Solicitud de tránsito


Australia - International Criminal Court Act No. 41 2002 (2018) EN

Part 4—Other requests by ICC

Division 2—Documentation to accompany request

50 Documentation for request
(2) A request for transit under paragraph 3 of article 89 of the Statute
must contain, or be accompanied by, the following information and documents:
(a) a description of the person to be transported;
(b) a brief statement of the facts of the case and their legal characterisation; and
(c) a copy of the warrant for arrest and surrender.

Part 9—Transportation of persons in custody through Australia

150 Transportation of persons in custody through Australia
(2) Subject to this section, the Attorney-General must authorise the transportation of the transportee through Australia in the custody of a person specified by the Attorney-General if the ICC has, in accordance with section 8, made a request for the transportation that contains:
(a) a description of the transportee; and
(b) a brief statement of the facts of the case and their legal characterisation; and
(c) the warrant for the arrest and surrender of the transportee.

Australia - Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Act No. 85 1987 (2018)

Part V—Custody of persons in transit
29 Transit
(1) If a person is to be transported in custody from a foreign country through Australia to another foreign country for the purposes of:
(a) giving evidence in a proceeding; or
(b) giving assistance in relation to an investigation;
relating to a criminal matter in the other foreign country, the person:
(c) may be transported through Australia in the custody of another person; and
(d) if an aircraft or ship by which the person is being transported lands or calls at a place in Australia—shall be kept in such custody as the Attorney General directs in writing until his or her transportation is continued.
(2) Where a person who is being held in custody pursuant to a direction under paragraph (1)(d) and the person’s transportation is not, in the opinion of the Attorney General, continued within a reasonable time, the Attorney General may direct that the person be transported in custody to the foreign country from which the person was first transported .

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 89 Entrega de personas a la Corte


(a) El Estado Parte autorizará de conformidad con su derecho procesal el tránsito por su territorio de una persona que otro Estado entregue a la Corte, salvo cuando el tránsito por ese Estado obstaculice o demore la entrega;

(b) La solicitud de la Corte de que se autorice ese tránsito será transmitida de conformidad con el artículo 87 y contendrá:

(i) Una descripción de la persona que será transportada;

(ii) Una breve exposición de los hechos de la causa y su tipificación; y

(iii) La orden de detención y entrega;

(c) La persona transportada permanecerá detenida durante el tránsito;

(d) No se requerirá autorización alguna cuando la persona sea transportada por vía aérea y no se prevea aterrizar en el territorio del Estado de tránsito;

(e) En caso de aterrizaje imprevisto en el territorio del Estado de tránsito, éste podrá pedir a la Corte que presente una solicitud de tránsito con arreglo a lo dispuesto en el apartado b). El Estado de tránsito detendrá a la persona transportada mientras se recibe la solicitud de la Corte y se efectúa el tránsito; sin embargo, la detención no podrá prolongarse más de 96 horas contadas desde el aterrizaje imprevisto si la solicitud no es recibida dentro de ese plazo.