''TÍTULO TERCERO. DE LAS PENAS. § I. De las penas en general. ART. 20.''
No se reputan penas, la restricción o privación de libertad de los detenidos o sometidos a prisión preventiva u otras medidas cautelares personales, la separación de los empleos públicos acordada por las autoridades en uso de sus atribuciones o por el tribunal durante el proceso o para
instruirlo, ni las multas y demás correcciones que los superiores impongan a sus subordinados y administrados en uso de su jurisdicción disciplinal o atribuciones gubernativas. LEY 19806 Art. 1 D.O. 31.05.2002
1. In respect of an investigation under this Statute, a person:
(d) Shall not be subjected to arbitrary arrest or detention, and shall not be deprived of his or her liberty except on such grounds and in accordance with such procedures as are established in this Statute.
2. In imposing a sentence of imprisonment, the Court shall deduct the time, if any, previously spent in detention in accordance with an order of the Court. The Court may deduct any time otherwise spent in detention in connection with conduct underlying the crime.
(c) A person being transported shall be detained in custody during the period of transit;
1. In urgent cases, the Court may request the provisional arrest of the person sought, pending presentation of the request for surrender and the documents supporting the request as specified in article 91.
1. The enforcement of a sentence of imprisonment shall be subject to the supervision of the Court and shall be consistent with widely accepted international treaty standards governing treatment of prisoners.
2. The conditions of imprisonment shall be governed by the law of the State of enforcement and shall be consistent with widely accepted international treaty standards governing treatment of prisoners; in no case shall such conditions be more or less favourable than those available to prisoners convicted of similar offences in the State of enforcement.
3. Communications between a sentenced person and the Court shall be unimpeded and confidential.