Competing request

Republic of Albania

Albania - Criminal Procedure Code 1995 (2017) EN

Article 489 Request for extradition
3. When more requests for extradition concur, the Minister of Justice sets the order of review. He takes into consideration all the circumstances of the case and, particularly the date of the reception of the request, the importance and the place where the criminal offence is committed, the citizenship and the domicile of the person subject to request, as well as the possibility of a re-extradition by the requesting country.
4. In case for a sole offence the extradition is requested simultaneously by several countries he/she shall be transferred to the country subject to the criminal offence or to the country within which territory has been committed the criminal offence.

Article 490 Conditions on extradition
1. The extradition is allowed under the express condition that the extradited person shall not be prosecuted, shall be not convicted nor he/she shall be transferred to another country for a criminal offence which has occurred before the request for extradition and which is different from the one for which extradition is granted.

Article 491 Non-admissibility of the request for extradition
extradition may not be granted:
a) for an offence of political nature or when it results that it is requested for political reasons;
b) when there are grounds to think that the requested person shall be subject to persecution or discrimination due to race, religion, sex, citizenship, language, political belief, personal or social state or cruel, inhuman or degrading punishment or treatment or acts which constitute violation of fundamental human rights;
c) when the requested person has committed a criminal offence in Albania;
ç) when the proceeding is initiated or tried in Albania, although the offence is committed abroad;
d) when the criminal offence is not foreseen as such by the Albanian legislation;
dh) the Albanian state has issued an amnesty for this criminal offence;
e) when the requested person is Albanian citizen and there is no agreement providing otherwise; ë) when criminal prosecution or the punishment is prescribed under the law of the requested state.
f) when the requested person is tried in absentia, except in case the requesting State provides safeguards for the revision of the decision.

Rome Statute

Article 90 Competing requests

1. A State Party which receives a request from the Court for the surrender of a person under article 89 shall, if it also receives a request from any other State for the extradition of the same person for the same conduct which forms the basis of the crime for which the Court seeks the person's surrender, notify the Court and the requesting State of that fact.

2. Where the requesting State is a State Party, the requested State shall give priority to the request from the Court if:

(a) The Court has, pursuant to article 18 or 19, made a determination that the case in respect of which surrender is sought is admissible and that determination takes into account the investigation or prosecution conducted by the requesting State in respect of its request for extradition; or

(b) The Court makes the determination described in subparagraph (a) pursuant to the requested State's notification under paragraph 1.

3. Where a determination under paragraph 2 (a) has not been made, the requested State may, at its discretion, pending the determination of the Court under paragraph 2 (b), proceed to deal with the request for extradition from the requesting State but shall not extradite the person until the Court has determined that the case is inadmissible. The Court's determination shall be made on an expedited basis.

4. If the requesting State is a State not Party to this Statute the requested State, if it is not under an international obligation to extradite the person to the requesting State, shall give priority to the request for surrender from the Court, if the Court has determined that the case is admissible.

5. Where a case under paragraph 4 has not been determined to be admissible by the Court, the requested State may, at its discretion, proceed to deal with the request for extradition from the requesting State.

6. In cases where paragraph 4 applies except that the requested State is under an existing international obligation to extradite the person to the requesting State not Party to this Statute, the requested State shall determine whether to surrender the person to the Court or extradite the person to the requesting State. In making its decision, the requested State shall consider all the relevant factors, including but not limited to:

(a) The respective dates of the requests;

(b) The interests of the requesting State including, where relevant, whether the crime was committed in its territory and the nationality of the victims and of the person sought; and

(c) The possibility of subsequent surrender between the Court and the requesting State.

7. Where a State Party which receives a request from the Court for the surrender of a person also receives a request from any State for the extradition of the same person for conduct other than that which constitutes the crime for which the Court seeks the person's surrender:

(a) The requested State shall, if it is not under an existing international obligation to extradite the person to the requesting State, give priority to the request from the Court;

(b) The requested State shall, if it is under an existing international obligation to extradite the person to the requesting State, determine whether to surrender the person to the Court or to extradite the person to the requesting State. In making its decision, the requested State shall consider all the relevant factors, including but not limited to those set out in paragraph 6, but shall give special consideration to the relative nature and gravity of the conduct in question.

Where pursuant to a notification under this article, the Court has determined a case to be inadmissible, and subsequently extradition to the requesting State is refused, the requested State shall notify the Court of this decision.