
République française

France - Criminal Procedure Code 1959 (2006) EN





Article 127
If the person searched for in accordance with a summons is found more than two hundred kilometres from the seat of office of the investigating judge who issued the warrant, and it is not possible to bring him before this judge within twenty-four hours, he is brought before the district prosecutor of the place of arrest.

Article 128
This judge questions him as to his identity, records his statement after cautioning him that he free not to make one, asks him if he consents to be transferred or prefers to extend the effect of the summons by waiting in the place he then is for the decision of the investigating judge in charge of the case. If the person declares he opposes the transfer, he is brought to the remand prison and an immediate notification is sent to the competent investigating judge. The original or the copy of the official record of the appearance including a full description is immediately sent to this judge, with any information likely to facilitate in ascertaining his identity.
This official record must mention that the person was informed that he was free not to make a statement.

Article 129
The investigating judge in charge of the case decides immediately upon receiving these documents whether there is a need to order the transfer of the person.

Article 130
Where a transfer is required under the conditions set out by articles 128 and 129, the person must be brought before the investigating judge who issued the warrant within four days of the notification of the warrant.
This time limit is however extended to six days in the event of a transfer from an overseas département to another département or from continental France to an overseas département.





Article 627-4
Arrest applications for the purpose of transfer are delivered to the competent authorities, either in original form or as certified copies accompanied by the appropriate proofs, in accordance with article 87 of the Statute. After ensuring that they are in proper form, these authorities then send them to the prosecutor general of the Appeal Court of Paris, whilst implementing them at the same time over the whole French territory.
In cases of urgency, these requests may also be sent directly, by any available means, to the district prosecutor who is territorially competent. They are then sent on in the forms provided for by the previous paragraph.

Article 627-5
Any person who is apprehended in accordance with an application for arrest for the purpose of transfer must be handed over within twenty-four hours to the district prosecutor who is territorially competent. During this period, the provisions of articles 63.-1 to 63-5 apply to him.
After checking the person's identity, the prosecutor informs him, in a language that he understands, that he is named in an arrest application for the purpose of transfer, and that he must appear before the prosecutor general of the Appeal Court of Paris within five days at the latest. The district prosecutor also informs him that he may be assisted by an advocate of his choice, or failing this, by an advocate officially appointed by the bâtonnier of the order of advocates, who is immediately informed by any available means. The arrested person is also informed by the district prosecutor that he may speak to the appointed advocate immediately.
This information is noted in the official record, which is sent to the prosecutor general of the Appeal Court of Paris as soon as possible.
The district prosecutor orders that the apprehended person be sent to prison.

Article 627-6
The apprehended person is transferred, if necessary, and imprisoned in the prison for the area of the Appeal Court of Paris. The transfer must be made within five days at the latest from the time of his appearance before the district prosecutor, failing which the apprehended person is immediately set free on the order of the president of the investigating chamber of the Appeal Court of Paris, unless the transfer was delayed by insuperable circumstances.
The prosecutor general of the same court informs the apprehended person, in a language that he understands, of the application for arrest for the purpose of transfer, and also of the charges brought against him
If the person apprehended has already requested the presence of an advocate, who has been duly sent for, the prosecutor general hears his statement.
In all other cases, the prosecutor reminds him of his right to choose an advocate or to ask for one to be officially nominated for him. The chosen advocate, or in case of a request for one to be officially nominated the bâtonnier of the order of advocates, is informed at once by any means available. The advocate may look at the case file straight away, and may freely communicate with the apprehended person. The prosecutor general hears the latter's statement after informing him that he is free to not make one. This notification is recorded in the official record.

Article 627-7
The proceedings are immediately transferred to the investigating chamber. The requested person appears before the investigating chamber within a week of his presentation to the prosecutor general. At the request of the latter or of the requested person, an additional period of a week may be granted before the proceedings. An interrogation is then carried out, of which an official record is made.
The hearing takes place and the judgment is given in open court, unless a public presence would be harmful to the course of the proceedings, the interests of a third party or to human dignity. In these cases the investigating chamber rules by an order made in chambers, on its own motion or at the request of the public prosecutor or the requested person. This judgment is only open to appeal at the same time as the decree concerning the transfer provided for in article 627-8.
The public prosecutor and the requested person are heard, the latter assisted by his advocate if there is one and, if necessary, an interpreter.

Article 627-8
Where the investigating chamber finds that there is no obvious error, it orders that the requested person be handed over and, if the latter is free, his imprisonment for this purpose. All other questions submitted to the investigating chamber are sent to the International Criminal Court, which takes the appropriate action.
The investigating chamber rules within fifteen days of the requested person's appearance before it. Where an appeal is lodged, the criminal chamber of the Court of Cassation rules within two months of the Court of Cassation's receipt of the case file.

Article 627-9
The investigating chamber of the Appeal Court of Paris can be requested to grant the detainee's release at any time, and proceeds in accordance with article 59 of the Statute and the procedure provided for in articles 148-1 onwards of the present Code.
The investigating chamber rules in a decree given in open court, justified by reference to the provisions of paragraph 4 of the aforementioned article 59.

Article 627-10
The International Criminal Court is notified, by any available means, of the decree made by the investigating chamber and, if appropriate, the place and date of the transfer of the requested person, as well as the length of time the person has been detained in order to effect this transfer, by the competent authorities in accordance with article 87 of the statute.
The requested person is handed over within a month from the day this decision becomes final, failing which he is immediately released on the ruling of the president of the investigating chamber, unless the transfer was delayed by insuperable circumstances.

Article 627-11
The provisions of articles 627-4 to 627-10 are also applicable if the requested person has been prosecuted or convicted in France on charges other than the ones specified in the International Criminal Court's application. However, in these circumstances the detainee cannot benefit from being released in accordance with articles 627-6, 627-9 and the second paragraph of article 627-10.
The transfer of proceedings before the International Criminal Court suspends the prescription of the prosecution and the sentence in relation to the person concerned.

Article 627-12
Transit through French territory is sanctioned by the competent authorities in accordance with article 87 of the statute.

Article 627-13
Where the court seeks an extension to the conditions of the transfer granted by the French authorities, the request is sent to the competent authorities, in accordance with article 87 of the Statute, who communicate it to the investigating chamber of the Appeal Court of Paris together with all the evidence and any statement of the party concerned.
If, after examining the submitted documents and, where appropriate, the explanations of the advocate for the party concerned, the investigating chamber finds that there is no obvious error, it grants the requested extension.

Article 627-14
A person who has been taken into preventative custody under the conditions provided for in article 92 of the statute may, if he consents to this, be handed over to the International Criminal Court, in accordance with article 87 of the statute, before the competent authorities have been seised of an official request for the transfer on the part of the international court.
The transfer decision is made by the investigating chamber of the Appeal Court of Paris after the latter has informed the person concerned of his right to an official transfer procedure, and has obtained his consent.
During his hearing before the investigating chamber, the person concerned may be assisted by an advocate of his choice, or failing this, an advocate officially nominated by the bâtonnier of the order of advocates and, if necessary, an interpreter.
A person who has been taken into preventative custody under the conditions provided for in article 92 of the statute, and has not consented to be handed over to the court may be freed if the competent authorities in accordance with article 87 do not receive the official transfer request within the time limit set out by the international court's regulations governing procedure and evidence.
Release is decided by the investigating chamber on an application made by the party concerned. The investigating chamber rules within eight days of the arrested person's appearance before it.

Article 627-15
Any person detained on French territory may, if they agree, be transferred to the International Criminal Court in order to be identified or heard, or for any other investigative act to be carried out. The transfer is authorised by the Minister of Justice.





Article 696-10
Any person apprehended following an extradition application must be transferred to the territorially competent district prosecutor within twenty-four hours. During this period, he enjoys all the rights guaranteed by articles 63-1 to 63-5.





Article 696-11
Where his incarceration has been ordered, the requested person is transferred, if necessary, and entered on the extradition prison register at the remand prison for the appeal court in whose jurisdiction he has been apprehended.
This transfer must take place within a period of four days from the person's appearance before the district prosecutor.




Article 728-2
Where, pursuant to an international Convention or agreement, a person detained for the execution of a sentence imposed by a foreign court is transferred to French territory to serve in France the remainder of the sentence, the execution of the penalty is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the present Code, and in particular the present Chapter.

Article 728-3
As soon as he arrives on French soil, the detained convicted person is presented to the district prosecutor of the place of arrival, who then interrogates him as to his identity and drafts an official record thereof. However, if the interrogation cannot take place immediately, the convicted person is sent to the remand prison where he may not be detained for more than twenty-four hours. At the end of this period, the prison governor, acting on his own motion, brings him before the district prosecutor.
Upon seeing the documents establishing the agreement of the States for the transfer and the consent of the person concerned, as well as the original or a copy of the foreign sentence accompanied, if necessary, by an official translation, the district prosecutor orders the immediate incarceration of the convicted person.

Article 728-4
The penalty imposed on the foreigner is directly and immediately enforceable on the French national territory in respect of the part remaining to be served in the foreign State, in consequence of the international Convention or agreement.
However, where the penalty imposed is more severe in kind or in length than the penalty provided by French law for the same offence, the correctional court of the place of detention, to which the district prosecutor or the convicted person refers the case, replaces it with the closest-corresponding penalty in French law, or reduces this penalty to the enforceable legal maximum. It determines, the type and, within the limit of the period that still remained to be served in the foreign State, the length of the sentence to be executed.

Article 728-5
The court decides in open court, after hearing the public prosecutor, the convicted person, and, if applicable, the advocate chosen by him or appointed ex officio upon his request. The judgment is immediately enforceable despite the filing of any appeal.

Article 728-6
The time taken for the transfer is deducted in its entirety from the length of the sentence executed in France.

Article 728-7
Any procedural objections made in respect of the execution of the remainder of the custodial sentence to be served in France are filed before the correctional court of the place of detention.
The provisions of article 711 of the present Code are applicable.

Article 728-8
The enforcement of the sentence is governed by the provisions of the present Code.

Article 728-9
In respect of the same facts, no criminal prosecution may be initiated or continued and no sentence may be executed against any convicted person serving in France a custodial sentence imposed by a foreign court pursuant to an international Convention or agreement.

Statut de Rome

Article 93 Autres formes de coopération

1. Les États Parties font droit, conformément aux dispositions du présent chapitre et aux procédures prévues par leur législation nationale, aux demandes d'assistance de la Cour liées à une enquête ou à des poursuites et concernant :

f) Le transfèrement temporaire de personnes en vertu du paragraphe 7 ;


a) La Cour peut demander le transfèrement temporaire d'une personne détenue aux fins d'identification ou pour obtenir un témoignage ou d'autres formes d'assistance. Cette personne peut être transférée si les conditions suivantes sont remplies :

i) La personne donne librement et en connaissance de cause son consentement au transfèrement ; et

ii) L'État requis donne son accord au transfèrement, sous réserve des conditions dont cet État et la Cour peuvent convenir.

b) La personne transférée reste détenue. Une fois l'objectif du transfèrement atteint, la Cour renvoie sans délai cette personne dans l'État requis.

Article 103 Rôle des États dans l'executino des peines d'emprisonnement


a) Les peines d'emprisonnement sont accomplies dans un État désigné par la Cour sur la liste des États qui lui ont fait savoir qu'ils étaient disposés à recevoir des condamnés.

b) Lorsqu'il déclare qu'il est disposé à recevoir des condamnés, un État peut assortir son acceptation de conditions qui doivent être agréées par la Cour et être conformes aux dispositions du présent chapitre.

c) L'État désigné dans une affaire donnée fait savoir promptement à la Cour s'il accepte ou non sa désignation.


a) L'État chargé de l'exécution avise la Cour de toute circonstance, y compris la réalisation de toute condition convenue en application du paragraphe 1, qui serait de nature à modifier sensiblement les conditions ou la durée de la détention. La Cour est avisée au moins 45 jours à l'avance de toute circonstance de ce type connue ou prévisible. Pendant ce délai, l'État chargé de l'exécution ne prend aucune mesure qui pourrait être contraire à ses obligations en vertu de l'article 110 ;

b) Si la Cour ne peut accepter les circonstances visées à l'alinéa a), elle en avise l'État chargé de l'exécution et procède conformément à l'article 104, paragraphe 1.

3. Quand elle exerce son pouvoir de désignation conformément au paragraphe 1, la Cour prend en considération :

a) Le principe selon lequel les États Parties doivent partager la responsabilité de l'exécution des peines d'emprisonnement conformément aux principes de répartition équitable énoncés dans le Règlement de procédure et de preuve ;

b) Les règles conventionnelles du droit international généralement acceptées qui régissent le traitement des détenus ;

c) Les vues de la personne condamnée ;

d) La nationalité de la personne condamnée ;

e) Toute autre circonstance relative au crime, à la situation de la personne condamnée ou à l'exécution effective de la peine, susceptible de guider le choix de l'État chargé de l'exécution.

4. Si aucun État n'est désigné comme prévu au paragraphe 1, la peine d'emprisonnement est accomplie dans un établissement pénitentiaire fourni par l'État hôte, dans les conditions définies par l'accord de siège visé à l'article 3, paragraphe 2. Dans ce cas, les dépenses afférentes à l'exécution de la peine sont à la charge de la Cour.

Article 104 Modification de la désignation de l'État chargé de l'exécution

1. La Cour peut décider à tout moment de transférer un condamné dans une prison d'un autre État.

2. La personne condamnée par la Cour peut à tout moment demander à celle-ci son transfert hors de l'État chargé de l'exécution.

Article 107 Transfèrement du condamné qui a accompli sa peine

1. Une fois sa peine purgée, une personne qui n'est pas un ressortissant de l'État chargé de l'exécution peut être transférée, conformément à la législation de l'État chargé de l'exécution, dans un autre État qui accepte ou est tenu de l'accueillir ou dans un autre État qui accepte de l'accueillir en réponse au souhait qu'elle a formulé d'être transférée dans cet État, à moins que l'État chargé de l'exécution n'autorise cette personne à demeurer sur son territoire.

2. Les dépenses afférentes au transfèrement du condamné dans un autre État en application du paragraphe 1 sont supportées par la Cour si aucun État ne les prend à sa charge.

3. Sous réserve des dispositions de l'article 108, l'État de détention peut également, en application de sa législation, extrader ou remettre de quelque autre manière la personne à un État qui a demandé son extradition ou sa remise aux fins de jugement ou d'exécution d'une peine.