Swiss Confederation

Federal Law on Cooperation with the International Criminal Court 2001

Date: June 22, 2001
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Swiss Confederation, Federal Law on Cooperation with the International Criminal Court 2001 (2001), available from, accessed on 25/03/2025.

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Admissibility challenge - competing request
Availability of procedures under national law
Communication with the ICC
Competent national authority
Competing request
Competing request - case inadmissible - notification of decision
Conflict with existing fundamental legal principle of general application - consultations with the Court
Consent to surrender
Consultations with the Court
Contents of request - other forms of assistance
Contents of request for arrest and surrender
Contents of request for arrest and surrender - national law requirements
Contents of request for provisional arrest
Cooperation of State
Detention during transit
Detention pending surrender
Direct execution of requests on State territory
Enforcement of fines
Enforcement of forfeiture orders
Enforcement of sentences imposed
Enforcement of sentences of imprisonment
Examination of places or sites - national procedures for ICC proceedings
Examination of witnesses - national procedures for ICC proceedings
Facilitating voluntary appearance of persons - national procedures for ICC proceedings
Forfeiture of assets - national procedures for ICC proceedings
Freezing of assets - national procedures for ICC proceedings
Identification and whereabouts of persons - national procedures for ICC proceedings
Identification of assets - national procedures for ICC proceedings
Information re location or identification of person or place required for assistance
Information required under the law of the requested State
International assistance in criminal matters
Language of requests for cooperation
Location of items - national procedures for ICC proceedings
National procedures for execution of cooperation request
National procedures for execution of requests for other forms of cooperation
National procedures re enforcement of sentences imposed
Non-modification of sentence by State
Non-prejudice to the rights of bona fide third parties in the enforcement of forfeiture orders
Obligation to cooperate
Obligation to inform the Court of reasons for denial of assistance
Other forms of cooperation
Other types of assistance - national procedures for ICC proceedings
Postponement - admissibility challenge
Postponement - ongoing investigation or prosecution
Preservation of evidence - national procedures for ICC proceedings
Proceeds of crimes
Production of evidence - national procedures for ICC proceedings
Protection of safety of physical or psychological well-being of victims, witnesses and families
Provision of records and documents - national procedures for ICC proceedings
Provisional arrest
Provisional arrest - detention pending surrender
Provisional arrest - release - ICC proceedings
Provisional arrest for ICC proceedings - national procedures
Questioning of persons - national procedures for ICC proceedings
Reasons for and details of procedure or requirement to be followed
Refusal of ICC request
Refusal of ICC request - competing request
Refusal of ICC request - protection of national security
Request by State for ICC assistance
Request for arrest and surrender
Request for cooperation
Request for other forms of cooperation
Request for provisional arrest
Request for transit
Search and seizure - national procedures for ICC proceedings
Seizure of assets - national procedures for ICC proceedings
Service of documents - national procedures for ICC proceedings
State appeal and revision of sentence
State privileges and immunities
Statement of facts underlying the request
Statement of purpose of request and assistance sought
Supervision of enforcement of sentences and conditions of imprisonment
Taking of evidence - national procedures for ICC proceedings
Temporary transfer of persons in custody for purposes of identification or for obtaining testimony or other forms of assistance - national procedures for ICC proceedings
Tracing of assets - national procedures for ICC proceedings
Transfer of forfeitures to the ICC
Transfer of the person upon completion of sentence
Transit proceedings
Transportation and transit through State territory for surrender
Unique provision - cooperation
Unscheduled landing on territory of transit State
Victims' protection - national procedures for ICC proceedings
Willingness to accept sentenced persons
Witness protection - national procedures for ICC proceedings