Exécution des peines nationales – amendes

République de Croatie

Croatia - Criminal Code 1997 (2008) EN




Article 51

(1) A fine shall be imposed according to daily income. It amounts to at least ten and not more than three hundred daily incomes, except for criminal offenses committed for personal gain when the maximum fine may amount to five hundred daily incomes.

(2) The court shall determine the number of daily incomes on the basis of mitigating and aggravating circumstances referred to in Article 56 of this Code other than those relating to the financial situation of the perpetrator.

(3) When determining the amount of a daily income, the court shall take into account the perpetrator’s total income, his property and his family obligations. If the perpetrator of a criminal offense does not have any income but is the owner of property or property rights, the court shall determine the daily income by a free estimate in accordance with the value of such property or property rights.

(4) In the proceedings for the issuance of a criminal order (Article 446 of the Criminal Procedure Act), the court shall take the average daily income in the Republic of Croatia as the daily income of the perpetrator. The average daily income is determined and published every six months by the Supreme Court of the Republic of Croatia on the basis of the official data of the State Bureau of Statistics.

(5) The court ruling shall specify the number and the amount of daily incomes. The final amount of the fine is the product of multiplying the number of daily incomes by the amount of the daily income.

(6) The court shall determine the period for the payment of the fine which shall not be less than thirty days nor more than six months.

Statut de Rome

Article 109 Exécution des peines d'amende et de mesures de confiscation

1. Les États Parties font exécuter les peines d'amende et les mesures de confiscation ordonnées par la Cour en vertu du chapitre VII, sans préjudice des droits des tiers de bonne foi et conformément à la procédure prévue par leur législation interne.

2. Lorsqu'un État Partie n'est pas en mesure de donner effet à l'ordonnance de confiscation, il prend des mesures pour récupérer la valeur du produit, des biens ou des avoirs dont la Cour a ordonné la confiscation, sans préjudice des droits des tiers de bonne foi.

3. Les biens, ou le produit de la vente de biens immobiliers ou, le cas échéant, d'autres biens, obtenus par un État Partie en exécution d'un arrêt de la Cour sont transférés à la Cour.