Transmission de dossiers et de documents – procédures nationales pour procédures de la CPI

République du Kenya

Kenya - Mutual Legal Assistance Act 2011 (2012) EN


13. Provision or production of Records

(1) A request under this Act may seek the provision or production of any documents, records or other material relevant to a criminal matter arising in a requesting state.

(2) Where documents or records requested under subsection (1) are not publicly available, the Competent Authority may provide copies of such documents, records or other material to the same extent and under the same conditions as applies to provision of such records to Kenya law enforcement agencies or prosecution or judicial authorities.


47. Transmission and return of material

(1) Where compliance with a request under this Act would involve the transmission of any document, record or property, Kenya may—
(a) postpone the transmission of the material if it is required in connection with proceedings in that state, and in such a case shall provide certified copies of a document or record pending transmission of the original ; or
(b) require a requesting state to agree to terms and conditions to protect third party interests in the material to be transmitted and may refuse to effect such transmission pending such agreement.

(2) Where any document, record or property is transmitted in compliance with a request under this Act, it shall be returned to Kenya when it is no longer required in connection with the criminal matter specified in the request unless indicated that its return is not desired.

Statut de Rome

Article 93 Autres formes de coopération

1. Les États Parties font droit, conformément aux dispositions du présent chapitre et aux procédures prévues par leur législation nationale, aux demandes d'assistance de la Cour liées à une enquête ou à des poursuites et concernant :

i) La transmission de dossiers et de documents, y compris les dossiers et les documents officiels ;