Production d’éléments de preuve –procédures nationales

République de Maurice

Mauritius - Mutual Assistance Act 2003 EN


6. Procedure for an evidence-gathering order or a search warrant

(6) An evidence-gathering order-

(a) shall provide for the manner in which the evidence is to be obtained in order to give effect to the request and may require any person named therein to-

(i) make a record from data or make a copy of a record ;
(ii) attend before the Master and Registrar to give evidence ; and
(iii) produce to the Judge in Chambers, or to any other person designated by him, any article, including any document, or copy thereof; or

(b) may include such terms and conditions as the Judge in Chambers considers desirable, including those relating to -

(i) the interests of the person named therein or of third parties ; or
(ii) the questioning of the person named therein by any representative of the foreign state or international tribunal, as the case may be.

(7) Subject to subsections (8) and (9), a person named in an evidence-gathering order may refuse to answer a question, or to produce a document or article, where the refusal is based on -

(a) an enactment which permits the person to decline to give evidence in similar circumstances in proceedings originating in Mauritius or a privilege recognised by the law in Mauritius ;
(b) a privilege recognised by a law in force in the foreign State that made the request ; or
(c) a law currently in force in the foreign State that would render the answering of that question, or the production of that document or article by that person, in his own jurisdiction, an offence.

Statut de Rome

Article 93 Autres formes de coopération

1. Les États Parties font droit, conformément aux dispositions du présent chapitre et aux procédures prévues par leur législation nationale, aux demandes d'assistance de la Cour liées à une enquête ou à des poursuites et concernant :

b) Le rassemblement d'éléments de preuve, y compris les dépositions faites sous serment, et la production d'éléments de preuve, y compris les expertises et les rapports dont la Cour a besoin ;