiction the warrant is to be executed will prevent its execution, the police officer to whom it is directed may execute it without endorsement in any place outside the local limits of the jurisdiction of the court which issued it.

112. Procedure on arrest of person outside jurisdiction
(1) When a warrant of arrest is executed outside the local limits of the jurisdiction of the court by which it was issued, the person arrested shall, unless the court which issued the warrant is within twenty miles of the place of arrest, or is nearer than the magistrate within the local limits of whose jurisdiction the arrest was made, or unless security is taken under section 103, be taken before the magistrate within the local limits of whose jurisdiction the arrest was made.
(2) The magistrate shall, if the person arrested appears to be the person intended by the court which issued the warrant, direct his removal in custody to that court:
Provided that if the person has been arrested for an offence other than murder, treason or rape, and he is ready and willing to give bail to the satisfaction of the magistrate, or if a direction has been endorsed under section 103 on the warrant and the person is ready and willing to give the security required by the direction, the magistrate shall take the bail or security, as the case may be, and shall forward the bond to the court which issued the warrant.
(3) Nothing in this section shall prevent a police officer from taking security under section 103.

113. Irregularities in warrant
An irregularity or defect in the substance or form of a warrant, and any variance between it and the written complaint or information, or between either and the evidence produced on the part of the prosecution at a trial, shall not affect the validity of any proceedings at or subsequent to the hearing of the case, but, if a variance appears to the court to be such that the accused has been thereby deceived or misled, the court may, at the request of the accused, adjourn the hearing of the case to some future date, and in the meantime remand the accused or admit him to bail.

Miscellaneous Provisions regarding Processes

114. Power to take bond for appearance
Where a person for whose appearance or arrest the officer presiding in a court is empowered to issue a summons or warrant is present in court, the officer may require the person to execute a bond, with or without sureties, for his appearance in that court.

115. Arrest for breach of bond
When a person who is bound by a bond taken under this Code to appear before a court does not so appear, the officer presiding may issue a warrant directing that the person be arrested and produced before him.

116. Power of court to order prisoner to be brought before it
(1) Where a person for whose appearance or arrest a court is empowered to issue a summons or warrant is confined in prison within the local limits of the jurisdiction of that court, the court may issue an order to the officer in charge of the prison requiring him to bring the prisoner in proper custody, at a time to be named in the order, before the court.
(2) The officer so in charge, on receipt of the order, shall provide for the safe custody of the prisoner during his absence from the prison.

117. Provisions of this Part generally applicable to summonses and warrants
The provisions of this Part relating to a summons and warrant, and their issue, service and execution, shall, so far as may be, apply to every summons and every warrant of arrest issued under this Code.



118. Power to issue search warrant
Where it is proved on oath to a court or a magistrate that anything upon, with or in respect of which an offence has been committed, or anything which is necessary for the conduct of an investigation into an offence, is, or is reasonably suspected to be, in any place, building, ship, aircraft, vehicle, box or receptacle, the court or a magistrate may by written warrant (called a search warrant) authorize a police officer or a person named in the search warrant to search the place, building, ship, aircraft, vehicle, box or receptacle (which shall be named or described in the warrant) for that thing and, if the thing be found, to seize it and take it before a court having jurisdiction to be dealt with according to law.

118A. Ex-parte application for search warrant
An application for a search warrant under section 118 shall be made ex-parte to a magistrate.

119. Execution of search warrants
A search warrant may be issued on any day (including Sunday), and may be executed on any day (including Sunday) between the hours of sunrise and sunset, but the court may, by the warrant authorize the police officer or other person to whom it is addressed to execute it at any hour.

120. Persons in charge of closed place to allow ingress and egress
(1) Whenever a building or other place liable to search is closed, a person residing in or being in charge of the building or place shall, on demand of the police officer or other person executing the search warrant and on production of the warrant, allow him free ingress thereto and egress therefrom and afford all reasonable facilities for a search therein.
(2) If ingress into or egress from the building or other place cannot be so obtained, the police officer or other person executing the search warrant may proceed in the manner prescribed by section 22 or section 23.
(3) Where a person in or about the building or place is reasonably suspected of concealing about his person an article for which search should be made, that person may be searched.
(4) If that person is a woman the provisions of section 27 shall be observed.

121. Detention of property seized
(1) When anything is so seized and brought before a court, it may be detained until the conclusion of the case or the investigation, reasonable care being taken for its preservation.
(2) If an appeal is made, or if a person is committed for trial, the court may order it to be further detained for the purpose of the appeal or the trial.
(3) If no appeal is made, or if no person is committed for trial, the court shall direct the thing to be restored to the person from whom it was taken, unless the court sees fit or is authorized or required by law to dispose of it otherwise.

122. Provisions applicable to search warrants
The provisions of subsections (1) and (3) of section 102, and sections 104, 106, 109, 110 and 111, shall, so far as may be, apply to search warrants issued under section 118.

Statut de Rome

Article 88 Procédures disponibles selon le législation nationale

Les États Parties veillent à prévoir dans leur législation nationale les procédures qui permettent la réalisation de toutes les formes de coopération visées dans le présent chapitre.

Article 89 Remise de certaines personnes à la Cour

1. La Cour peut présenter à tout État sur le territoire duquel une personne est susceptible de se trouver une demande, accompagnée des pièces justificatives indiquées à l'article 91, tendant à ce que cette personne soit arrêtée et lui soit remise, et sollicite la coopération de cet État pour l'arrestation et la remise de la personne. Les États Parties répondent à toute demande d'arrestation et de remise conformément aux dispositions du présent chapitre et aux procédures prévues par leur législation nationale.

Article 93 Autres formes de coopération

1. Les États Parties font droit, conformément aux dispositions du présent chapitre et aux procédures prévues par leur législation nationale, aux demandes d'assistance de la Cour liées à une enquête ou à des poursuites et concernant :

a) L'identification d'une personne, le lieu où elle se trouve ou la localisation de biens ;

b) Le rassemblement d'éléments de preuve, y compris les dépositions faites sous serment, et la production d'éléments de preuve, y compris les expertises et les rapports dont la Cour a besoin ;

c) L'interrogatoire des personnes faisant l'objet d'une enquête ou de poursuites ;

d) La signification de documents, y compris les pièces de procédure ;

e) Les mesures propres à faciliter la comparution volontaire devant la Cour de personnes déposant comme témoins ou experts ;

f) Le transfèrement temporaire de personnes en vertu du paragraphe 7 ;

g) L'examen de localités ou de sites, notamment l'exhumation et l'examen de cadavres enterrés dans des fosses communes ;

h) L'exécution de perquisitions et de saisies ;

i) La transmission de dossiers et de documents, y compris les dossiers et les documents officiels ;

j) La protection des victimes et des témoins et la préservation des éléments de preuve ;

k) L'identification, la localisation, le gel ou la saisie du produit des crimes, des biens, des avoirs et des instruments qui sont liés aux crimes, aux fins de leur confiscation éventuelle, sans préjudice des droits des tiers de bonne foi ; et

l) Toute autre forme d'assistance non interdite par la législation de l'État requis propre à faciliter l'enquête et les poursuites relatives aux crimes relevant de la compétence de la Cour.

Article 99 Exécution des demandes présentées au titre des articles 93 et 96

1. L'État requis donne suite aux demandes d'assistance conformément à la procédure prévue par sa législation et, à moins que cette législation ne l'interdise, de la manière précisée dans la demande, y compris en appliquant toute procédure indiquée dans celle-ci ou en autorisant les personnes qu'elle précise à être présentes et à participer à l'exécution de la demande.