Arrestation provisoire pour procédures nationales

République des Fidji

Fiji - Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters 1997 EN

''Part IV-ARRANGEMENTS FOR PERSONS TO GIVE EVIDENCE OR ASSIST INVESTIGATIONS, Division 2 - Requests by foreign countries, 24. Requests for assistance in relation to investigation in foreign countries''

(1) Where-
(a) an investigation relating to a criminal matter has commenced in a foreign country;
(b) the foreign country requests the removal of a prisoner who is in Fiji (whether or not in custody) to the foreign country for the purpose of giving assistance in relation to the investigation;
(c) there are reasonable grounds to believe that the prisoner is capable of giving assistance in relation to the investigation; and
(d) the Attorney-General is satisfied that-
(i) the prisoner has consented to being removed to the foreign country for the purpose of giving assistance in relation to the investigations, and
(ii) the foreign country has given adequate (whether or not unqualified) undertakings in respect of the matters referred to in subsection (3), the Attorney-General may-
(A) where the prisoner is being held in custody, direct that the prisoner be released from prison for the purpose of travelling to the foreign country to give assistance in relation to the investigation and, subject to the making or giving of any necessary directions or approvals in relation to the release of the prisoner, make arrangements for the travel of the prisoner to the foreign country in the custody of a police or prison officer appointed by the Attorney-General for the purpose; or
(B) where the prisoner, having been released from custody on a parole or other order or licence to be at large, is not being held in custody, approve the travel of the prisoner to the foreign country for the purpose of giving assistance in relation to the investigation and obtain approvals, authorisation, permission or variations to the parole or other order or licence to be at large as may be required and, make arrangements for the travel of the prisoner to the foreign country in the custody of a police or prison officer appointed by the Attorney-General for the purpose.
(2) Where-
(a) a criminal investigation has commenced in a foreign country;
(b) the foreign country requests that a person (not being a prisoner) who is in Fiji travel to the foreign country to give assistance in relation to the investigation;
(c) there are reasonable grounds to believe that the person is capable of giving assistance in relation to the investigations; and
(d) the Attorney-General is satisfied that-
(i) the person has consented to travel to the foreign country for the purpose of giving assistance in relation to the investigations, and
(ii) the foreign country has given adequate (whether or not unqualified) undertakings in respect of the matters referred to in subsection (3),
the Attorney-General may, make arrangements for the travel of the person to the foreign country.
(3) The matters in relation to which undertakings are to be given by a foreign country for the purpose of a request that a person be removed to, or travel to, the foreign country for the purpose of giving assistance in relation to an investigation are-
(a) that the person shall not-
(i) be detained, prosecuted or punished for any offence against the law of the foreign country that is alleged to have been committed, or that was committed, before the person's departure from Fiji;
(ii) be subjected to any civil suit in respect of any act or omission of the person that is alleged to have occurred, or that occurred, before the person's departure from Fiji, being a civil suit to which the person could not be subjected to if the person were not in the foreign country; or
(iii) be required to give in any proceedings in the foreign country, unless-
(A) the person has left the foreign country; or
(B) the person has had the opportunity of leaving the foreign country and has remained in that country otherwise than for the purpose of giving assistance in relation to the investigation to which the request relates;
(b) that the person shall be returned to Fiji in accordance with arrangements agreed by the Attorney-General;
(c) where the person is being held in custody in Fiji and the Attorney-General requests the foreign country to make arrangements for the keeping of the person in custody while the person is in the foreign country-
(i) the making of appropriate arrangements for that purpose;
(ii) that the person shall not be released from custody in the foreign country unless the Attorney-General notifies an appropriate authority of the foreign country that the person is entitled to be released from custody under Fiji law; and
(iii) if the person is released in the foreign country as mentioned in subparagraph (ii), that the person's accommodation and expenses pending the completion of the investigation to which the request relates shall be paid for by the foreign country; or
(d) other matters as the Attorney-General thinks appropriate.

Statut de Rome

Article 92 Arrestation provisoire

1. En cas d'urgence, la Cour peut demander l'arrestation provisoire de la personne recherchée en attendant que soient présentées la demande de remise et les pièces justificatives visées à l'article 91.

2. La demande d'arrestation provisoire est faite par tout moyen laissant une trace écrite et contient :

a) Le signalement de la personne recherchée, suffisant pour l'identifier, et des renseignements sur le lieu où elle se trouve probablement ;

b) L'exposé succinct des crimes pour lesquels la personne est recherchée et des faits qui seraient constitutifs de ces crimes, y compris, si possible, la date et le lieu où ils se seraient produits ;

c) Une déclaration affirmant l'existence à l'encontre de la personne recherchée d'un mandat d'arrêt ou d'un jugement établissant sa culpabilité ; et

d) Une déclaration indiquant qu'une demande de remise de la personne recherchée suivra.

3. Une personne provisoirement arrêtée peut être remise en liberté si l'État requis n'a pas reçu la demande de remise et les pièces justificatives visées à l'article 91 dans le délai prescrit par le Règlement de procédure et de preuve. Toutefois, cette personne peut consentir à être remise avant l'expiration de ce délai si la législation de l'État requis le permet. Dans ce cas, l'État requis procède aussitôt que possible à sa remise à la Cour.

4. La mise en liberté de la personne recherchée prévu au paragraphe 3, est sans préjudice de son arrestation ultérieure et de sa remise si la demande de remise accompagnée des pièces justificatives est présentée par la suite.