Part IV—Arrangements for persons to give evidence or assist investigations
Division 1—Requests by Australia
16 Requests for removal of certain persons to Australia
(1) Where:
(a) a proceeding relating to a criminal matter has commenced in Australia; and
(b) a person who is in a foreign country:
(i) is a foreign prisoner;
(ii) is capable of giving evidence relevant to the proceeding; and
(iii) has given his or her consent to being removed to Australia for the purpose of giving evidence in the proceeding;
Australia may request the foreign country to authorise the attendance of the person at a hearing in connection with the proceeding.
(2) Where:
(a) an investigation relating to a criminal matter has commenced in Australia; and
(b) a person who is in a foreign country:
(i) is a foreign prisoner;
(ii) is capable of giving assistance in relation to the investigation; and
(iii) has given his or her consent to being removed to Australia for the purposes of giving assistance in relation to the investigation;
Australia may request the foreign country to authorise the removal of the person to Australia for the purpose of giving assistance in relation to the investigation.
(3) If a request is made under subsection (1) or (2), the Attorney General may make arrangements with an appropriate authority of the foreign country for the purposes of:
(a) the removal of the person to Australia;
(b) the custody of the person while in Australia;
(c) the return of the person to the foreign country; and
(d) other relevant matters.
1. Los Estados Partes, de conformidad con lo dispuesto en la presente Parte y con los procedimientos de su derecho interno, deberán cumplir las solicitudes de asistencia formuladas por la Corte en relación con investigaciones o enjuiciamientos penales a fin de:
(f) Proceder al traslado provisional de personas, de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el párrafo 7;
(a) La Corte podrá solicitar el traslado provisional de un detenido a los fines de su identificación o de que preste testimonio o asistencia de otra índole. El traslado podrá realizarse siempre que:
(i) El detenido dé, libremente y con conocimiento de causa, su consentimiento; y
(ii) El Estado requerido lo acepte, con sujeción a las condiciones que hubiere acordado con la Corte.
(b) La persona trasladada permanecerá detenida. Una vez cumplidos los fines del traslado, la Corte la devolverá sin dilación al Estado requerido.