CHAPTER II: Individual Rights
Article 88
Duress or coercion of any type to obtain confessions shall not be employed.
No one may be required, in criminal, disciplinary or police matters, to testify against
himself, his spouse or household companion, nor against his relatives within the
fourth degree of consanguinity or second degree of affinity.
Testimony given only before a competent judge shall be evidence.
Testimony obtained in violation of any of these principles shall be null, and those
responsible shall incur the penalties established by law.
1. Les États Parties font droit, conformément aux dispositions du présent chapitre et aux procédures prévues par leur législation nationale, aux demandes d'assistance de la Cour liées à une enquête ou à des poursuites et concernant :
c) L'interrogatoire des personnes faisant l'objet d'une enquête ou de poursuites ;