Autorité nationale compétente


Chapter 66a. Co-operation with the International Criminal Court

Chapter 66a. Co-operation with the International Criminal Court

Art. 611g. § 1. A request for co-operation of the International Criminal Court, hereinafter referred to as “the Court”, depending on the stage of the proceedings, is executed by a competent court or prosecutor through the Minister of Justice.

§ 2. The provision of § 1 shall apply, respectively, to a request for judicial assistance addressed to the Court by a court or a prosecutor.

Part XII: Procedure in Criminal Cases in International Relations

Procedure in criminal cases in international relations

Chapter 67
Closing provisions

Article 613. § 1. With the exception of the case specified in Article 595, the courts and the state prosecutors shall communicate with the agencies of foreign states having their offices abroad, and with the persons referred to in Articles 578 and 579, in every case, including the service of procedural documents, through the Minister of Justice, who, when necessary, shall do so through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

§ 2. The courts and the state prosecutors, in cases prescribed by the Minister of Justice, may communicate directly with the consular offices of a foreign State in Poland.

Statut de Rome

Article 87 Demandes de coopération : dispositions générales


a) La Cour est habilitée à adresser des demandes de coopération aux États Parties. Ces demandes sont transmises par la voie diplomatique ou toute autre voie appropriée que chaque État Partie choisit au moment de la ratification, de l'acceptation ou de l'approbation du présent Statut ou de l'adhésion à celui-ci.Toute modification ultérieure du choix de la voie de transmission est faite par chaque État Partie conformément au Règlement de procédure et de preuve.