Solicitud de cooperación

República Islámica del Afganistán

Afghanistan - Law on Extradition and Legal Cooperation 2013 EN

Chapter 3 Legal Cooperation

Article Twenty Six

Request for cooperation:

(1) A request for legal cooperation shall be accepted and presented in the detection, investigation and trial stages, depending upon the particular situation, and in accordance with the recommendations from the Ministry of Interior, the Attorney General’s Office and High Council of the Supreme Court, and can include the following:

a. Collecting evidence or obtaining statements from relevant individuals.

b. Assisting in the submission of individuals under custody; summoning of other individuals to give evidence, and assisting in investigations with judicial authorities of the requesting country.

c. Sending and enforcing judicial verdicts.

d. Searching for and confiscation of items.

e. Examining items and locations.

f. Providing the information and evidence of a crime.

g. Providing an original or verified copy of documents including bank statements, accounting documents, and other papers giving information on a company or its commercial activities.

h. Other parts of the jurisdiction provided that they are not in contrary with the provisions of this and other laws of land.

(2) When the Ministry of Interior, the Attorney General’s Office or High Council of the Supreme Court asks for legal cooperation from a foreign country, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall send the request and its attachments to the diplomatic mission of the relevant country as soon as possible.

(3) A request for legal cooperation can be submitted in emergency circumstances through the Interpol, or directly by the competent authorities of the requesting country, to the Ministry of Interior or the Attorney General’s Office via mail or other immediate delivery methods that provide receipts or other written records [of the delivery]. In such a case and until an [official] notice through the diplomatic mission of the requesting foreign country is received, no official response shall be given.

(4) The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, once it receives the request, sends it for legal cooperation within 14 days to the Ministry of Interior, the Attorney General’s Office or the Supreme Court.

(5) The Ministry of Interior, the Attorney General’s Office and the Supreme Court are required to process,[in accordance with law], the received request for legal cooperation within 60 days and shall make a decision in accordance with the provisions of this Law.

Article Twenty Eight

Contents of the request for legal cooperation and its attachments

(1) A request for legal cooperation, in addition to the conditions set forth in paragraph (1) of Article 10 of this law, [shall] also include the following:

a. [Detailed] explanation of the subject matter underlying the request for legal cooperation.

b. The date by which the requesting country expects the information to be returned.

c. Information on property, financial document(s),or bank statement(s) which are going to be inspected and investigated.

d. Complete information regarding the identity of the accused, witnesses, and individuals who are to be investigated, [as well as] information about their residence and the questions to be asked of them.

(2) Request for legal cooperation in certain cases shall also include the following:

a. Specific direction as to how any temporary measures are to be enforced.

b. Explanation of the facts and reasons upon which the confiscation order was issued, and an explanation of how said order was obtained in a manner that is not inconsistent with Afghan law.

c. Information regarding the rights of third person(s) [affected by the request]and their [rights in any] receivables in monies, assets, and revenues derived[from any innocent third party interests].

(3) The following shall be considered while requesting precautionary measures or confiscation:

a. A verified copy of the verdict and legal grounds on which the verdict was issued.

b. Document that confirms the final verdict is not appealable.

c. Explanation on the limits for enforcing the verdict, and a description of the total amount of money requested to be recovered from the monies and assets.

d. If the contents outlined on the request for legal cooperation are not sufficient to process [the request] or make a decision, the requesting country may be asked for additional information and explanation.

Chapter 3 Legal Cooperation

Article Thirty Eight

Rejection of request for cooperation

(1) The request for legal cooperation shall be rejected when:

a. The request is not presented according to the laws of the requesting country.

b. Accepting the request contradicts Afghan laws or disrupts civil order/safety of the society.

c. The case in relation to which legal cooperation is requested has already been decided by [an Afghan] court.

d. Taking the requested measures is contrary to the Afghan law, or it is not practical to take such measures in relation to the crime stated.

e. The request to implement the verdict is against the laws of Afghanistan.

f. The request to take measures or implement the verdict is based on race, religion, nationality, tribe, political belief, gender, or social status.

(2) Bank privacy cannot be a reason to reject the request.

(3) The relevant authorities of Afghan government shall notify the foreign country of the reason(s) for rejection of the request as soon as possible.

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 87 Solicitudes de cooperación: disposiciones generales


(a) La Corte estará facultada para formular solicitudes de cooperación a los Estados Partes. Éstas se transmitirán por vía diplomática o por cualquier otro conducto adecuado que haya designado cada Estado Parte a la fecha de la ratificación, aceptación, aprobación o adhesión. Cada Estado Parte podrá cambiar posteriormente esa designación de conformidad con las Reglas de Procedimiento y Prueba

(b) Cuando proceda, y sin perjuicio de lo dispuesto en el apartado a), las solicitudes podrán transmitirse también por conducto de la Organización Internacional de Policía Criminal o de cualquier organización regional competente.

2. Las solicitudes de cooperación y los documentos que las justifiquen estarán redactados en un idioma oficial del Estado requerido, o acompañados de una traducción a ese idioma, o a uno de los idiomas de trabajo de la Corte, según la elección que haya hecho el Estado a la fecha de la ratificación, aceptación, aprobación o adhesión. El Estado Parte podrá cambiar posteriormente esa elección de conformidad con las Reglas de Procedimiento y Prueba.

3. El Estado requerido preservará el carácter confidencial de toda solicitud de cooperación y de los documentos que las justifiquen, salvo en la medida en que su divulgación sea necesaria para tramitarla.

4. Con respecto a las solicitudes de asistencia presentadas de conformidad con la presente Parte, la Corte podrá adoptar todas las medidas, incluidas las relativas a la protección de la información, que sean necesarias para proteger la seguridad y el bienestar físico o psicológico de las víctimas, los posibles testigos y sus familiares. La Corte podrá solicitar que toda información comunicada en virtud de la presente Parte sea transmitida y procesada de manera que se proteja la seguridad y el bienestar físico o psicológico de las víctimas, los posibles testigos y sus familiares.


(a) La Corte podrá invitar a cualquier Estado que no sea parte en el presente Estatuto a prestar la asistencia prevista en la presente Parte sobre la base de un arreglo especial, un acuerdo con ese Estado o de cualquier otra manera adecuada.

(b) Cuando un Estado que no sea parte en el presente Estatuto y que haya celebrado un arreglo especial o un acuerdo con la Corte se niegue a cooperar en la ejecución de las solicitudes a que se refieran tal arreglo o acuerdo, la Corte podrá informar de ello a la Asamblea de los Estados Partes o al Consejo de Seguridad, si éste le hubiese remitido el asunto.

6. La Corte podrá solicitar de cualquier organización intergubernamental que le proporcione información o documentos. Asimismo, la Corte podrá solicitar otras formas de cooperación y asistencia que se hayan acordado con cualquiera de esas organizaciones, de conformidad con su competencia o mandato.

7. Cuando, en contravención de lo dispuesto en el presente Estatuto, un Estado Parte se niegue a dar curso a una solicitud de cooperación formulada por la Corte, impidiéndole ejercer sus funciones y atribuciones de conformidad con el presente Estatuto, ésta podrá hacer una constatación en ese sentido y remitir la cuestión a la Asamblea de los Estados Partes o al Consejo de Seguridad, si éste le hubiese remitido el asunto.