Exécution des peines prononcées

République d'Albanie

Albania - Criminal Procedure Code 1995 (2017) EN

Article 5 Restrictions of the personal freedom
3. Persons convicted to imprisonment are ensured human treatment and moral rehabilitation.

Article 462 Enforceable decisions
1. The sentence of the court is brought for enforcement immediately after becoming final.
2. The decision of acquittal, exclusion of the tried person from punishment and the one for the dismissal of the case are brought for enforcement immediately after their announcement.
3. The following are final decisions:
a) the first instance court decision when it is not appealed by the parties within the legal time limit, when it is non-appealable or when the appeal is not admitted for the reasons provided for in article 420 of this Code. In cases with co-defendants, the decision shall become final for the defendant who has not filed an appeal, notwithstanding the appeal of other co-defendants, provided that the prosecutor has not filed an appeal. When the prosecutor has not filed an appeal and the case is examined on the basis of the appeal of other co-defendants, the decision shall become final for the defendant who has not filed an appeal in a trial with co-defendants, notwithstanding the appeal filed with by the other co-defendants;
b) the decision of the appeal court, when it finally settles the case, pursuant to letters “a”, “b” and “c” of paragraph 1, of article 428 of this Code;
c) the decision of the High Court in the cases of extradition and transfer of the sentenced persons.
4. The way of execution of the criminal decisions is regulated by special law.

Article 464 Execution of imprisonment sentences
1. In order to execute an imprisonment decision, the prosecutor issues an order of execution.
2. The order of execution contains the personal data of the convicted person, the dispositive of the decision and the necessary rulings on execution.
3. When the convicted person is under precautionary detention in prison, the order is sent to the state authority that administers the prisons and is notified to the interested person, whereas when the convicted person is not under precautionary detention in prison, his/her imprisonment shall be ordered.
4. It is proceeded in The same way in cases of the enforcement of decisions of compulsory hospitalisation in medical or educational institutions.

Article 467 Execution of a fine decision
1. Decisions containing a fine penalty are executed by the bailiff’s office.
2. When it is proven the impossibility to execute a fine penalty, in whole or in part, the prosecutor files a request to the court that has issued the decision to make the conversion. Upon request of the convicted person, the court may postpone the conversion up to six months. Such period is not calculated in the prescription time limits.
3. The decision of conversion is subject to appeal, which suspends its execution.

Article 512 Recognition of foreign criminal decisions
1. The Ministry of Justice, when receiving a criminal decision issued abroad for Albanian or foreign citizens or persons without citizenship, but residing in the Albania or for persons proceeded criminally in the Albania shall send to the prosecutor at the district court of the person’s domicile or residence a copy of the decision and of the relevant documents, along with the translations in Albanian language.
2. The Ministry of Justice requests the recognition of a foreign criminal decision when it deems that pursuant to an international agreement, such decision must be executed or recognised for other effects in the Albania.
3. The prosecutor shall submit a request to the district court for the recognition of the foreign decision. he may request the necessary information from foreign authorities, through the Ministry of Justice.

Article 516 Determining the sanction
1. When recognising a foreign decision, the court determines the punishment to be served in the Albanian state. It converts the punishment imposed in the foreign decision into one of the punishments provided for the same fact by the Albanian law. This punishment must correspond, by nature, to the one which has been established in the foreign decision. The length of the punishment may not exceed the maximum term provided for the same fact by the Albanian law.
2. When the foreign decision does not specify the length of the punishment, the court establishes it based on the criteria indicated in the Criminal Code. In no case the imposed punishment may be higher than the one imposed by the recognized criminal decision.
3. When the execution of the punishment rendered in a foreign state has been conditionally suspended, the court, with the decision of recognition, in addition to other issues, rules also on the conditional suspension of the punishment. the court does the same when the defendant has been conditionally released in the foreign country.
4. In order to establish a punishment by fine, the amount indicated in the foreign decision shall be converted in equal value into Albanian currency, applying the exchange rate of the day on which the recognition was decided.
5. The decision of recognition regarding the execution of a confiscation shall also order the execution of the confiscation.

Article 518 Execution of the foreign decision
1. After being recognised, the criminal decisions of foreign courts are enforced in conformity to Albanian law.
2. The prosecutor in the court that has made the recognition of a decision takes the measures for its execution.
3. The imprisonment sentence served in the foreign country is calculated for the effects of the execution.
4. The monetary proceeds of the execution of a fine decision are deposited into the bank of Albania. It may be deposited with the state where the decision was issued, upon its request, whenthat state, under the same circumstances would have decided the deposit in favour of the Albanian state.
5. The confiscated items shall be delivered to the Albanian state. They are delivered, upon its request, to the state where the decision subject to recognition is issued, when the latter, under the same circumstances would have decided the delivery in the Albanian state.

Article 519 Requirements for executing abroad
1. In cases provided by international conventions or by article 501, paragraph 2, the Ministry of justice requests the execution abroad of the criminal decisions or gives the consent when it is requested by a foreign state.
2. The execution abroad of a criminal conviction decision with restriction of the personal freedom may be requested or permitted only if the convicted person has become informed of the consequences, has declared freely that he gives his consent and when the execution in the foreign state is appropriate to his social rehabilitation.
3. The execution abroad is also allowed when there are conditions provided by paragraph 2, if the convicted person is in the territory of the state to whom the request has been addressed and the extradition has been rejected or anyway is not possible.

Article 520 Court decision
1. Before requesting the execution of a decision abroad the Ministry of Justice shall send the acts to the prosecutor, who shall submit a request to the court.
2. the consent of the convicted person should be given before the Albanian court. In case he is abroad the consent may be given before the Albanian consular authority or before the foreign court.

Article 521 Cases when execution of the sentence abroad is not allowed
1. The Minister of Justice cannot request the execution abroad of a criminal decision by restriction of personal freedom when there are grounds to believe that the convicted person shall be subject to persecution or discrimination acts by reason of race, religion, nationality, language or political opinions or inhuman, cruel or degrading punishment and treatment.

Article 522 Request for precautionary detention in prison abroad
1. When it is requested the enforcement of a decision restricting the personal freedom and the convicted person is abroad, the Ministry of Justice shall request his precautionary detention in prison.
2. With the request for the execution of a confiscation the Ministry of Justice has the right to request the sequestration of items which can be confiscated.

Article 523 Suspension of Execution in the Albanian State
1. The execution of the sentence in the Albanian state is suspended once the execution in the foreign state has started.
2. The sentence may no longer be enforced in the Albanian state when, pursuant to the foreign countries laws, it has been entirely served.

Statut de Rome

Article 103 Rôle des États dans l'executino des peines d'emprisonnement


a) Les peines d'emprisonnement sont accomplies dans un État désigné par la Cour sur la liste des États qui lui ont fait savoir qu'ils étaient disposés à recevoir des condamnés.

b) Lorsqu'il déclare qu'il est disposé à recevoir des condamnés, un État peut assortir son acceptation de conditions qui doivent être agréées par la Cour et être conformes aux dispositions du présent chapitre.

c) L'État désigné dans une affaire donnée fait savoir promptement à la Cour s'il accepte ou non sa désignation.


a) L'État chargé de l'exécution avise la Cour de toute circonstance, y compris la réalisation de toute condition convenue en application du paragraphe 1, qui serait de nature à modifier sensiblement les conditions ou la durée de la détention. La Cour est avisée au moins 45 jours à l'avance de toute circonstance de ce type connue ou prévisible. Pendant ce délai, l'État chargé de l'exécution ne prend aucune mesure qui pourrait être contraire à ses obligations en vertu de l'article 110 ;

b) Si la Cour ne peut accepter les circonstances visées à l'alinéa a), elle en avise l'État chargé de l'exécution et procède conformément à l'article 104, paragraphe 1.

3. Quand elle exerce son pouvoir de désignation conformément au paragraphe 1, la Cour prend en considération :

a) Le principe selon lequel les États Parties doivent partager la responsabilité de l'exécution des peines d'emprisonnement conformément aux principes de répartition équitable énoncés dans le Règlement de procédure et de preuve ;

b) Les règles conventionnelles du droit international généralement acceptées qui régissent le traitement des détenus ;

c) Les vues de la personne condamnée ;

d) La nationalité de la personne condamnée ;

e) Toute autre circonstance relative au crime, à la situation de la personne condamnée ou à l'exécution effective de la peine, susceptible de guider le choix de l'État chargé de l'exécution.

4. Si aucun État n'est désigné comme prévu au paragraphe 1, la peine d'emprisonnement est accomplie dans un établissement pénitentiaire fourni par l'État hôte, dans les conditions définies par l'accord de siège visé à l'article 3, paragraphe 2. Dans ce cas, les dépenses afférentes à l'exécution de la peine sont à la charge de la Cour.

Article 104 Modification de la désignation de l'État chargé de l'exécution

1. La Cour peut décider à tout moment de transférer un condamné dans une prison d'un autre État.

2. La personne condamnée par la Cour peut à tout moment demander à celle-ci son transfert hors de l'État chargé de l'exécution.

Article 105 Exécution de la peine

1. Sous réserve des conditions qu'un État a éventuellement formulées comme le prévoit l'article 103, paragraphe 1, alinéa b), la peine d'emprisonnement est exécutoire pour les États Parties, qui ne peuvent en aucun cas la modifier.

2. La Cour a seule le droit de se prononcer sur une demande de révision de sa décision sur la culpabilité ou la peine. L'État chargé de l'exécution n'empêche pas le condamné de présenter une telle demande.

Article 106 Contrôle de l'exécution de la peine et conditions de détention

1. L'exécution d'une peine d'emprisonnement est soumise au contrôle de la Cour. Elle est conforme aux règles conventionnelles internationales largement acceptées en matière de traitement des détenus.

2. Les conditions de détention sont régies par la législation de l'État chargé de l'exécution. Elles sont conformes aux règles conventionnelles internationales largement acceptées en matière de traitement des détenus. Elles ne peuvent en aucun cas être ni plus ni moins favorables que celles que l'État chargé de l'exécution réserve aux détenus condamnés pour des infractions similaires.

3. Les communications entre le condamné et la Cour sont libres et confidentielles.

Article 109 Exécution des peines d'amende et de mesures de confiscation

1. Les États Parties font exécuter les peines d'amende et les mesures de confiscation ordonnées par la Cour en vertu du chapitre VII, sans préjudice des droits des tiers de bonne foi et conformément à la procédure prévue par leur législation interne.

2. Lorsqu'un État Partie n'est pas en mesure de donner effet à l'ordonnance de confiscation, il prend des mesures pour récupérer la valeur du produit, des biens ou des avoirs dont la Cour a ordonné la confiscation, sans préjudice des droits des tiers de bonne foi.

3. Les biens, ou le produit de la vente de biens immobiliers ou, le cas échéant, d'autres biens, obtenus par un État Partie en exécution d'un arrêt de la Cour sont transférés à la Cour.