

Bulgaria - Constitution (EN) 1991 (2015)

Chapter 2 Fundamental Rights and Duties of Citizens

Article 25

 (4) (amend., SG 18/05) No Bulgarian citizen may be surrendered to another state or to an international tribunal for the purposes of criminal prosecution, unless the opposite is provided for by international treaty that has been ratified, published and entered into force for the Republic of Bulgaria.

Chapter 2 Fundamental Rights and Duties of Citizens

Article 27

(1. ) Foreigners residing legally in the country shall not be expelled or extradited to another state against their will, except in accordance with the provisions and the procedures established by law.

Bulgaria - Criminal Procedure Code 2006 (2011) EN




Section 1 Transfer of Convicted Persons

Art. 453. (1) The transfer of persons convicted by a court of the Republic of Bulgaria, for serving the punishment in the state whose citizens they are, and the transfer of Bulgarian citizens convicted by a foreign court, for serving the punishment in the Republic of Bulgaria, shall be decided by the Chief Prosecutor under an agreement with the competent authority of the other state, in the presence of consent in writing from the convicted person.

(2) The decision for the transfer of the convicted person may also be made after the execution of the punishment has started.

Bulgaria - Extradition and European Arrest Warrant Act 2005 EN

Extradition and European Arrest Warrant ACT


Article 2

Extradition shall be the surrender, whenever a person is located in the territory of a state, of said person:

1. Against whom criminal proceedings have been instituted in another state or before an international court;

2. Who is wanted for carrying out a sentence to deprivation of liberty by the judicial authorities of another state or by an international court;

3. Where he/she has been imposed a detention order by the judicial authorities of another state or by an international court.

Extradition and European Arrest Warrant Act


Title I - Obligations of the Republic of Bulgaria in the capacity of requested state

Article 26

(1) In presence of a granted extradition the Supreme Prosecution Office of Cassation, with the assistance of the Interpol National Central Office, shall agree with the requesting state the date and location for surrender of the person.

(2) The person shall be surrenders in implementation of a decree issued by the Supreme Prosecution Office of Cassation, the authorities of the Ministry of Interior providing for his/her security and convoying.

(3) A record of proceedings shall be drafted upon surrender, where surrender and admittance of the person shall be specified, as well as the participating officials and other circumstances. The following shall be attached to the record of proceedings: the identity papers of the person, an inventory of his/her personal belongings, information about his/her health condition, as well as a statement concerning the duration of his/her detention in custody to the purpose of extradition.

(4) Where surrender has not taken place, the competent authorities of the two states shall agree on a new surrender date. Where the requested person has not been admitted on the new date, he/she shall be released following the expiry of 30 days thereafter.

Article 27

In cases under Art. 18, para 1 surrender shall be effected after termination of criminal proceedings against the person, following completion of proceedings by acquittal or once the person has served his/her punishment to deprivation of liberty.

Article 28

(1) Where the extradited person absconds from prosecution or from service of the punishment imposed in the state to which he/she is extradited and returns in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, he/she may be extradited again.

(2) Repeated surrender shall be effected at the request of the interested state on the basis of the initial decision rendered. The repeated extradition of the person shall be carried out pursuant to Art. 26.

Article 29

(1) The transit of an extradited person through the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria shall be allowed by the Supreme Prosecution Office of Cassation following submission of a request to this effect in one of the ways specified in Art. 9, para 2, provided that the extradition in respect of which extradition is requested is not inadmissible in terms of Art. 7.

(2) The transit of a Bulgarian national shall be allowed in presence o the conditions required for granting extradition.

(3) Where air transportation is used:

1. If landing has been planned, the requesting state shall submit a request for transit prior to proceedings thereat;

2. In the event of unscheduled landing the requesting state shall, immediately after landing, present a request for transit.

(4) A request for transit under para 3 shall be sent pursuant to Art. 13, para 4 and shall have the effect of a request for provisional arrest.

(5) The provisions of this Article shall also apply mutatis mutandis where the competent Bulgarian authorities request transit through the territory of another state.

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 89 Entrega de personas a la Corte

1. La Corte podrá transmitir, junto con los antecedentes que la justifiquen de conformidad con el artículo 91, una solicitud de detención y entrega de una persona a todo Estado en cuyo territorio pueda hallarse y solicitará la cooperación de ese Estado. Los Estados Partes cumplirán las solicitudes de detención y entrega de conformidad con las disposiciones de la presente parte y el procedimiento establecido en su derecho interno.

2. Cuando la persona cuya entrega se pida la impugne ante un tribunal nacional oponiendo la excepción de cosa juzgada de conformidad con el artículo 20, el Estado requerido celebrará de inmediato consultas con la Corte para determinar si ha habido una decisión sobre la admisibilidad de la causa. Si la causa es admisible, el Estado requerido cumplirá la solicitud. Si está pendiente la decisión sobre la admisibilidad, el Estado requerido podrá aplazar la ejecución de la solicitud de entrega hasta que la Corte adopte esa decisión.


(a) El Estado Parte autorizará de conformidad con su derecho procesal el tránsito por su territorio de una persona que otro Estado entregue a la Corte, salvo cuando el tránsito por ese Estado obstaculice o demore la entrega;

(b) La solicitud de la Corte de que se autorice ese tránsito será transmitida de conformidad con el artículo 87 y contendrá:

(i) Una descripción de la persona que será transportada;

(ii) Una breve exposición de los hechos de la causa y su tipificación; y

(iii) La orden de detención y entrega;

(c) La persona transportada permanecerá detenida durante el tránsito;

(d) No se requerirá autorización alguna cuando la persona sea transportada por vía aérea y no se prevea aterrizar en el territorio del Estado de tránsito;

(e) En caso de aterrizaje imprevisto en el territorio del Estado de tránsito, éste podrá pedir a la Corte que presente una solicitud de tránsito con arreglo a lo dispuesto en el apartado b). El Estado de tránsito detendrá a la persona transportada mientras se recibe la solicitud de la Corte y se efectúa el tránsito; sin embargo, la detención no podrá prolongarse más de 96 horas contadas desde el aterrizaje imprevisto si la solicitud no es recibida dentro de ese plazo.

4. Si la persona buscada está siendo enjuiciada o cumple condena en el Estado requerido por un crimen distinto de aquel por el cual se pide su entrega a la Corte, el Estado requerido, después de haber decidido conceder la entrega, celebrará consultas con la Corte.