Procédures de transit

Royaume de Suède

Cooperation with the ICC Act N.2002.329


The Head of the Ministry of Justice may issue a permit for transit through Sweden of a person deprived of his or her liberty who, to be surrendered or extradited or for another purpose, shall be transferred between another State and the International Criminal Court. During such transit, the deprivation of liberty shall continue unless the Court requests that the person being transferred is released.

For transport by air without a scheduled intermediate landing in Sweden, permission according to the first paragraph is not required. If an unscheduled intermediate landing occurs, the police authority shall take the person being transferred into custody until an application is made for permission for the transit in accordance with the first paragraph and immediately notify the Head of the Ministry of Justice thereof. If no application is made within at the latest 96 hours of the unscheduled landing, the person shall be immediately released.

If permission has been granted in accordance with the first paragraph, the police authority may if necessary take the person being transferred into custody. The provisions of Section 5 apply as regards compulsory measures in a matter concerning transit.

Statut de Rome

Article 89 Remise de certaines personnes à la Cour


a) Les États Parties autorisent le transport à travers leur territoire, conformément aux procédures prévues par leur législation nationale, de toute personne transférée à la Cour par un autre État, sauf dans le cas où le transit par leur territoire gênerait ou retarderait la remise.