Exécution des peines nationales – amendes

République française

France - Criminal Procedure Code 1959 (2006) EN




Article 707-1
The public prosecutor and the parties seek to obtain the execution of that part of the sentence that concerns them.
However, proceedings for the recovery of fines and confiscations are undertaken by the tax collector in the district prosecutor's name.
The payment of the fine must always be sought. However, a total or partial default on the payment of this sum may lead to the incarceration of the convicted person in accordance with the conditions set down by the law.
For the recovery of any fines, the limitation period is interrupted by an order delivered to the convicted person or by a seizure of which he is informed.

Article 707-2
In proceedings for misdemeanours or petty offences, any person sentenced to a fine has a month from the date the sentence was imposed in which to pay.
Where the convicted person pays the fine as provided for by the first paragraph, there is a reduction of 20%, up to a maximum of €1,500.
Where an appeal is lodged against the part of the penal aspects of the decision, at the request of the party concerned, any sums paid out are reimbursed.
A Decree of the Conseil d'Etat determines the conditions of implementation of the present article.

Article 707-3
Where a court imposes a fine for a misdemeanour or a petty offence, the president informs the convicted person that if he pays the entire fine within a month from the date of the ruling which imposed it, there is a reduction of 20%, up to a maximum of €1,500.
The president informs the convicted person that the payment of the fine will not impede any proceedings for appeal.

Article 707-4
The provisions of articles 707-2 and 707-3 also apply to any convicted persons who have been authorised to pay fines in several instalments over a period of time, within a time limit and according to any provisions determined by the competent public Treasury departments.

Statut de Rome

Article 109 Exécution des peines d'amende et de mesures de confiscation

1. Les États Parties font exécuter les peines d'amende et les mesures de confiscation ordonnées par la Cour en vertu du chapitre VII, sans préjudice des droits des tiers de bonne foi et conformément à la procédure prévue par leur législation interne.

2. Lorsqu'un État Partie n'est pas en mesure de donner effet à l'ordonnance de confiscation, il prend des mesures pour récupérer la valeur du produit, des biens ou des avoirs dont la Cour a ordonné la confiscation, sans préjudice des droits des tiers de bonne foi.

3. Les biens, ou le produit de la vente de biens immobiliers ou, le cas échéant, d'autres biens, obtenus par un État Partie en exécution d'un arrêt de la Cour sont transférés à la Cour.