Confidentialité des demandes de coopération et des pièces justificatives

ex-République yougoslave de Macédoine

Macedonia - Criminal Procedure Code 2010 EN


Article 171
If it is on behalf of the interest of the criminal procedure, of concealing secrets, of the public order and ethical reasons, the official who initiates the investigation will order the persons who are heard or present at the investigation or have an access to the records of the investigation to conceal as secrets certain facts or data which they have learnt and will inform them that revealing secrets is crime. This order will be included in the minutes for the investigation i.e. will be noted on the records with a signature by the person who has been instructed.

Statut de Rome

Article 87 Demandes de coopération : dispositions générales

3. L'État requis respecte le caractère confidentiel des demandes de coopération et des pièces justificatives y afférentes, sauf dans la mesure où leur divulgation est nécessaire pour donner suite à la demande.