Examen de localités ou de sites –procédures nationales

République islamique d'Afghanistan

Afghanistan - Criminal Procedure Code 2014 EN

Section 2 Criminal Case

Chapter 3 Crime Detection, Arrest of the Accused Person and Collecting Evidence

Obligation of Assigned Person in Detecting Crime:

Article 80:

(1) Detection of a crime, according to circumstances, shall take place by the police and national security operative.

(2) The police and national security operative after receiving notification about a crime or noticing the signs and traces of a crime shall go to the crime scene observing other conditions contained in this law and carry out the following activities:

1– Observing the crime scene and photographing and identifying the circumstances and conditions that reveals the occurrence of the incident.

2– Identifying the type of crime, perpetrator and victim.

3– Arresting and searching the suspect, if necessary.

4– Identifying evidence, proofs, traces and signs related to the crime, perpetrator and its consequences.

5– Identifying the individuals who were present in the crime scene at the time of occurrence of the crime and recording the statements of suspect, victim, and crime scene witnesses.

6– Taking necessary measures for safeguarding traces and seizure of items relevant to the crime.

7– Preparing registry, examining crime scene and conducting other relevant proceedings.

(3) Police and national security operative are obligated to notify the relevant prosecutor within 24 hours after the detection of the crime.

Section 2 Criminal Case

Chapter 8 Inspection and Search

Inspection of Legal Persons’ Buildings

Article 136:

Police, National Directorate of Security officer and prosecutor are obligated to inspect the buildings of legal persons in accordance with the provisions of this law in the presence of its legal representative.

Statut de Rome

Article 93 Autres formes de coopération

1. Les États Parties font droit, conformément aux dispositions du présent chapitre et aux procédures prévues par leur législation nationale, aux demandes d'assistance de la Cour liées à une enquête ou à des poursuites et concernant :

g) L'examen de localités ou de sites, notamment l'exhumation et l'examen de cadavres enterrés dans des fosses communes ;