Transfert de la personne condamnée à un autre Etat

République fédérale d'Allemagne

Germany - Cooperation with ICC 2002 EN

Part 4 Mutual Assistance through the Execution of Decisions and Orders of the Court

§ 42 Escape and Speciality
(relating to Article 108, Article 111 of the Rome Statute)

(3) If a foreign state requests extradition, provisional extradition, deportation, or other transfer to its sovereign territory for criminal prosecution or execution of a sentence or other sanction, approval may be given when the Court, subject to the provisions of Article 108 para. 3 of the Rome Statute, has given prior approval and the extradition is permissible according to the extradition regulations applicable to the requesting state.

Part 4
Mutual Assistance through the Execution of Decisions and Orders of the Court

§ 41
Enforcement of Prison Sentences

(3) Upon request of the Court, the convicted person shall be surrendered to the Court or to a state designated by it. To the extent the Court does not explicitly notify that the convicted person is to be released from custody, he shall be held in custody until surrender to the Court or to the authorities of a state designated by it. Should the Court at a later point in time request a resumption of the enforcement of a criminal penalty already partially enforced domestically, the documents referred to in para. 1 number 1 are not required to be resubmitted. Para. 1 sentence 1 number 2 and sentence 2 apply mutatis mutandis.

Statut de Rome

Article 104 Modification de la désignation de l'État chargé de l'exécution

1. La Cour peut décider à tout moment de transférer un condamné dans une prison d'un autre État.

2. La personne condamnée par la Cour peut à tout moment demander à celle-ci son transfert hors de l'État chargé de l'exécution.