Service of documents

Republic of Hungary

Hungary - International Assistance in Criminal Matters Act (1996) EN

''Chapter V  Procedural legal aid, 4. Title Special rules for certain forms of legal aid''

§ 64 Forms of legal aid in particular:
(j) service of an official document

''Chapter V  Procedural legal aid, 14. Title Service of an official document''

75 / A. § (1) The Hungarian judicial authority shall send the official document to a consignee residing in a foreign state directly, by post, as a postal item sent with additional return receipt service, with a certificate of service, in a closed document.

(2)  If the addressee does not know Hungarian, the official document shall be translated into the addressee's mother tongue or another language indicated by him or her, or, if these are not known to the Hungarian judicial authority, the addressee's actual place of residence. official language, one of the official languages ​​or a language designated by the foreign state. The document must be accompanied by information to the addressee of his procedural rights and obligations.

Rome Statute

Article 93 Other forms of cooperation

1. States Parties shall, in accordance with the provisions of this Part and under procedures of national law, comply with requests by the Court to provide the following assistance in relation to investigations or prosecutions:

(d) The service of documents, including judicial documents;

(i) The provision of records and documents, including official records and documents;