Exécution des peines prononcées

ex-République yougoslave de Macédoine

Macedonia - Criminal Code 1996 (2018) EN

''GENERAL PART, 3. PUNISHMENTS, Imprisonment, Article 35''

(5) Imprisonment is pronounced with full years and months, and up to six
months, also with full days.
(6) When a punishment of imprisonment is prescribed for crimes without
appointing a minimal measure, and when the maximum measure is no longer
than three years, it is compulsory to also pronounce a fine besides the
punishment of imprisonment.
(7) imprisonment shall be conducted in special institutions for that purpose,
determined by law.

''GENERAL PART, 3. PUNISHMENTS, Parole, Fine, Article 38''

(1) A fine shall be determined in daily penalties, while the number of daily penalties
may neither be
(2) lesser than five, nor larger 360 daily penalties.(2) The court met out the number
of daily penalties following the general rules for meting out
(3) While meting out the amount of a daily penalty, a court shall particularly
consider perpetrator’s
property assets and personal circumstances, taking as a starting paragraph the net
daily income
which the perpetrator normally earns or could earn, as well as his/her family and
other obligations
and his/her property (assets) at the time of making the court verdict. The least daily
penalty amount
(2) may be one euro in denar equivalent and the maximum one, 5.000 euros in
denar equivalent.
(4) A Court verdict shall determine the daily penalty amount, by multiplying the
number of daily
(3) penalties with the determined amount of a daily penalty.
(5) For the purpose of determining the amount of a daily penalty, a court may
require relevant data
from banks, financial and other institutions, state organs and legal entities, which
are obliged to
(4) deliver the information required and may not call upon protection of a business
or another secret.
(6) In cases in which a fine is imposed as an auxiliary punishment along with
imprisonment, the court shall mete out the fine in monetary amount, without
applying the provisions of par.1 to 5. A
fine imposed as an auxiliary punishment may neither be set in an amount less than
20 euros, nor
(5) larger than 5.000 euros, in denar counter value.
Collecting a Payment of a fine
Article 38-a
(1) The verdict shall specify a period of time granted for payment of a fine, this
time period being
no shorter than 15 days and no longer than 3 months, but in some justified cases
the court may allow the convicted person to pay the fine in several allotments, so
that such period of payment granted
does not exceed 2 years. If the person convicted is a foreigner, the court shall
make a decision that
(1) the fine be paid without any delay or assure its payment in another manner.
(2) If a convicted person does not pay the fine in the determined period of time, the
court may grant a new (an additional) period of time or if the Court’s assessment is
that the person convicted does not want to pay the fine, it shall order compulsory
execution of a fine in a procedure determined by law. Should payment of the fine
be not completed within the newly approved period of time or should the order for
compulsory payment fail to collect payment of the fine, the court shall execute
the payment of the fine in a manner that for each daily penalty a day of
imprisonment shall be ordered or if the fine was imposed as an auxiliary
punishment, for each amount of 20 euros one day
(2) of imprisonment shall be ordered, while considering the limit that such an
imprisonment may not last longer than 6 months.
(3) If the convicted person pays only a portion of the fine, the rest of the fine shall
proportionally be
transferred into a punishment of imprisonment and if the person convicted pays the
rest of the fine, serving of imprisonment shall be stopped.
(4) Payment of a fine may not be executed after the convicted person has died.”

OBJECTS, 1. Confiscation of property and property gain Grounds for confiscating of property gain,
Article 97''
(3) The property referred to in paragraph (1) of the present Article shall be
confiscated frommembers of the family of the perpetrator to which it has been
transferred when it is evident that they have not paid any compensation
correspondent to it value or from a third party if not proven that for the item or
property they have paid a correspondent compensation

OBJECTS, Confiscation Taking away from a legal entity, Article 100''

2. Seizure of objects, Conditions for seizure of objects, Article 100-a
(1) Nobody may retain or pilfer the objects resulting from committing a crime.
(2) objects that were used of were intended for use in committing a crime shall also
seize regardless of the fact whether they were perpetrator’s or somebody else’s
property, if the interests of the general
safety, of people’s health or if the reasons of the public morale require that a
seizure be made.(3) Seizure of objects used or intended for use in committing a
crime shall be performed, if there
exists a danger that these objects be used again for committing a crime. Objects,
that are somebody
else’s property shall not be seized, if the owner had not known and could not have
known that these
objects were intended or used for committing a crime.
(4) Court shall make a decision for seizure of objects in accordance with the
procedure prescribed
by law and should undertaking criminal proceedings against an perpetrator of
a crime be impossible
because of some factual or legal impediments.
(5) Mere application of such a measure does not prejudice third parties’ rights to
require compensation of damages from a criminal perpetrator.
(6) Under ratified international agreement, confiscated objects can be
returned in property of another country.

''Chapter 9, REHABILITATION, Legal rehabilitation, Article 104''

(1) The sentence of a pronounced alternative measure, except conditional
sentence, and a sentence with which the perpetrator of a crime is acquitted from
punishment are erased from the penal
records if the convicted does not commit a new crime within one year from the day
the court decision
comes into effect.
(2) The conditional sentence shall be erased from the penal records after one
year from when the control time expired, if during this time the convicted does not
commit a new crime.
(3) The sentence to a fine and punishment of prohibition to drive a motor vehicle,
pronounced as the only sentence, is erased from the penal records after three years pass
from the day the punishment is served, becomes obsolete or is pardoned, if during
this time the convicted does not
commit a new crime.
(4) The sentences to imprisonment of up to three years and to juvenile
imprisonment shall be erased from the penal records after five years pass from the day the
punishment is served, becomes obsolete or is pardoned, if during this time the
convicted does not commit a new crime.
(5) Several sentences to a single person may be erased from the penal records
only at the same time, and then if conditions exist for erasing each one of these

''Chapter 9, REHABILITATION, Court rehabilitation, Article 105''

(1) After three years expire from the day the punishment is served, becomes
obsolete or is pardoned, the court may determine that the legal consequences from
the sentence cease, concerning the prohibition of attaining certain rights.
(2) After expiration of two years from the enforcement of the punishment of prohibition to
perform business of a legal entity, the court may decide for casing the prohibition.
(3) After Two years expire from the day of implementation of punishments, of
prohibition of obtaining permits, licences, concession, authorization or another right
determined with a separate law, prohibition to participate in public call procedures,
award of agreement for public procurement and agreements for public and private partnership, prohibition to found new legal entities or prohibition to use subvention and other favorable credits,
the court may decide for them to stop prior to the expiration of the time they
have been pronounced for.
(4) After three years have passed from the day of application of the punishments of
prohibition to perform profession, activity or duty and prohibition for driving a motor vehicle
and temporary exile of a foreign citizen from the country, as well as the punishment
of permanent prohibition to perform activity of the legal entity, the court may decide for them
to stop.
(5) When deciding about rehabilitation, the court shall take into consideration
the behavior of the convicted after the sentence, the circumstance whether he has
indemnified the damages, whether he has returned the property gain, as well as
other circumstances of importance to this decision.
(6) Upon the request from the convicted, the court may determine to erase from
the penal records the sentence to imprisonment: more than three years and up to
five years, within a period of five years; more than five years and up to ten years,
within a period of ten years; more than ten years up to 20 years and within a period of 40 years, up to 20 years from the day the punishment is served, becomes obsolete or is pardoned, if during this time the convicted does not commit a new crime.
When deciding to erase the sentence, the court shall take into consideration the
conduct of the convicted after serving the sentence, the nature of the crime and the other
circumstances which may be of importance for the assessment of the justification
for erasing the sentence.

''Course and cessation of the obsolescence of the criminal prosecution
Article 108''

(1) The obsolescence of the criminal prosecution starts on the day the crime
was committed or
the consequence occurred. If the act has been committed against a child, the
obsolesce of the criminal
(2) prosecution shall commence on the day the child becomes of legal age.(2)
The obsolescence does not run at the time when, according to the law, the
prosecution may not begin or continue.
(3) The obsolescence is interrupted by each process action that is undertaken
in order to prosecute the perpetrator because of the committed crime.
(4) The obsolescence is interrupted also when the perpetrator, at the time
while this time period of obsolescence is still going on, commits an equally
severe or more severe crime.
(5) For each interruption, the obsolescence starts to run again from the
(6) The obsolescence of the criminal prosecution comes into effect in any case
when a time period elapses which is twice as long as required by law for the
obsolescence of the criminal prosecution.
Obsolescence of the execution of punishment
Article 109
If with this Code it is not determined otherwise, the pronounced punishment may
not be executed when the following time period has elapsed:
(1) thirty years from a sentence to life imprisonment;
(2) twenty years from a sentence to imprisonment of more than ten years;
(3) ten years from a sentence to imprisonment of more than five years;
(4) five years from a sentence to imprisonment of more than three years;
(5) three years from a sentence to imprisonment of more than one year; and
(6) two years from a sentence of imprisonment of up to one year, or to a fine.

''Reckoning pre-trial confinement and a punishment served abroad
Article 121''
The pre-trial confinement, the freedom deprivation during the extradition procedure,
as well as the punishment or security measure of deprivation of freedom, which the perpetrator
served according to a sentence by a foreign court, shall be reckoned in the
punishment which shall be pronounced by the domestic court for the same crime,
and if the punishments are not of the same kind, the reckoning shall be done according to the assessment of the court.

Statut de Rome

Article 103 Rôle des États dans l'executino des peines d'emprisonnement


a) Les peines d'emprisonnement sont accomplies dans un État désigné par la Cour sur la liste des États qui lui ont fait savoir qu'ils étaient disposés à recevoir des condamnés.

b) Lorsqu'il déclare qu'il est disposé à recevoir des condamnés, un État peut assortir son acceptation de conditions qui doivent être agréées par la Cour et être conformes aux dispositions du présent chapitre.

c) L'État désigné dans une affaire donnée fait savoir promptement à la Cour s'il accepte ou non sa désignation.


a) L'État chargé de l'exécution avise la Cour de toute circonstance, y compris la réalisation de toute condition convenue en application du paragraphe 1, qui serait de nature à modifier sensiblement les conditions ou la durée de la détention. La Cour est avisée au moins 45 jours à l'avance de toute circonstance de ce type connue ou prévisible. Pendant ce délai, l'État chargé de l'exécution ne prend aucune mesure qui pourrait être contraire à ses obligations en vertu de l'article 110 ;

b) Si la Cour ne peut accepter les circonstances visées à l'alinéa a), elle en avise l'État chargé de l'exécution et procède conformément à l'article 104, paragraphe 1.

3. Quand elle exerce son pouvoir de désignation conformément au paragraphe 1, la Cour prend en considération :

a) Le principe selon lequel les États Parties doivent partager la responsabilité de l'exécution des peines d'emprisonnement conformément aux principes de répartition équitable énoncés dans le Règlement de procédure et de preuve ;

b) Les règles conventionnelles du droit international généralement acceptées qui régissent le traitement des détenus ;

c) Les vues de la personne condamnée ;

d) La nationalité de la personne condamnée ;

e) Toute autre circonstance relative au crime, à la situation de la personne condamnée ou à l'exécution effective de la peine, susceptible de guider le choix de l'État chargé de l'exécution.

4. Si aucun État n'est désigné comme prévu au paragraphe 1, la peine d'emprisonnement est accomplie dans un établissement pénitentiaire fourni par l'État hôte, dans les conditions définies par l'accord de siège visé à l'article 3, paragraphe 2. Dans ce cas, les dépenses afférentes à l'exécution de la peine sont à la charge de la Cour.

Article 104 Modification de la désignation de l'État chargé de l'exécution

1. La Cour peut décider à tout moment de transférer un condamné dans une prison d'un autre État.

2. La personne condamnée par la Cour peut à tout moment demander à celle-ci son transfert hors de l'État chargé de l'exécution.

Article 105 Exécution de la peine

1. Sous réserve des conditions qu'un État a éventuellement formulées comme le prévoit l'article 103, paragraphe 1, alinéa b), la peine d'emprisonnement est exécutoire pour les États Parties, qui ne peuvent en aucun cas la modifier.

2. La Cour a seule le droit de se prononcer sur une demande de révision de sa décision sur la culpabilité ou la peine. L'État chargé de l'exécution n'empêche pas le condamné de présenter une telle demande.

Article 106 Contrôle de l'exécution de la peine et conditions de détention

1. L'exécution d'une peine d'emprisonnement est soumise au contrôle de la Cour. Elle est conforme aux règles conventionnelles internationales largement acceptées en matière de traitement des détenus.

2. Les conditions de détention sont régies par la législation de l'État chargé de l'exécution. Elles sont conformes aux règles conventionnelles internationales largement acceptées en matière de traitement des détenus. Elles ne peuvent en aucun cas être ni plus ni moins favorables que celles que l'État chargé de l'exécution réserve aux détenus condamnés pour des infractions similaires.

3. Les communications entre le condamné et la Cour sont libres et confidentielles.

Article 109 Exécution des peines d'amende et de mesures de confiscation

1. Les États Parties font exécuter les peines d'amende et les mesures de confiscation ordonnées par la Cour en vertu du chapitre VII, sans préjudice des droits des tiers de bonne foi et conformément à la procédure prévue par leur législation interne.

2. Lorsqu'un État Partie n'est pas en mesure de donner effet à l'ordonnance de confiscation, il prend des mesures pour récupérer la valeur du produit, des biens ou des avoirs dont la Cour a ordonné la confiscation, sans préjudice des droits des tiers de bonne foi.

3. Les biens, ou le produit de la vente de biens immobiliers ou, le cas échéant, d'autres biens, obtenus par un État Partie en exécution d'un arrêt de la Cour sont transférés à la Cour.