Consultas con la Corte

Trinidad y Tabago

Extradition (Commonwealth and Foreign Territories) Act

Extradition (Commonwealth and Foreign Territories)




14. Review by High Court.

(1) Where a person whose return is requested by a declared Commonwealth territory or a declared foreign territory is ordered by the Magistrate to be discharged from custody under section 12, the Government which requested the return of that person may, within four days of the making of the order by the Magistrate, apply to the High Court for review of the order of discharge on any question of law and on such application the High Court may so review the order.

(2) Where such Government desires to make such application, the Government shall, at the time of the making of the order of discharge by the Magistrate, give to the Magistrate notice of its intention to apply to the High Court for review of the order, and such notice shall operate as a stay of the order of the Magistrate—
(a) until the expiration of the period of four days, beginning with the day on which the order of discharge was made;
(b) if an application for review of the order of discharge has been made, until the determination of the application by the High Court.

(3) Where such Government gives notice of its intention to apply for review of the order of the Magistrate, the Magistrate shall immediately grant to the person in respect of whom the order of discharge was made, bail pending the determination by the High Court of the application; and the recognisance of bail shall be taken before the Magistrate in accordance with subsections (5) and (6).

(4) Upon application for review of the order of the Magistrate being made by such Government, the Registrar of the Supreme Court shall immediately apply to the Magistrate for a statement of the evidence tendered before the Magistrate on which the Magistrate came to his decision and of his reasons for his decision and his finding on any question of law under review; and the Magistrate shall with all convenient dispatch transmit the same to the Registrar.

(5) Where an application for review of the order of the Magistrate has been made by such Government, the person to whom bail has been granted under subsection (3) shall immediately enter into a recognisance with one surety in such sum as the Magistrate thinks sufficient acknowledged before the Magistrate and conditioned that such person appear before the High Court and do not depart therefrom without leave and abide by the order of the High Court.

(6) A recognisance referred to in subsection (5) shall be in the form set out in Form 7 in the Second Schedule, but the Magistrate may consent to a deposit of money into Court from or on account of any person in lieu of such surety and in such case, upon the deposit of the sum required by the Magistrate, such person shall enter into a recognisance in the form set out in Form 8 in the Second Schedule.

(7) An application for judicial review or habeas corpus under this section shall be listed for hearing by the High Court at an early date whether that date is in or out of the sessions of that Court.

15. Appeal to Court of Appeal.

(1) Where the order of the Magistrate has been reviewed by the High Court in accordance with section 14, the Government which applied for the review or the person in respect of whom the order of discharge was made, may, if dissatisfied with the decision of the High Court on review, within four days of the pronouncing of the decision, appeal to the Court of Appeal on any question of law; and on such appeal, the Court of Appeal has the power to confirm or reverse the decision of the High Court and there shall be no appeal from the decision of the Court of Appeal.

(2) Where such Government or such person desires to appeal under subsection (1), the Government or the person, as the case may be, shall, at the time of the pronouncing of the decision by the High Court, give to the High Court notice of its, or his, intention to appeal to the Court of Appeal, and such notice shall operate as a stay of the decision of the High Court—
(a) until the expiration of the period of four days, beginning with the day on which the decision was pronounced;
(b) if an appeal has been filed in the Supreme Court, until the determination of the appeal by the Court of Appeal.

(3) Where such Government which applied for review of the order of discharge made by the Magistrate, or such person in respect of whom the order of discharge was made, gives notice of its, or his, intention to appeal to the Court of Appeal, the High Court shall immediately grant to such person, bail pending the determination of the appeal; and the recognisance of bail shall be taken before any Magistrate in accordance with subsections (5) and (6).

(4) Upon an appeal to the Court of Appeal being filed in the Supreme Court, the High Court shall with all convenient dispatch transmit to the Court of Appeal—
(a) all documents transmitted by the Magistrate in accordance with section 14(4); and
(b) a statement of the reasons for the decision of the High Court and the finding of the High Court on any question of law under appeal.

(5) Upon an appeal to the Court of Appeal being filed in the Supreme Court, the person to whom bail has been granted under subsection (3) shall immediately enter into a recognisance with one surety in such sum as the Magistrate thinks sufficient acknowledged before the Magistrate and conditioned that such person appear before the Court of Appeal and do not depart therefrom without leave and abide by the order of the Court of Appeal.

(6) A recognisance referred to in subsection (5) shall be in the form set out in Form 9 in the Second Schedule, but the Magistrate may consent to a deposit of money into Court from or on account of any person in lieu of such surety and in such case, upon the deposit of the sum required by the Magistrate, such person shall enter into a recognisance in the form set out in Form 10 in the Second Schedule.

(7) An appeal under this section shall be listed for hearing by the Court of Appeal at an early date whether that date is in or out of the sessions of that Court.

The International Criminal Court Act 2006


28. (1) The Attorney General shall consult with the ICC, without delay, if—
(a) a request for assistance is received from the ICC that does not contain or is not accompanied by the appropriate informa¬tion or the appropriate documents specified in article 87, 91, 92, 93, or 96 of the Statute;
(b) the ICC has not provided sufficient information for a request for assistance to be executed;
(c) in the case of a request for surrender—
(i) the person sought cannot be located in Trinidad and Tobago;
(ii) it appears that the person in Trinidad and Tobago is clearly not the person named in the warrant or judgment, as the case may be;

(d) execution of a request for assistance in its current form would require the breach of an existing treaty obligation to another State; or
(e) for any other reason there are or may be difficulties with the execution of a request for assistance received from the ICC.
(2) Before refusing any request for assistance, the Attorney General shall consult with the ICC to ascertain whether the assistance sought could be provided—
(a) subject to conditions; or
(b) at a later date or in an alternative manner.
(3) Without limiting the types of conditions under which assistance may be provided, the Attorney General may agree to the transmission of documents or information to the Prosecutor on a confidential basis, on the condition that the Prosecutor will use them solely for the purpose of generating new evidence.
(4) If the Attorney General transmits documents or information subject to the condition specified in subsection (3), the Attorney General may subsequently consent to the disclosure of such documents or information for use as evidence under the provisions of Parts 5 and 6 of the Statute and in accordance with the Rules.


Other Types of Assistance

(4) If the Attorney General considers that the assistance sought cannot lawfully be provided, he shall, before refusing the request, and in accordance with article 93(5) of the Statute—
(a) consult with the ICC; or


Restrictions on Provision of Assistance

116. If the execution of a particular measure of assistance specified in a request to which this Part applies is prohibited under the laws in Trinidad and Tobago, notwithstanding any other provision in this Part, the Attorney General shall—

(b) promptly consult with the ICC in order to resolve the matter.


National Security

161. The Attorney General shall consult with the ICC and, if appropriate, the defence, in accordance with article 72(5) of the Statute.

162. (1) If, after consultation, the Attorney General considers that there are no means or conditions under which the information or documents or evidence could be provided or disclosed or given without prejudice to Trinidad and Tobago’s national security interest, the Attorney General shall notify the ICC, in accordance with article 72(6) of the Statute, of the specific reasons for his decision, unless a specific description of the reasons would result in prejudice to Trinidad and Tobago’s national security interests.
(2) The Attorney General shall use his best endeavours with a view to reaching a mutually satisfactory outcome if—
(a) the ICC determines that the evidence is relevant and necessary for the establishment of the guilt or innocence of the accused;

(b) the issue of disclosure arises in the circumstances specified in section 158 or 159 and the Attorney General is of the opinion that Trinidad and Tobago’s national security interests would be prejudiced by disclosure; and
(c) the ICC requests further consultations for the purpose of considering the representations, which may include hearings in camera and ex parte.
(3) The Attorney General shall comply with an ICC disclosure order if—
(a) the ICC determines that the evidence is relevant and necessary for the establishment of the guilt or innocence of the defendant;
(b) the issue of disclosure arises in the circumstances specified in section 160(1); and
(c) the ICC orders disclosure in accordance with article 72(7)(b)(i) of the Statute.

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 89 Entrega de personas a la Corte

2. Cuando la persona cuya entrega se pida la impugne ante un tribunal nacional oponiendo la excepción de cosa juzgada de conformidad con el artículo 20, el Estado requerido celebrará de inmediato consultas con la Corte para determinar si ha habido una decisión sobre la admisibilidad de la causa. Si la causa es admisible, el Estado requerido cumplirá la solicitud. Si está pendiente la decisión sobre la admisibilidad, el Estado requerido podrá aplazar la ejecución de la solicitud de entrega hasta que la Corte adopte esa decisión.

4. Si la persona buscada está siendo enjuiciada o cumple condena en el Estado requerido por un crimen distinto de aquel por el cual se pide su entrega a la Corte, el Estado requerido, después de haber decidido conceder la entrega, celebrará consultas con la Corte.

Artículo 91 Contenido de la solicitud de detención y entrega

4. A solicitud de la Corte, un Estado Parte consultará con ésta, en general o con respecto a un asunto concreto, sobre las disposiciones de su derecho interno que puedan ser aplicables de conformidad con el apartado (c) del párrafo 2 del presente artículo. En esas consultas, el Estado Parte comunicará a la Corte los requisitos específicos de su derecho interno.

Artículo 93 Otras formas de cooperación

3. Cuando la ejecución de una determinada medida de asistencia detallada en una solicitud presentada de conformidad con el párrafo 1 estuviera prohibida en el Estado requerido por un principio fundamental de derecho ya existente y de aplicación general, el Estado requerido celebrará sin demora consultas con la Corte para tratar de resolver la cuestión. En las consultas se debería considerar si se puede prestar la asistencia de otra manera o con sujeción a condiciones. Si, después de celebrar consultas, no se pudiera resolver la cuestión, la Corte modificará la solicitud según sea necesario.



(i) El Estado Parte que reciba solicitudes concurrentes de la Corte y de otro Estado de conformidad con una obligación internacional y que no se refieran a la entrega o la extradición, procurará, en consulta con la Corte y el otro Estado, atender ambas solicitudes, de ser necesario postergando o condicionando una de ellas.

Artículo 96 Contenido de la solicitud relativa a otras formas de asistencia de conformidad con el artículo 93

3. A solicitud de la Corte, todo Estado Parte consultará con la Corte, en general o respecto de un asunto concreto, sobre las disposiciones de su derecho interno que puedan ser aplicables de conformidad con el párrafo 2 (e). En esas consultas, los Estados Partes comunicarán a la Corte las disposiciones específicas de su derecho interno.

Artículo 97 Consultas con la Corte

El Estado Parte que reciba una solicitud de conformidad con la presente parte celebrará sin dilación consultas con la Corte si considera que la solicitud le plantea problemas que puedan obstaculizar o impedir su cumplimiento. Esos problemas podrían ser, entre otros:

(a) Que la información fuese insuficiente para cumplir la solicitud;

(b) Que, en el caso de una solicitud de entrega, la persona no pudiera ser localizada, pese a los intentos realizados, o que en la investigación realizada se hubiere determinado claramente que la persona en el Estado requerido no es la indicada en la solicitud; o

(c) Que el cumplimiento de la solicitud en su forma actual obligare al Estado requerido a no cumplir una obligación preexistente en virtud de un tratado con otro Estado.