Competing request - same conduct - State not Party - international obligation


Afghanistan - Law on Extradition and Legal Cooperation 2013 EN

Chapter 2 Extradition

Article Nineteen

Simultaneous request for extradition

(1) If more than one country sends a request for extradition of an accused for committing identical crimes, the request of the country whose interest or citizens were first affected shall prevail.

(2) If more than one country sends a request for extradition of an accused for different crimes, the request of the country whose interest or citizens were more severely affected shall prevail.

Rome Statute

Article 90 Competing requests

4. If the requesting State is a State not Party to this Statute the requested State, if it is not under an international obligation to extradite the person to the requesting State, shall give priority to the request for surrender from the Court, if the Court has determined that the case is admissible.