''CHAPTER II. PROTECTION OF FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS OF THE INDIVIDUAL, 15. Protection from discrimination on the grounds of race, etc''
6. Where a person is detained by virtue of such a law or regulation as is referred to in the preceding subsection, the following provisions shall apply, that is to say—
he shall, as soon as reasonably practicable and in any case not more than ten days after the commencement of his detention, be furnished with a statement in writing, in a language that he understands, specifying in detail the grounds upon which he is detained;
not more than fourteen days after the commencement of his detention, a notification shall be published at the office of the Beretitenti stating that he has been detained and giving particulars of the provision of law under which his detention is authorised;
not more than one month after the commencement of his detention and thereafter during his detention at intervals of not more than six months, his case shall be reviewed by an independent and impartial Tribunal consisting of a Chairman appointed by the Chief Justice and two other members appointed by the Chief Justice sitting with the Public Service Commission;
he shall be afforded reasonable facilities to consult a representative of his own choice who shall be permitted to make representations to the Tribunal; and
at the hearing of his case by the Tribunal he shall be permitted to appear in person or through a representative of his own choice.
''CHAPTER II. PROTECTION OF FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS OF THE INDIVIDUAL, 15. Protection from discrimination on the grounds of race, etc''
7. On any review by a Tribunal in pursuance of this section of the case of a detained person, the Tribunal may make recommendations concerning the necessity or expediency of continuing his detention to the authority by which it was ordered but, unless it is otherwise provided by law, that authority shall not be obliged to act in accordance with any such recommendations.
1. En las investigaciones realizadas de conformidad con el presente Estatuto:
(d) Nadie será sometido a arresto o detención arbitrarios ni será privado de su libertad salvo por los motivos previstos en el presente Estatuto y de conformidad con los procedimientos establecidos en él.
2. La Corte, al imponer una pena de reclusión, abonará el tiempo que, por orden suya, haya estado detenido el condenado. La Corte podrá abonar cualquier otro período de detención cumplido en relación con la conducta constitutiva del delito.
(c) La persona transportada permanecerá detenida durante el tránsito;
1. En caso de urgencia, la Corte podrá solicitar la detención provisional de la persona buscada hasta que se presente la solicitud de entrega y los documentos que la justifiquen de conformidad con el artículo 91.
1. La ejecución de una pena privativa de libertad estará sujeta a la supervisión de la Corte y se ajustará a las normas generalmente aceptadas de las convenciones internacionales sobre el tratamiento de los reclusos.
2. Las condiciones de reclusión se regirán por la legislación del Estado de ejecución y se ajustarán a las normas generalmente aceptadas de las convenciones internacionales sobre el tratamiento de los reclusos; en todo caso, no serán ni más ni menos favorables que las aplicadas a los reclusos condenados por delitos similares en el Estado de ejecución.
3. La comunicación entre el condenado y la Corte será irrestricta y confidencial.