Procédures nationales concernant l’exécution des peines prononcées

Fédération de Russie

Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation

Part Three. Court Proceedings

Section XIV. Execution of the Sentence

Chapter 46. Presentation of the Sentences, Rulings and Resolutions for Execution

Article 390. Entry of the Sentence into Force and Its Presentation for Execution

1. The sentence of the first instance court shall enter into legal force after an expiry of the term for filing an appeal against it in the statutory or in the cassation order, if it has not been appealed against by the parties.

2. The sentence of a court of the appeals instance shall enter into legal force after the expiry of the term of filing an appeal against it by way of cassation, unless it has been appealed against by the parties.

3. If a complaint or a presentation is filed by way of cassation, the sentence, unless it is cancelled by the court of the cassation instance, shall come into legal force on the day of passing the cassation ruling.

4. The sentence shall be presented for execution by the first instance court within three days from the day of its entry into legal force, or of the return of the criminal case from the court of the appeals or of the cassation instance.

Article 391. Entry of a Court Ruling or Resolution into Legal Force and Its Presentation for Execution

1. A ruling or a resolution of the court of the first or appeals instance shall enter into legal force and shall be presented for execution after an expiry of the term for filing an appeal against it by way of cassation, or on the day of passing the ruling by the court of the cassation instance.

2. The court's ruling or resolution, not subject to an appeal by way of cassation, shall enter into legal force and shall be presented to execution immediately.

3. The court ruling or resolution on the termination of the criminal case, passed in the course of the judicial proceedings on the criminal case, shall be subject to an immediate execution in that part of it, which concerns the release of the accused or of the defendant from custody.

4. The ruling of a court of the cassation instance shall enter into legal force as from the moment of its proclamation and may be revised only in accordance with the order, laid down by Chapters 48 and 49 of the present Code.

5. The ruling of a court of the cassation instance shall be presented to execution in the order, established by the fourth and the fifth parts of Article 388 of the present Code.

Article 392. Obligatory Nature of the Court Sentence, Ruling and Resolution

1. The sentence, ruling or resolution of the court shall be mandatory for all state power bodies, for the bodies of local self-government, for public associations, officials and the other natural and legal persons, and shall be subject to obligatory execution on the entire territory of the Russian Federation.

2. The non-execution of the court sentence, ruling or resolution shall entail liability, envisaged by Article 315 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Article 393. Procedure for Presenting for Execution the Court Sentence, Ruling and Resolution

1. The presentation for execution of the sentence, ruling or resolution of the court shall be imposed upon the court, which has examined the criminal case in the first instance.

2. A copy of the sentence of conviction shall be directed by the judge or by the president of the court to that institution or to that body, upon which the execution of the punishment is imposed.

3. The appeals instance court shall be obliged to inform the institution or the body, upon which the execution of the punishment is imposed, about the decision it has adopted with respect to the person, held in custody.

4. If the sentence of the court of the first or appeals instance is altered when it is examined by way of cassation, to the copy of the sentence shall also be enclosed a copy of the ruling of the court of the cassation instance.

5. The institution or the body, upon which the execution of the punishment is imposed, shall immediately inform the court, which has passed the sentence of conviction, about its execution.

6. The institution or the body, upon which the execution of the sentence is imposed shall be obliged to notify the court, which has passed the sentence about the place where the convict is serving his term.

Article 394. Notification about the Presentation of the Sentence for Execution

1. After the entry into legal force of the sentence, in accordance with which the convict, held in custody, is sentenced to arrest or to the deprivation of freedom, the administration of the place of detention shall inform one of the convict's close relatives or relations of the place where he is sent to serve the sentence, in conformity with Article 75 of the Criminal-Executive Code of the Russian Federation.

2. In case of the satisfaction of the civil claim, the civil claimant and the civil defendant shall be informed about the presentation of the sentence to execution.

Article 395. Granting Relations a Meeting with the Convict

Before the sentence is presented for execution, the presiding judge of the court session on the criminal case or the president of the court shall grant at the request of the close relatives or of relations of the convict, held in custody, an opportunity to see him .

Statut de Rome

Article 103 Rôle des États dans l'executino des peines d'emprisonnement


a) Les peines d'emprisonnement sont accomplies dans un État désigné par la Cour sur la liste des États qui lui ont fait savoir qu'ils étaient disposés à recevoir des condamnés.

b) Lorsqu'il déclare qu'il est disposé à recevoir des condamnés, un État peut assortir son acceptation de conditions qui doivent être agréées par la Cour et être conformes aux dispositions du présent chapitre.

c) L'État désigné dans une affaire donnée fait savoir promptement à la Cour s'il accepte ou non sa désignation.


a) L'État chargé de l'exécution avise la Cour de toute circonstance, y compris la réalisation de toute condition convenue en application du paragraphe 1, qui serait de nature à modifier sensiblement les conditions ou la durée de la détention. La Cour est avisée au moins 45 jours à l'avance de toute circonstance de ce type connue ou prévisible. Pendant ce délai, l'État chargé de l'exécution ne prend aucune mesure qui pourrait être contraire à ses obligations en vertu de l'article 110 ;

b) Si la Cour ne peut accepter les circonstances visées à l'alinéa a), elle en avise l'État chargé de l'exécution et procède conformément à l'article 104, paragraphe 1.

3. Quand elle exerce son pouvoir de désignation conformément au paragraphe 1, la Cour prend en considération :

a) Le principe selon lequel les États Parties doivent partager la responsabilité de l'exécution des peines d'emprisonnement conformément aux principes de répartition équitable énoncés dans le Règlement de procédure et de preuve ;

b) Les règles conventionnelles du droit international généralement acceptées qui régissent le traitement des détenus ;

c) Les vues de la personne condamnée ;

d) La nationalité de la personne condamnée ;

e) Toute autre circonstance relative au crime, à la situation de la personne condamnée ou à l'exécution effective de la peine, susceptible de guider le choix de l'État chargé de l'exécution.

4. Si aucun État n'est désigné comme prévu au paragraphe 1, la peine d'emprisonnement est accomplie dans un établissement pénitentiaire fourni par l'État hôte, dans les conditions définies par l'accord de siège visé à l'article 3, paragraphe 2. Dans ce cas, les dépenses afférentes à l'exécution de la peine sont à la charge de la Cour.