Ejecución de las penas impuestas

Bosnia y Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina- Criminal Code 2003 (2018) EN

Chapter 7 Punishment

Article 42


(1) Imprisonment may not be shorter than thirty days or longer than twenty years.

(2) For the gravest forms of serious criminal offences perpetrated with intent, imprisonment for a term of twenty to forty-five years may be exceptionally prescribed (long-term imprisonment).

(3) Long-term imprisonment may never be prescribed as the sole principal punishment for a particular criminal offence.

(4) Long-term imprisonment cannot be imposed on a perpetrator who has not reached twenty- one years of age at the time of perpetrating the criminal offence.

(5) Juvenile imprisonment may be imposed under the conditions prescribed by Chapter X (Rules Relating to Correctional Recommendations, Correctional Measures and Punishing Juveniles) of this Code. Juvenile imprisonment is in its purpose, nature, duration and manner of execution a special punishment of deprivation of liberty.

(6) Imprisonment shall be imposed in full years and months; however, the punishment of imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months may also be measured in full days. Long-term imprisonment shall be imposed only in full years.

Chapter 7 Punishment

Article 42a

Substitution of Imprisonment

(1) On request of the convicted person, imprisonment sentence up to one year can shall be substituted by a fine paid in a single installment within 30 days.

(2) Imprisonment shall be substituted with a fine in a way that every day of imprisonment equals one daily amount of fine or with KM 100 if the fine is to be determined in a certain amount.

(3) If the fine is not paid within the deadline from paragraph (1) of this Article, the Court shall make a decision on execution of imprisonment. If the fine is paid only partially, then the imprisonment will be proportional to the amount that was not paid.

(4) Provisions of paragraphs (1), (2) and (3) of this Article shall not apply to perpetrators of criminal offences provided for in the CHAPTER XVI (Criminal offences against integrity of Bosnia and Herzegovina), Article 201 (Terrorism), Article 202 (Funding of Terrorist Activities), Article 202a (Public Enticement to Terrorist Activities), Article 202b (Recruitment for the Purposes of Terrorist Activities), Article 202c (Training for Terrorist Activities) and Article 202d (Organizing a Terrorist Group) of this Law.

Chapter 7 Punishment

Article 46


(1) Fines are imposed in daily amounts and if that is not possible, then in a fixed amount.

(2) If a fine is imposed in daily amounts, it may be a minimum of five and maximum of three hundred sixty daily amounts, whereas for offences motivated by greed, a maximum imposable fine is one thousand five hundred daily amounts, except in the cases foreseen by this Code.

(3) If a fine is imposed in a fixed amount, a minimum amount may not be less than 150 KM and a maximum one may not exceed 50.000 KM whereas for offences motivated by greed, a maximum fixed amount imposable may not exceed 1.000.000 KM, except in the cases foreseen by this Code.

(4) In imposing a fine for offences motivated by greed, the court may determine a fine exceeding the maximum prescribed amount in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Article if the value of the illegal gain resulted from the perpetration of the offence exceeds the amount of 1.000.000 KM. In such case the offender may be imposed a fine in an amount that may not exceed the double amount of the value of the illegal gain resulted from the perpetration of the offence for which he or she is being punished by a fine.

(5) A number of daily amounts is determined by the court according to the general rules on meting out penalties. A daily amount is determined by the court according to the amount of the offender’s daily income calculated on the basis of his net salary during three months and his other income and family responsibilities. In determining the amount, the court relies on the data not older than six months at the moment when the fine is imposed.

(6) If data referred to in the preceding paragraph are unavailable to the court, they will be provided by the accused within the deadline as set by the court but not later than by the closing of the main trial. If the circumstances relevant for the determination of a daily amount of fine are not made available to the court by the end of the main trial or those relevant circumstances are unreliable, a fine is imposed in a fixed amount whereby the general rules for meting out penalties are respected.

(7) A minimum daily amount of fine is 1/60 and a maximum amount is 1/3 of the most recent officially published employee’s average net salary in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as published by the Agency of Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

(8) The court determines in the judgement a deadline for payment of the fine. Such deadline may not be shorter than fifteen days or longer than six months, but the court may allow in justified cases that the convicted pays the fine in instalments, whereby the deadline for payment may not exceed two years.

(9) Fines imposed and collected under this Code shall belong to the Budget of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Chapter 9 Security Measures

Article 74


(1) Items which were in any way, in whole or partially, used or were intended to be used for the commission of a crime or have resulted from the commission of a crime shall be forfeited if they are owned by the perpetrator.

(2) Items referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article shall be forfeited even if not owned by the perpetrator, however such forfeiture shall not affect the third party’s right to compensation of damage from the perpetrator.

Chapter 12

Confiscation of Property Gain Acquired Through Perpetration of a Criminal Offence and Legal Consequences Incident to Conviction

Article 110a

In cases of criminal proceedings for the criminal offences referred to in Chapters XVII, XVIII, XIX, XXI, XXI A and XXII of this Code, the Court can also decide, on basis of Article 110, paragraph (2), to order confiscation of property gain, income, profit or other form of benefit from the property gain for which the prosecutor provides sufficient evidence that there is reasonable suspicion that it was acquired through execution of these criminal offences, and the accused person did not provide evidence to prove that the property gain, income, profit or other form of benefit from the property gain was acquired legally

When legal conditions for confiscation of property gain, income, profit or other form of benefit from the property gain acquired through commission of a crime in criminal proceedings are not fulfilled, a request for confiscation may be filed in civil proceedings.

Chapter 12

Confiscation of Property Gain Acquired Through Perpetration of a Criminal Offence and Legal Consequences Incident to Conviction

Article 111

(1) All the money, valuable objects and every other property gain acquired by the perpetration of a criminal offence shall be confiscated from the perpetrator, and in case the confiscation is not feasible - the perpetrator shall be obliged to pay an amount of money which corresponds to the acquired property gain. Property gain acquired by perpetration of a criminal offence shall be confiscated from persons to whom it has been transferred without compensation or with a compensation which does not correspond to the real value, if the persons knew or should have known that the property gain had been acquired by the perpetration of a criminal offence.

(2) If proceeds of a criminal offence have been intermingled with property acquired from legitimate sources, such property may be liable to confiscation not exceeding the assessed value of the intermingled proceeds.

(3) Income or other benefits derived from the proceeds of a criminal offence, from property into which proceeds of criminal offence have been converted, or from property with which proceeds of criminal offence have been intermingled may also be liable to the measures referred to in this Article, in the same manner and extent as the proceeds of the criminal offence.

Chapter 14 Liability of Legal Persons for Criminal Offences

Article 132

Fines for Legal Persons

(1) Fines imposable on a legal person shall be no less than 5.000 KM and shall not exceed 5.000.000 KM.

(2) In the event that, by perpetrating the criminal offence, the legal person has caused property damage to another party or the legal person has come into possession of an unlawful property gain, the scope of the imposed fine may be twice as much as the amount of this damage or benefit.

(3) If a fine is not paid within the deadline set forth in the verdict, the procedure for forcible collection shall be implemented immediately.

Chapter 14 Liability of Legal Persons for Criminal Offences

Article 144

Punishments for Criminal Offences

(1) For criminal offences for which a fine or imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years is prescribed, a legal person shall be punished by a fine of not exceeding 850.000 KM or not exceeding ten times the amount of the damage caused or property gain acquired through the perpetration of a criminal offence.

(2) For criminal offences for which imprisonment for a term not less than three years is prescribed, a legal person shall be punished by a fine of not exceeding 2.500.000 KM or not exceeding twenty times the amount of the damage caused or property gain acquired through the perpetration of a criminal offence.

(3) For criminal offences for which imprisonment for a term of five years or more is prescribed, to a legal person a property confiscation punishment may be imposed instead of a fine.

(4) For criminal offences referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, to a legal person a punishment of dissolution of the legal person may be imposed instead of the fine, under the requirements referred to in Article 134 (Dissolution of a Legal Person) of this Code.

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 103 Función de los Estados en la ejecución de las penas privativas de libertad


(a) La pena privativa de libertad se cumplirá en un Estado designado por la Corte sobre la base de una lista de Estados que hayan manifestado a la Corte que están dispuestos a recibir condenados;

(b) En el momento de declarar que está dispuesto a recibir condenados, el Estado podrá poner condiciones a reserva de que sean aceptadas por la Corte y estén en conformidad con la presente Parte;

(c) El Estado designado en un caso determinado indicará sin demora a la Corte si acepta la designación.


(a) El Estado de ejecución de la pena notificará a la Corte cualesquiera circunstancias, incluido el cumplimiento de las condiciones aceptadas con arreglo al párrafo 1, que pudieren afectar materialmente a las condiciones o la duración de la privación de libertad. Las circunstancias conocidas o previsibles deberán ponerse en conocimiento de la Corte con una antelación mínima de 45 días. Durante este período, el Estado de ejecución no adoptará medida alguna que redunde en perjuicio de lo dispuesto en el artículo 110;

(b) La Corte, si no puede aceptar las circunstancias a que se hace referencia en el apartado (a), lo notificará al Estado de ejecución y procederá de conformidad con el párrafo 1 del artículo 104.

3. La Corte, al ejercer su facultad discrecional de efectuar la designación prevista en el párrafo 1, tendrá en cuenta:

(a) El principio de que los Estados Partes deben compartir la responsabilidad por la ejecución de las penas privativas de libertad de conformidad con los principios de distribución equitativa que establezcan las Reglas de Procedimiento y Prueba;

(b) La aplicación de normas de tratados internacionales generalmente aceptadas sobre el tratamiento de los reclusos;

(c) La opinión del condenado;

(d) La nacionalidad del condenado; y

(e) Otros factores relativos a las circunstancias del crimen o del condenado, o a la ejecución eficaz de la pena, según procedan en la designación del Estado de ejecución.

4. De no designarse un Estado de conformidad con el párrafo 1, la pena privativa de libertad se cumplirá en el establecimiento penitenciario que designe el Estado anfitrión, de conformidad con las condiciones estipuladas en el acuerdo relativo a la sede a que se hace referencia en el párrafo 2 del artículo 3. En ese caso, los gastos que entrañe la ejecución de la pena privativa de libertad serán sufragados por la Corte.

Artículo 104 Cambio en la designación del Estado de ejecución

1. La Corte podrá en todo momento decidir el traslado del condenado a una prisión de un Estado distinto del Estado de ejecución.

2. El condenado podrá en todo momento solicitar de la Corte su traslado del Estado de ejecución.

Artículo 105 Ejecución de la pena

1. Con sujeción a las condiciones que haya establecido un Estado de conformidad con el párrafo 1 (b) del artículo 103, la pena privativa de libertad tendrá carácter obligatorio para los Estados Partes, los cuales no podrán modificarla en caso alguno.

2. La decisión relativa a cualquier solicitud de apelación o revisión incumbirá exclusivamente a la Corte. El Estado de ejecución no pondrá obstáculos para que el condenado presente una solicitud de esa índole.

Artículo 106 Supervisión de la ejecución de la pena y condiciones de reclusión

1. La ejecución de una pena privativa de libertad estará sujeta a la supervisión de la Corte y se ajustará a las normas generalmente aceptadas de las convenciones internacionales sobre el tratamiento de los reclusos.

2. Las condiciones de reclusión se regirán por la legislación del Estado de ejecución y se ajustarán a las normas generalmente aceptadas de las convenciones internacionales sobre el tratamiento de los reclusos; en todo caso, no serán ni más ni menos favorables que las aplicadas a los reclusos condenados por delitos similares en el Estado de ejecución.

3. La comunicación entre el condenado y la Corte será irrestricta y confidencial.

Artículo 109 Ejecución de multas y órdenes de decomiso

1. Los Estados Partes harán efectivas las multas u órdenes de decomiso decretadas por la Corte en virtud de la Parte VII, sin perjuicio de los derechos de terceros de buena fe y de conformidad con el procedimiento establecido en su derecho interno.

2. El Estado Parte que no pueda hacer efectiva la orden de decomiso adoptará medidas para cobrar el valor del producto, los bienes o los haberes cuyo decomiso hubiere decretado la Corte, sin perjuicio de los derechos de terceros de buena fe.

3. Los bienes, o el producto de la venta de bienes inmuebles o, según proceda, la venta de otros bienes que el Estado Parte obtenga al ejecutar una decisión de la Corte serán transferidos a la Corte.