Rejet d’une demande de la CPI – protection de la sécurité nationale


Chapter 66a. Co-operation with the International Criminal Court

Chapter 66a. Co-operation with the International Criminal Court

Art. 611n. If a request of the Court for judicial assistance concerns measures other than those listed in the Statute, and its execution despite consultations with the Court is still prohibited by law, and such judicial assistance may not be granted subject to specified conditions, at a later date or in any other manner, a court or a prosecutor shall deny the Court’s request.

Art. 611o. § 1. If a request of the Court concerns access to documents or other evidence containing information the disclosure of which could threaten the security of the Republic of Poland, a court or a prosecutor shall not take a decision regarding such request, but shall submit the files of the case to the Minister of Justice who, in co-operation with the competent body, consults with the Court in order to resolve the matter.

§ 2. If, despite the consultation with the Court, the granting of judicial assistance still threatens the security of the Republic of Poland, a court or a prosecutor shall deny the Court’s request.

Statut de Rome

Article 93 Autres formes de coopération

4. Conformément à l'article 72, un État Partie ne peut rejeter, totalement ou partiellement, une demande d'assistance de la Cour que si cette demande a pour objet la production de documents ou la divulgation d'éléments de preuve qui touchent à sa sécurité nationale.