Rechazo de una solicitudde la CPI

República de Trinidad y Tabago

The International Criminal Court Act 2006


28. (1) The Attorney General shall consult with the ICC, without delay, if—
(a) a request for assistance is received from the ICC that does not contain or is not accompanied by the appropriate informa¬tion or the appropriate documents specified in article 87, 91, 92, 93, or 96 of the Statute;
(b) the ICC has not provided sufficient information for a request for assistance to be executed;
(c) in the case of a request for surrender—
(i) the person sought cannot be located in Trinidad and Tobago;
(ii) it appears that the person in Trinidad and Tobago is clearly not the person named in the warrant or judgment, as the case may be;

(d) execution of a request for assistance in its current form would require the breach of an existing treaty obligation to another State; or
(e) for any other reason there are or may be difficulties with the execution of a request for assistance received from the ICC.
(2) Before refusing any request for assistance, the Attorney General shall consult with the ICC to ascertain whether the assistance sought could be provided—
(a) subject to conditions; or
(b) at a later date or in an alternative manner.
(3) Without limiting the types of conditions under which assistance may be provided, the Attorney General may agree to the transmission of documents or information to the Prosecutor on a confidential basis, on the condition that the Prosecutor will use them solely for the purpose of generating new evidence.
(4) If the Attorney General transmits documents or information subject to the condition specified in subsection (3), the Attorney General may subsequently consent to the disclosure of such documents or information for use as evidence under the provisions of Parts 5 and 6 of the Statute and in accordance with the Rules.


24. (1) This Part applies to a request by the ICC for assistance that is made under—
(a) Part 9 of the Statute, namely—
(i) the provisional arrest, arrest and surrender to the ICC of a person in relation to whom the ICC has issued an arrest warrant or given a judgment of conviction;
(ii) the identification and where¬abouts of persons or the location of items;
(iii) the taking of evidence, including testimony under oath and the production of evidence, expert opinions, and reports necessary to the ICC;
(iv) the questioning of any person being investigated or prosecuted;
(v) the service of documents, including judicial documents;
(vi) facilitating the voluntary appear¬ance of persons as witnesses or experts before the ICC;
(vii) the temporary transfer of prisoners;
(viii) the examination of places or sites, including the exhumation and examination of grave sites;
(ix) the execution of searches and seizures;

(x) the provision of records and documents, including official records and documents;
(xi) the protection of victims and witnesses and the preservation of evidence;
(xii) the identification, tracing and freezing, or seizure of proceeds, property and assets, and instrumentalities of crimes for the purpose of eventual forfeiture, without prejudice to the rights of bona fide third parties; and
(xiii) any other type of assistance that is not prohibited by the law of Trinidad and Tobago, with a view to facilitating the investigation and prosecution of crimes within the jurisdiction of the ICC; or
(b) any of the following articles of the Statute—
(i) article 19(8), which relates to various steps that the Prosecutor may take with the authority of the ICC;
(ii) article 56, which relates to various measures that can be taken by the Pre-Trial Chamber;
(iii) article 64, which relates to various measures that can be taken by the Trial Chamber;
(iv) article 76, which relates to the imposition of sentence by the Trial Chamber; or
(v) article 109 of the Statute, which relates to the enforcement of fines and forfeiture measures.

(2) Nothing in this section—
(a) limits the type of assistance that the ICC may request under the Statute or the Rules, whether in relation to the provision of infor¬mation or otherwise; or
(b) prevents the provision of assistance to the ICC otherwise than under this Act, including assistance of an informal nature.
25. (1) A request for assistance must be made through an authorized channel and—
(a) in the case of a request to which Part IV applies, be transmitted to the Attorney General; or
(b) in any other case, be transmitted to the Attorney General or a person authorized by the Attorney General to receive requests.
(2) For the purposes of subsection (1) and section 26(1), an authorized channel is—
(a) the diplomatic channel to the Minister to whom responsibility for foreign affairs is assigned; or
(b) any other appropriate channel that Trinidad and Tobago may designate at the time it ratifies the Statute or at any subse¬quent time in accordance with the Rules.
(3) This section is subject to section 26 which relates to urgent requests. Requests to be made through authorized channel

26. (1) In urgent cases a request for assistance, including a request for provisional arrest, may be—
(a) made using any medium capable of delivering a written record; or
(b) transmitted through the International Criminal Police Organization or any other appropriate regional organization, instead of through an authorized channel. Urgent requests

(2) If a request is made or transmitted in the first instance in the manner specified in subsection (1), it must be followed as soon as practicable by a formal request transmitted in the manner specified in section 25.
Execution of requests 27. (1) If the ICC makes a request for assistance, the request must be dealt with in accordance with the relevant procedure under the law of Trinidad and Tobago, as provided in this Act.
(2) If the request for assistance specifies that it should be executed in a particular manner that is not prohibited by Trinidad and Tobago law or by using a particular procedure that is not prohibited by Trinidad and Tobago law, the Attorney General, as the case may be, must use his best endeavours to ensure that the request is executed in that manner or using that procedure, as the case may be.

Consultation 28. (1) The Attorney General shall consult with the ICC, without delay, if—
(a) a request for assistance is received from the ICC that does not contain or is not accompanied by the appropriate informa¬tion or the appropriate documents specified in article 87, 91, 92, 93, or 96 of the Statute;
(b) the ICC has not provided sufficient information for a request for assistance to be executed;
(c) in the case of a request for surrender—
(i) the person sought cannot be located in Trinidad and Tobago;
(ii) it appears that the person in Trinidad and Tobago is clearly not the person named in the warrant or judgment, as the case may be;

(d) execution of a request for assistance in its current form would require the breach of an existing treaty obligation to another State; or
(e) for any other reason there are or may be difficulties with the execution of a request for assistance received from the ICC.
(2) Before refusing any request for assistance, the Attorney General shall consult with the ICC to ascertain whether the assistance sought could be provided—
(a) subject to conditions; or
(b) at a later date or in an alternative manner.
(3) Without limiting the types of conditions under which assistance may be provided, the Attorney General may agree to the transmission of documents or information to the Prosecutor on a confidential basis, on the condition that the Prosecutor will use them solely for the purpose of generating new evidence.
(4) If the Attorney General transmits documents or information subject to the condition specified in subsection (3), the Attorney General may subsequently consent to the disclosure of such documents or information for use as evidence under the provisions of Parts 5 and 6 of the Statute and in accordance with the Rules.
29. (1) A request for assistance and any documents supporting the request shall be kept confidential by the Trinidad and Tobago authorities who deal with the request, except to the extent that the disclosure is necessary for execution of the request.
(2) If the ICC requests that particular information that is made available with a request for assistance be provided and handled in a manner that protects the safety and physical or psychological well-being of any victims, potential witnesses, and their families, the Trinidad and Tobago authorities shall use their best endeavours to give effect to that request. Confidentiality of request

(3) In this section, the Trinidad and Tobago authorities are—
(a) the Attorney General;
(b) every police officer;
(c) every prison officer; and
(d) every employee of or contractor engaged by a Trinidad and Tobago agency that is authorized to deal with the request.
(4) Subsection (2) does not limit subsection (1).
30. (1) The Attorney General shall notify the ICC, without delay, of his response to a request for assistance and of the outcome of any action that has been taken in relation to it.
(2) If the Attorney General decides, in accordance with the Statute and this Act, to refuse or postpone the assistance requested, in whole or in part, the reasons for the decision shall be set out in the notice to the ICC.
(3) If the request for assistance cannot be executed for any other reason, the reasons for the inability or failure to execute the request shall be set out in the notice to the ICC.
(4) In the case of an urgent request for assist¬ance, any documents or evidence produced in response shall, at the request of the ICC, be sent urgently to it.
(5) Documents or evidence provided or produced in response to a request for assistance from the ICC must be transmitted to the ICC in their original language and form.


Eligibility for Surrender

43. (5) Notwithstanding subsection (3), the person is not eligible for surrender if he satisfies the Court that a mandatory restriction on the surrender of the person specified in section 55(1), applies.


Surrender and Temporary Surrender

47. (2) The Attorney General shall make a surrender order in respect of the person unless—
(a) he is satisfied that surrender of the person must be refused because a mandatory restriction on surrender specified in section 55(1) applies;
(b) he is satisfied that one of the discretionary restrictions on surrender specified in section 55(2) applies and that it is appropriate in the circumstances that surrender be refused;


Restrictions on Surrender
55. (3) To avoid doubt the only grounds on which surrender to the ICC may be refused are those specified in this section and if applicable, section 23(2) which relates to offences involving the administration of justice.


Restrictions on Surrender

59. (3) If the ICC determines that the case is inadmissible, surrender shall be refused.


Restrictions on Surrender

60. (2) If the ICC determines that the case is inadmissible, surrender must be refused.


Restrictions on Surrender

66. (3) If the ICC advises that it does not intend to proceed with the request, surrender must be refused.


Restrictions on Provision of Assistance

114. (1) The Attorney General shall refuse a request by the ICC for assistance to which this Part applies if—
(a) the ICC does not accept the conditions or other modifications suggested in order to implement the request as contemplated by article 93(5) of the Statute and section 113(4);
(b) the ICC determines under article 18 or 19 of the Statute that the case to which the request relates is inadmissible and section 118(4) applies; or
(c) section 120(4) applies.

(2) The Attorney General may refuse a request by the ICC to which this Part applies if —
(a) Part VIII, which relates to the protection of national security or third party information applies; or
(b) there are competing requests from the ICC and a State that is not a party to the Statute relating to the same conduct and section 63(4), as applied by section 119, applies.
(3) To avoid doubt the only grounds on which assistance to the ICC may be refused are those specified in this section and, if applicable, section 23(2), which relates to offences involving the administration of justice.


Restrictions on Provision of Assistance

(4) If the ICC determines that the case to which the request relates is admissible, the request shall be refused.



121. At any time before a formal response is sent to the ICC, the Attorney General may decide that a request by the ICC for assistance to which this Part applies will be refused or the execution of the request postponed, on a ground specified in section 114 or 115, even if the Attorney General has previously given authority for the request to proceed.


National Security

157. If an issue relating to Trinidad and Tobago’s national security interests arises at any stage of any proceedings before the ICC, the issue shall be dealt with in the manner provided in article 72 of the Statute and this Part.

158. (1) If a request for assistance made under Part 9 of the Statute appears to concern the production of any documents or disclosure of evidence that would, in the opinion of the Attorney General, prejudice Trinidad and Tobago’s national security interests, that request shall be dealt with in accordance with the process specified in sections 161 and 162.
(2) If, having followed the specified process the matter is not able to be resolved, the Attorney General may refuse the request or decline to authorize the production of the documents or giving of the evidence, as the case may be.

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 90 Solicitudes concurrentes

1. El Estado Parte que haya recibido una solicitud de la Corte relativa a la entrega de una persona de conformidad con el artículo 89, y reciba además una solicitud de cualquier otro Estado relativa a la extradición de la misma persona por la misma conducta que constituya la base del crimen en razón del cual la Corte ha pedido la entrega, notificará a la Corte y al Estado requirente ese hecho.

2. Si el Estado requirente es un Estado Parte, el Estado requerido dará prioridad a la solicitud de la Corte cuando ésta:

(a) Haya determinado, de conformidad con lo dispuesto en los artículos 18 ó 19, que la causa respecto de la cual se solicita la entrega es admisible y en su decisión haya tenido en cuenta la investigación o el enjuiciamiento que lleva a cabo el Estado requirente con respecto a la solicitud de extradición que éste ha presentado; o

(b) Adopte la decisión a que se refiere el apartado (a) como consecuencia de la notificación efectuada por el Estado requerido de conformidad con el párrafo 1.

3. Cuando no se haya adoptado la decisión a que se hace referencia en el párrafo 2 (a), el Estado requerido tendrá la facultad discrecional, hasta que se dicte la decisión de la Corte prevista en el párrafo 2 (b), de dar curso a la solicitud de extradición presentada por el Estado requirente, pero no la hará efectiva hasta que la Corte haya resuelto que la causa es inadmisible. La Corte adoptará su decisión en procedimiento sumario.

4. Si el Estado requirente no es parte en el presente Estatuto, el Estado requerido, en caso de que no esté obligado por alguna norma internacional a conceder la extradición al Estado requirente, dará prioridad a la solicitud de entrega que le haya hecho la Corte si ésta ha determinado que la causa era admisible.

5. Cuando la Corte no haya determinado la admisibilidad de una causa de conformidad con el párrafo 4, el Estado requerido tendrá la facultad discrecional de dar curso a la solicitud de extradición que le haya hecho el Estado requirente.

6. En los casos en que sea aplicable el párrafo 4, y salvo que el Estado requerido esté obligado por alguna norma internacional a extraditar la persona al Estado requirente que no sea parte en el presente Estatuto, el Estado requerido decidirá si hace la entrega a la Corte o concede la extradición al Estado requirente. Para tomar esta decisión, el Estado requerido tendrá en cuenta todos los factores pertinentes, entre otros:

(a) Las fechas respectivas de las solicitudes;

(b) Los intereses del Estado requirente y, cuando proceda, si el crimen se cometió en su territorio y cuál es la nacionalidad de las víctimas y de la persona cuya entrega o extradición se ha solicitado; y

(c) La posibilidad de que la Corte y el Estado requirente lleguen posteriormente a un acuerdo respecto de la entrega.

7. Cuando el Estado Parte que reciba una solicitud de la Corte de entrega de una persona reciba también una solicitud de otro Estado relativa a la extradición de la misma persona por una conducta distinta de la que constituye el crimen en razón del cual la Corte solicita la entrega:

(a) El Estado requerido, si no está obligado por ninguna norma internacional a conceder la extradición al Estado requirente, dará preferencia a la solicitud de la Corte;

(b) El Estado requerido, si está obligado por una norma internacional a conceder la extradición al Estado requirente, decidirá si entrega la persona a la Corte o la extradita al Estado requirente. En esta decisión, el Estado requerido tendrá en cuenta todos los factores pertinentes y, entre otros, los enumerados en el párrafo 6, pero tendrá especialmente en cuenta la naturaleza y la gravedad relativas de la conducta de que se trate.

Cuando, como consecuencia de una notificación efectuada con arreglo al presente artículo, la Corte haya determinado la inadmisibilidad de una causa y posteriormente se deniegue la extradición al Estado requirente, el Estado requerido notificará su decisión a la Corte.

Artículo 93 Otras formas de cooperación

4. El Estado Parte podrá no dar lugar a una solicitud de asistencia, en su totalidad o en parte, de conformidad con el artículo 72 y únicamente si la solicitud se refiere a la presentación de documentos o la divulgación de pruebas que afecten a su seguridad nacional.