Allanamientos y decomisos – autoridad – trámites nacionales para los procedimientos de la CPI

República de Kenya

Kenya - Mutual Legal Assistance Act 2011 (2012) EN


18. Search and seizure

(1) A request under this Act may seek assistance in the search and seizure of property in Kenya.

(2) The request made under subsection (1) shall specify the property to be searched and seized and shall contain, so far as is reasonably practicable, all information available to a requesting state which may be required to be adduced in an application under Kenyan law for any necessary warrant or authorization to effect the search and seizure.

(3) Subject to the relevant law, the Competent Authority shall provide such certification as may be required by a requesting state concerning the result of any search, the place and circumstances of seizure, and the subsequent custody of the property seized.

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 93 Otras formas de cooperación

1. Los Estados Partes, de conformidad con lo dispuesto en la presente Parte y con los procedimientos de su derecho interno, deberán cumplir las solicitudes de asistencia formuladas por la Corte en relación con investigaciones o enjuiciamientos penales a fin de:

(h) Practicar allanamientos y decomisos;