Traslado provisional de un detenido a fines de su identificación o de que preste testimonio o asistencia de otra índole – trámites nacionales para los procedimientos de la CPI

Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte

The International Criminal Court Act 2001 (Overseas Territories) Order 2009


Forms of assistance

Transfer of prisoner to give evidence or assist in investigation
36.—(1) This section applies where the Governor receives a request from the ICC for the temporary transfer of a prisoner to the ICC for the purposes of identification or for obtaining testimony or other assistance.

(2) Omitted

(3) The Governor may issue a warrant (a “transfer warrant”) requiring the prisoner to be delivered up, in accordance with the arrangements made by the Governor with the ICC, into the custody of the ICC.

(4) A transfer warrant shall not be issued unless a prisoner consents to the transfer, but consent may not be withdrawn after the issue of the warrant.

(5) The following provisions of Part 2 of this Act apply in relation to a transfer warrant under this section as they apply in relation to a delivery order under that Part—

(a) section 15 (effect of delivery order), and
(b) section 24 and Schedule 2 (delivery up of persons subject to criminal proceedings, &c).

(6) In this section “prisoner” means—

(a) a person serving a sentence of detention or imprisonment (including a sentence imposed by a service court),
(b) a person detained in custody otherwise than in pursuance of a sentence, including in particular—

(i) a person in custody awaiting trial or sentence,
(ii) a person committed to prison for contempt or for failure to pay a fine,
(iii) a person in custody in connection with proceedings to which Part 2 or 3 of Schedule 2 applies (extradition or other delivery proceedings),
(iv) a person detained under any law of the Territory relating to the control of entry to the Territory.

(7) For the purposes of any law relating to the control of entry to the Territory a person detained under any provision of that law is not to be regarded as having left the Territory at any time when a transfer warrant is in force in respect of him (including any time when he is in the custody of the ICC).

(8) Omitted.

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 93 Otras formas de cooperación

1. Los Estados Partes, de conformidad con lo dispuesto en la presente Parte y con los procedimientos de su derecho interno, deberán cumplir las solicitudes de asistencia formuladas por la Corte en relación con investigaciones o enjuiciamientos penales a fin de:

(f) Proceder al traslado provisional de personas, de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el párrafo 7;


(a) La Corte podrá solicitar el traslado provisional de un detenido a los fines de su identificación o de que preste testimonio o asistencia de otra índole. El traslado podrá realizarse siempre que:

(i) El detenido dé, libremente y con conocimiento de causa, su consentimiento; y

(ii) El Estado requerido lo acepte, con sujeción a las condiciones que hubiere acordado con la Corte.

(b) La persona trasladada permanecerá detenida. Una vez cumplidos los fines del traslado, la Corte la devolverá sin dilación al Estado requerido.