
Bosnia y Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina - Law on Implementation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and Cooperation with the International Criminal Court 2009 EN

Article 22
(Request of the International Criminal Court for Arrest and Surrender of a Person)

(2) The request of the International Criminal Court for the arrest and surrender of the person or for the provisional arrest of a person in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina or for whom the International Criminal Court considers to be in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, shall be submitted to the BiH Prosecutor’s Office through the Ministry of Justice.


Article 23
(Mandatory Defence in the Surrender Procedure)
(1) The person whose surrender is requested by the International Criminal Court shall have a defence attorney from the first questioning and during the surrender procedure.
(2) If the person whose surrender is required does not engage a defence attorney, or of he states that he will not engage a defence attorney, a defence attorney shall be appointed ex officio in accordance with the Criminal Procedure Code.

Article 24
(Parties to the Surrender Procedure)
(1) Parties to the surrender procedure are persons whose surrender is required by both the Prosecutor and the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH.
(2) The representative of the International Criminal Court shall be entitled to attend all the actions in the surrender procedure but will not have the capacity of the party to the proceedings.


Article 27
(Voluntary Surrender in the Investigation Procedure)
(1) During the questioning, the Prosecutor of the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH shall particularly establish whether the person accepts to voluntarily surrender to the International Criminal Court.

(2) If the person confirms a voluntary surrender to the International Criminal Court and waives his right to file an appeal in the surrender procedure, the Prosecutor shall request ordering of custody only if there exist some of the grounds established by the Criminal Procedure Code to order custody. On the contrary, the person shall be released by posting bail, ordering home arrest or other restrictions of personal liberty in accordance with the Criminal Procedure Code.
(3) To surrender the person to the International Criminal Court, the Prosecutor of the Prosecutor’s Office shall immediately inform the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina about the consent of the person to surrender.
(4) Statement under paragraph 2 of this Article may not be revoked.

Article 28
(Procedure before the Court Panel)
(1) If during the investigation the person does not confirm his voluntary surrender to the International Criminal Court, the Prosecutor of the Prosecutor’s Office shall submit to the Court of BiH the request of the International Criminal Court along with an argumented proposal requiring from the Court of BiH to render the decision on surrender of the person to the International Criminal Court.

Article 29
(Decision on the Request for Surrender)
(1) The Panel under Article 28(2) of this Law shall render the decision to fulfil the request for surrender of a person to the International Criminal Court if it establishes determines that the request pertains to the person against whom the procedure for surrender is being conducted and that this is the issue of the criminal offence falling under jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court according to the Rome Statute.
(2) If there exist some obstacles for surrender, the Panel shall refuse the request of the International Criminal Court. If the request for surrender is refused, the surrender procedure may be renewed by applying the provisions on the renewal of the procedure stipulated under the Criminal Procedure Code or based on the new request of the International Criminal Court.
(3) Upon rendering the decision on surrender, custody may last until the surrender of the person but no longer than the time limit provided under the relevant provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code on the duration of custody.


Article 30
(Voluntary Surrender in the Court Proceedings)

(1) During the court proceedings, the person may make a statement on the record that he wants to surrender on a voluntary basis to the International Criminal Court and to waive the right to file an appeal in the surrender procedure. Such a statement may not be revoked.
(2) In case under paragraph 1 of this Article, the Panel shall render the Decision to cease the surrender procedure and inform the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Justice of Bosnia and Herzegovina thereof to conduct a voluntary surrender.


Article 31
(Appeal from the Decision on Surrender)
(1) The person requested to surrender and his defence attorney may file an appeal from the Decision fulfilling the request of the International Criminal Court within eight days from the receipt of the Decision.
(2) The Appeal shall stay the execution of the Decision and the appeal shall be decided by the Appellate Panel of the Court of BiH.
(3) The procedure of rendering the decision on the appeal shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code pertaining to the rendering of the decision on the appeal from the judgement.

Article 32
(Enforceability of the Decision)
(1) The Decision with legal effect allowing for the surrender of the person to the International Criminal Court shall be final.
(2) An Appeal from the Decision under paragraph 1 of this Article may be filed with the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
(3) The Minister of Justice may temporarily postpone the surrender of the person due to his illness or some other particularly justified ground.

Article 33
(Submission of Decisions)
Final and the Decision with legal effect deciding on the request of the International Criminal Court for surrender of persons shall be submitted to the International Criminal Court through the Ministry of Justice.

Article 34
(Surrender of the suspect)
Surrender of the suspects to the International Criminal Court based on the statement on voluntary surrender or the final decision on surrender with legal effect shall be carried out by the Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 89 Entrega de personas a la Corte

1. La Corte podrá transmitir, junto con los antecedentes que la justifiquen de conformidad con el artículo 91, una solicitud de detención y entrega de una persona a todo Estado en cuyo territorio pueda hallarse y solicitará la cooperación de ese Estado. Los Estados Partes cumplirán las solicitudes de detención y entrega de conformidad con las disposiciones de la presente parte y el procedimiento establecido en su derecho interno.

2. Cuando la persona cuya entrega se pida la impugne ante un tribunal nacional oponiendo la excepción de cosa juzgada de conformidad con el artículo 20, el Estado requerido celebrará de inmediato consultas con la Corte para determinar si ha habido una decisión sobre la admisibilidad de la causa. Si la causa es admisible, el Estado requerido cumplirá la solicitud. Si está pendiente la decisión sobre la admisibilidad, el Estado requerido podrá aplazar la ejecución de la solicitud de entrega hasta que la Corte adopte esa decisión.


(a) El Estado Parte autorizará de conformidad con su derecho procesal el tránsito por su territorio de una persona que otro Estado entregue a la Corte, salvo cuando el tránsito por ese Estado obstaculice o demore la entrega;

(b) La solicitud de la Corte de que se autorice ese tránsito será transmitida de conformidad con el artículo 87 y contendrá:

(i) Una descripción de la persona que será transportada;

(ii) Una breve exposición de los hechos de la causa y su tipificación; y

(iii) La orden de detención y entrega;

(c) La persona transportada permanecerá detenida durante el tránsito;

(d) No se requerirá autorización alguna cuando la persona sea transportada por vía aérea y no se prevea aterrizar en el territorio del Estado de tránsito;

(e) En caso de aterrizaje imprevisto en el territorio del Estado de tránsito, éste podrá pedir a la Corte que presente una solicitud de tránsito con arreglo a lo dispuesto en el apartado b). El Estado de tránsito detendrá a la persona transportada mientras se recibe la solicitud de la Corte y se efectúa el tránsito; sin embargo, la detención no podrá prolongarse más de 96 horas contadas desde el aterrizaje imprevisto si la solicitud no es recibida dentro de ese plazo.

4. Si la persona buscada está siendo enjuiciada o cumple condena en el Estado requerido por un crimen distinto de aquel por el cual se pide su entrega a la Corte, el Estado requerido, después de haber decidido conceder la entrega, celebrará consultas con la Corte.