Ejecución de una pena privativa de libertad


Austria - Agreement ICC on the Enforcement of Sentences 2005

Article 2
1. The Presidency of the Court (hereinafter referred to as “the Presidency”), when notifying Austria of its designation to enforce a sentence in a particular case, shall transmit to Austria the following information and documents:
a) the name, nationality, date and place of birth of the sentenced person;
b) a copy of the final judgment of conviction and the sentence imposed;
c) the length and commencement date of the sentence, including information on any pre‐trial detention, and the time remaining to be served;
d) after having heard the views of the sentenced person, any necessary information concerning the state of his or her health (medical or psychological), including any medical treatment that he or she is receiving.
2. Austria shall submit the notification of the designation to the competent national authorities.
3. The competent national authorities of Austria shall promptly decide upon the Court’s designation, in accordance with its national law, and inform the Presidency accordingly.

Austria - Extradition and Mutual Assistance (EN/DE) 1979 (2020)

Taking Over the Prosecution of a Case and Surveillance; Execution of Foreign Criminal-Court Decisions

Execution of Foreign Criminal-Court Decisions

§ 64. (1) The execution or further execution of a decision by a foreign court imposing a fine or custodial sentence, a preventive measure involving deprivation of liberty or property-law order with final and enforceable effect shall be admissible upon a request by another State if:
1. the decision of the foreign court was taken in proceedings complying with the principles set forth in Article 6 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, Federal Law Gazette No. 210/1958,
2. the decision was taken for an act that is sanctioned by a court punishment under Austrian law,
3. the decision was not taken for one of the punishable acts listed in § 14 and § 15,
4. under Austrian law no statute of limitation applies to the execution,

Taking Over the Prosecution of a Case and Surveillance; Execution of Foreign Criminal-Court Decisions

Execution of Foreign Criminal-Court Decisions

§ 64. (2) The execution of a decision by a foreign court imposing a custodial sentence or preventive measure involving deprivation of liberty shall only be admissible if the convicted person is an Austrian citizen, has his/her domicile or place of residence in Austria and has agreed to the execution in Austria.

Austria - Federal Law on Cooperation with the ICC (EN) 2002

Part 1
General Provisions

2. The principle of cooperation
1. All organs of the Federal State, in particular the courts, public prosecutors, custodial authorities and security authorities, have an obligation to cooperate fully with the International Criminal Court.
2. The obligation in paragraph 1 above shall consist in particular, pursuant to this federal law and in accordance with the Statute and the Rules of Procedure and Evidence of the International Criminal Court, in granting the Court access to information and documents concerning suspected crimes falling within its jurisdiction, providing it with judicial assistance, surrendering accused persons, accepting sentenced persons for the enforcement of sentences, and enforcing fines and forfeitures.

Part 2
Specific provisions

Section 5

40. Enforcement of sentences of imprisonment for offences against the administration of justice

Having regard to the enforcement of sentences of imprisonment imposed by the International Criminal Court for offences against the administration of justice pursuant to article 70 of the Statute, this federal law, with the exception of the provisions in paragraphs 32(1) and (5), 33(1) to (5), and 39 above, shall not apply. The procedure shall comply with paragraphs 65 to 67 of the law on extradition and judicial assistance (ARHG).

Part 2
Specific provisions

Section 5

32. Enforcement of sentences of imprisonment

General provisions
1. Through a statement addressed to the International Criminal Court, the Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs may, with the consent of the Federal Minister of Justice, state Austria’s willingness to accept sentenced persons for the enforcement of sentences of imprisonment passed by the International Criminal Court. The statement may set a limit on the time for transfer for enforcement and on the number and kind of sentenced persons.
2. The sentences of imprisonment passed by the International Criminal Court shall be enforced directly. Sentences passed by the International Criminal Court may not be modified. In the light of instructions from the International Criminal Court, enforcement shall be subject to the relevant provisions of Austrian law on the understanding that the conditions of detention correspond to those under which persons convicted of similar crimes are held in Austria.
3. The enforcement of sentences of imprisonment passed by the International Criminal Court shall be subject to the supervision of the Court. At the request of the International Criminal Court, its members shall be granted access to prisons.
4. Should a person serving a sentence of imprisonment imposed by the International Criminal Court in Austria be eligible under Austrian law for more lenient treatment involving unguarded work outside the prison, the International Criminal Court shall be informed thereof before such work is allowed. Its opinion shall be taken into consideration in the decision.
5. Sentenced persons within the meaning of this section are to be granted unimpeded and confidential written communication with the International Criminal Court.

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 103 Función de los Estados en la ejecución de las penas privativas de libertad


(a) La pena privativa de libertad se cumplirá en un Estado designado por la Corte sobre la base de una lista de Estados que hayan manifestado a la Corte que están dispuestos a recibir condenados;

(b) En el momento de declarar que está dispuesto a recibir condenados, el Estado podrá poner condiciones a reserva de que sean aceptadas por la Corte y estén en conformidad con la presente Parte;

(c) El Estado designado en un caso determinado indicará sin demora a la Corte si acepta la designación.


(a) El Estado de ejecución de la pena notificará a la Corte cualesquiera circunstancias, incluido el cumplimiento de las condiciones aceptadas con arreglo al párrafo 1, que pudieren afectar materialmente a las condiciones o la duración de la privación de libertad. Las circunstancias conocidas o previsibles deberán ponerse en conocimiento de la Corte con una antelación mínima de 45 días. Durante este período, el Estado de ejecución no adoptará medida alguna que redunde en perjuicio de lo dispuesto en el artículo 110;

(b) La Corte, si no puede aceptar las circunstancias a que se hace referencia en el apartado (a), lo notificará al Estado de ejecución y procederá de conformidad con el párrafo 1 del artículo 104.

3. La Corte, al ejercer su facultad discrecional de efectuar la designación prevista en el párrafo 1, tendrá en cuenta:

(a) El principio de que los Estados Partes deben compartir la responsabilidad por la ejecución de las penas privativas de libertad de conformidad con los principios de distribución equitativa que establezcan las Reglas de Procedimiento y Prueba;

(b) La aplicación de normas de tratados internacionales generalmente aceptadas sobre el tratamiento de los reclusos;

(c) La opinión del condenado;

(d) La nacionalidad del condenado; y

(e) Otros factores relativos a las circunstancias del crimen o del condenado, o a la ejecución eficaz de la pena, según procedan en la designación del Estado de ejecución.

4. De no designarse un Estado de conformidad con el párrafo 1, la pena privativa de libertad se cumplirá en el establecimiento penitenciario que designe el Estado anfitrión, de conformidad con las condiciones estipuladas en el acuerdo relativo a la sede a que se hace referencia en el párrafo 2 del artículo 3. En ese caso, los gastos que entrañe la ejecución de la pena privativa de libertad serán sufragados por la Corte.

Artículo 105 Ejecución de la pena

1. Con sujeción a las condiciones que haya establecido un Estado de conformidad con el párrafo 1 (b) del artículo 103, la pena privativa de libertad tendrá carácter obligatorio para los Estados Partes, los cuales no podrán modificarla en caso alguno.

2. La decisión relativa a cualquier solicitud de apelación o revisión incumbirá exclusivamente a la Corte. El Estado de ejecución no pondrá obstáculos para que el condenado presente una solicitud de esa índole.