Transfert temporaire de personnes détenues aux fins d'identification ou pour obtenir un témoignage ou d'autres formes d'assistance – procédures nationales pour procédures de la CPI


International War Crimes Tribunals Act 1995

Part 2
Arrest and surrender of person to a Tribunal

Surrender of persons

19 Effect of surrender on prisoner's sentence

(1) ubject to subsection (2), where a person who is serving a sentence in respect of an offence against the law of New Zealand is surrendered to a Tribunal under this Part, the person shall, while he or she is in the custody of, or on the order of, the Tribunal (including custody outside New Zealand), be eemed to be continuing to serve that sentence.

(2) If the person is convicted of a Tribunal offence, time spent by the person in custody serving a sentence of imprisonment imposed by the Tribunal for the Tribunal offence is not to be counted as time towards the sentence referred to in subsection (1).

Part 3
Other forms of assistance to a Tribunal

Giving evidence at hearings, or assisting in investigations, in foreign countries

32 Effect of removal to foreign country on prisoner's sentence

Where a prisoner who is serving a sentence for an offence against the law of New Zealand is released from a New Zealand prison pursuant to a request by a Tribunal under section 31, the prisoner shall, while in custody in connection with the request (including custody outside New Zealand), be deemed to be continuing to serve that sentence.

33 Undertakings relating to persons giving evidence or assisting

(1) Where a Tribunal makes a request to the Attorney-General for the attendance of a person to whom section 31 applies or a person to whom section 30 applies to give evidence or assist, the Attorney-General shall seek from the Tribunal an undertaking—

(a) that the person will only be required to give evidence or assistance in relation to the Tribunal offence specified in the request ; and
(b) that any evidence given by the person will not be used in any proceeding other than the proceeding to which the Tribunal offence relates ; and
(c) that the person will be returned to New Zealand as soon as practicable in accordance with arrangements agreed to by the Attorney-General.

(2) In a case where the request relates to a person who is a pris-oner, and the Attorney-General requests the Tribunal to make arrangements for the keeping of the prisoner in custody while the prisoner is in the foreign country, the Tribunal shall also give, to the extent, if any, required by the Attorney-General, the following undertakings :

(a) that appropriate arrangements will be made for that purpose:
(b) that the prisoner will not be released from custody in the foreign country without the prior approval of the Attorney-General:
(c) that if the prisoner is released in accordance with paragraph (b), the prisoner's accommodation and expenses will be paid for by the Tribunal until the Tribunal decides that the person is no longer required to give evidence in the proceeding, or to assist the investigation, to which the request relates.

Statut de Rome

Article 93 Autres formes de coopération

1. Les États Parties font droit, conformément aux dispositions du présent chapitre et aux procédures prévues par leur législation nationale, aux demandes d'assistance de la Cour liées à une enquête ou à des poursuites et concernant :

f) Le transfèrement temporaire de personnes en vertu du paragraphe 7 ;


a) La Cour peut demander le transfèrement temporaire d'une personne détenue aux fins d'identification ou pour obtenir un témoignage ou d'autres formes d'assistance. Cette personne peut être transférée si les conditions suivantes sont remplies :

i) La personne donne librement et en connaissance de cause son consentement au transfèrement ; et

ii) L'État requis donne son accord au transfèrement, sous réserve des conditions dont cet État et la Cour peuvent convenir.

b) La personne transférée reste détenue. Une fois l'objectif du transfèrement atteint, la Cour renvoie sans délai cette personne dans l'État requis.