Procédures nationales pour l’exécution d’une demande de coopération

République d'Albanie

Albania - Criminal Procedure Code 1995 (2017) EN

Article 494 Temporary execution of coercive measures
1. Upon request of the foreign country, presented by the Minister of Justice through the prosecutor in the competent court, the court may impose temporarily a coercive measure before the request for extradition arrives.
2. The measure may be imposed when:
a) the foreign country has declared that the person has been subjected to a measure restricting his personal freedom or to a sentence by imprisonment and that it is going to present request for extradition;
b) the foreign country has presented detailed information on the criminal offence and sufficient elements for the identification of the person;
c) there exists a risk for him to escape.
3. The competency to impose the measure shall belong, respectively, to the district court in whose territory the person has the domicile, residence or the house or the court of the district where he is. In case the competence cannot be determined in the manners defined above, competent shall be the court of the judicial district of Tirana.
4. The court may also order the sequestration of the material evidence and of the items pertaining to the criminal offence.
5. The Ministry of Justice gives notice to the foreign country of the temporary execution of the coercive measure and of the possible sequestration.
6. The coercive measures are revoked if, within eighteen days after the arrest and anyhow in a maximum of forty days after the arrest, the request for extradition and the documents enclosed do not arrive to the Ministry of Justice.

Article 499 Rulings on extradition
1. The Ministry of Justice decides on the extradition within thirty days from the date the decision of the court has become final. After the expiration of this time period, even in case the decision is not issued by the Minister, the person for whom extradition is requested shall be released, if the requested person is subject to a coercive measure.
2. The person shall be released even in case the request for extradition is rejected.
3. The Ministry of Justice communicates the decision to the requesting state and, when this is favourable, the venue of person’s handing over, and the date by which it is expected to start. The time period of the person’s handing over is fifteen days from the fixed date and, upon motivated request of the requesting state, it may be also extended to fifteen other days. For reasons that do not depend on the parties it can be set another day for handing over, but always within the time limits established by this paragraph.
4. The extradition decision shall lose its effects and the extradited shall be released in case the requesting state does not proceed with the taking over of the extradited person, within the set time limit.

Article 506 Judicial Proceedings
1. The foreign rogatory letter cannot be executed before a favourable decision has been issued by the court of the place where the person must be subject to proceedings.
2. The district prosecutor, after obtaining the acts from the Ministry of Justice, submits a request to the court, within five days of the submission of acts by the Ministry of Justice.
3. The court rules on the execution of the rogatory letter by decision, within 10 days from the submission of the request.
4. The execution of the rogatory letter shall not accepted:
a) in the cases when the Ministry of Justice does not proceed with the rogatory letter, pursuant to the provisions of international acts in which the Republic of Albania is a party and relevant reservations and legal declarations [made by it].
b) when the fact for which the foreign authority proceeds is not provided as a criminal offence by the Albanian law.

Statut de Rome

Article 93 Autres formes de coopération

1. Les États Parties font droit, conformément aux dispositions du présent chapitre et aux procédures prévues par leur législation nationale, aux demandes d'assistance de la Cour liées à une enquête ou à des poursuites et concernant :

a) L'identification d'une personne, le lieu où elle se trouve ou la localisation de biens ;

b) Le rassemblement d'éléments de preuve, y compris les dépositions faites sous serment, et la production d'éléments de preuve, y compris les expertises et les rapports dont la Cour a besoin ;

c) L'interrogatoire des personnes faisant l'objet d'une enquête ou de poursuites ;

d) La signification de documents, y compris les pièces de procédure ;

e) Les mesures propres à faciliter la comparution volontaire devant la Cour de personnes déposant comme témoins ou experts ;

f) Le transfèrement temporaire de personnes en vertu du paragraphe 7 ;

g) L'examen de localités ou de sites, notamment l'exhumation et l'examen de cadavres enterrés dans des fosses communes ;

h) L'exécution de perquisitions et de saisies ;

i) La transmission de dossiers et de documents, y compris les dossiers et les documents officiels ;

j) La protection des victimes et des témoins et la préservation des éléments de preuve ;

k) L'identification, la localisation, le gel ou la saisie du produit des crimes, des biens, des avoirs et des instruments qui sont liés aux crimes, aux fins de leur confiscation éventuelle, sans préjudice des droits des tiers de bonne foi ; et

l) Toute autre forme d'assistance non interdite par la législation de l'État requis propre à faciliter l'enquête et les poursuites relatives aux crimes relevant de la compétence de la Cour.