
Republic of Chile

Chile - Militar Justice Code 1944 (2020) ES

Art. 144. Cuando el Fiscal de la causa estime LEY 18667 necesario agregar al proceso documentos secretos ART. 1°, a) pertenecientes a las Fuerzas Armadas o a Carabineros de
Chile, los requerirá al respectivo Comandante en Jefe
Institucional o al General Director de Carabineros,
según corresponda, previa dictación de una resolución
fundada que transcribirá junto a la solicitud.
Sin embargo, si la autoridad requerida considera
que su remisión puede afectar la seguridad del Estado,
la Defensa Nacional, el orden público interior o la
seguridad de las personas, podrá rehusarse a ella. Si
el Fiscal estimare indispensable la medida, procederá a
elevar los antecedentes a la Corte Suprema para su
resolución, Tribunal que en este caso se integrará en
la forma prevista en el artículo 70-A de este Código.

Art. 144 bis.- El Fiscal dispondrá la formación de LEY 18667 un cuaderno separado para agregar los documentos ART. 1°, a) secretos que le sean remitidos.
Al mismo cuaderno se incorporarán las declaraciones
de testigos que se requiera mantener en reserva para
preservar secretos que interesen a la seguridad del
Estado, la Defensa Nacional, el orden público interior
o la seguridad de las personas.
De los antecedentes que obren en dicho cuaderno
se dará conocimiento a los abogados de las partes sólo
en cuanto sirvan de fundamento de la acusación,
del sobreseimiento o de la sentencia definitiva. Si se
quisiere hacerlos valer ante los Tribunales Superiores,
ello se comunicará previamente al Presidente del
Tribunal respectivo, quien dispondrá, en tal caso, que
la audiencia pertinente no sea pública.
Todos los que hubieren tomado conocimiento de tales
antecedentes estarán obligados a mantener el secreto de
su existencia y contenido.
Las disposiciones de este artículo serán aplicables
aun cuando se hubiere cerrado el sumario o se hubiere
dictado sentencia firme o ejecutoriada en el proceso.

Rome Statute

Article 64 Functions and powers of the Trial Chamber

6. In performing its functions prior to trial or during the course of a trial, the Trial Chamber may, as necessary:

(b) Require the attendance and testimony of witnesses and production of documents and other evidence by obtaining, if necessary, the assistance of States as provided in this Statute;

If a State Party is requested by the Court to provide a document or information in its custody, possession or control, which was disclosed to it in confidence by a State, intergovernmental organization or international organization, it shall seek the consent of the originator to disclose that document or information. If the originator is a State Party, it shall either consent to disclosure of the information or document or undertake to resolve the issue of disclosure with the Court, subject to the provisions of article 72. If the originator is not a State Party and refuses to consent to disclosure, the requested State shall inform the Court that it is unable to provide the document or information because of a pre-existing obligation of confidentiality to the originator.

Article 73 Third-party information or documents

Article 93 Other forms of cooperation

1. States Parties shall, in accordance with the provisions of this Part and under procedures of national law, comply with requests by the Court to provide the following assistance in relation to investigations or prosecutions:

(d) The service of documents, including judicial documents;

(i) The provision of records and documents, including official records and documents;


(a) The Court shall ensure the confidentiality of documents and information, except as required for the investigation and proceedings described in the request.

(b) The requested State may, when necessary, transmit documents or information to the Prosecutor on a confidential basis. The Prosecutor may then use them solely for the purpose of generating new evidence.

(c) The requested State may, on its own motion or at the request of the Prosecutor, subsequently consent to the disclosure of such documents or information. They may then be used as evidence pursuant to the provisions of Parts 5 and 6 and in accordance with the Rules of Procedure and Evidence.


ARTICLE 7 Inviolability of Archives and Documents

The archives of the Court, and all papers and documents in whatever form, and materials being sent to or from the Court, held by the Court or belonging to it, wherever located and by whomsoever held, shall be inviolable. The termination or absence of such inviolability shall not affect protective measures that the Court may order pursuant to the Statute and the Rules of Procedure and Evidence with regard to documents and materials made available to or used by the Court.