Demande concurrente – même comportement – Etat partie – en attendant la décision concernant la recevabilité

République fédérale d'Allemagne

Germany - Cooperation with ICC 2002 EN

Part 2 Surrender of Persons

§ 4 Requests for Surrender and Requests for Extradition
(relating to Article 90 of the Rome Statute)

(3) If extradition has not been approved at the time of receipt of the request of the Court for surrender, the decision regarding this will be deferred conditional upon paragraph 5 until a decision regarding approval of the surrender. The decision regarding which request will be given priority will be made in accordance with Article 90 para. 2, 4, and 7 (a) of the Rome Statute.

Part 2
Surrender of Persons

§ 4
Requests for Surrender and Requests for Extradition
(relating to Article 90 of the Rome Statute)

(3) If extradition has not been approved at the time of receipt of the request of the Court for surrender, the decision regarding this will be deferred conditional upon paragraph 5 until a decision regarding approval of the surrender. The decision regarding which request will be given priority will be made in accordance with Article 90 para. 2, 4, and 7 (a) of the Rome Statute.

Statut de Rome

Article 90 Demandes concurrentes

3. Lorsque la Cour n'a pas pris la décision visée au paragraphe 2, alinéa a), l'État requis peut, s'il le souhaite, commencer à instruire la demande d'extradition de l'État requérant en attendant que la Cour se prononce comme prévu à l'alinéa b). Il n'extrade pas la personne tant que la Cour n'a pas jugé l'affaire irrecevable. La Cour se prononce selon une procédure accélérée.