Renseignement requis par la législation de l’Etat

République portugaise

Law No. 144/99, of 31 August, on International Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters

Part I

General rules of procedure

Article 23

1. Requests for international co-operation shall indicate:

f) the text of the legal provisions applicable in the requesting State;

Part I

General rules of procedure

Article 23

1. Requests for international co-operation shall indicate:

c) the legal qualification of the facts on the grounds of which the request is made;

Part VI
Mutual legal assistance in criminal matters

Request for assistance

Article 151
Contents of the request and supporting documents

Other than the documents and statements mentioned in Article 23 above, requests shall include, as applicable:

a) the name, address and capacity of the person to whom the writ or the document should be serviced, as well as specification of the nature of such document;
b) a statement to the effect of certifying that search, seizure or handing of property, as requested, are admissible under the law of the requesting State;
c) any reference to particulars of the proceedings or to requirements, including time-limits and confidentiality, that the foreign State or judicial entity wishes to be met.

Part I

General rules of procedure

Article 23

1. Requests for international co-operation shall indicate :

c) the legal qualification of the facts on the grounds of which the request is made ;

Part VI
Mutual legal assistance in criminal matters

Request for assistance

Article 151
Contents of the request and supporting documents

Other than the documents and statements mentioned in Article 23 above, requests shall include, as applicable :

a) the name, address and capacity of the person to whom the writ or the document should be serviced, as well as specification of the nature of such document ;
b) a statement to the effect of certifying that search, seizure or handing of property, as requested, are admissible under the law of the requesting State ;
c) any reference to particulars of the proceedings or to requirements, including time-limits and confidentiality, that the foreign State or judicial entity wishes to be met.

Statut de Rome

Article 96 Contenu d'une demande portant sur d'autres formes de coopération visée à l'article 93

2. La demande contient ou est accompagnée d'un dossier contenant les éléments suivants :

e) Tout renseignement que peut exiger la législation de l'État requis pour qu'il soit donné suite à la demande ; et