Facilitar la comparecencia voluntaria de personas – trámites nacionales para los procedimientos de la CPI


Germany - Cooperation with ICC 2002 EN

Part 5 Additional Mutual Assistance

§ 53 Personal Appearance of Witnesses

(1) Should the Court request the personal appearance of a person who is at large in Germany as a witness for questioning, for confrontation, or for inspection by the court, it may be ordered via a summons from a German court or a German public prosecution office.
(2) To the extent the Court assures a person that their testimony will not be used, the information from the person within the scope of the assurance of the Court shall not be used in a German criminal proceeding without the permission of the person. Testimony before the Court also may not be used in a German criminal proceeding without the permission of the person when the person was under a duty to provide information to the Court but under German law could have refused to provide such information.

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 93 Otras formas de cooperación

1. Los Estados Partes, de conformidad con lo dispuesto en la presente Parte y con los procedimientos de su derecho interno, deberán cumplir las solicitudes de asistencia formuladas por la Corte en relación con investigaciones o enjuiciamientos penales a fin de:

(e) Facilitar la comparecencia voluntaria ante la Corte de testigos o expertos;