Facilitar la comparecencia voluntaria de personas – trámites nacionales para los procedimientos de la CPI


Finland - Implementation ICC Statute 2000 EN

Section 5

(1) A witness, on whom a summons to appear issued by the International Criminal Court has been served in Finland, for the purpose of hearing before the Court, shall be under an obligation to comply with the summons.
(2) The Finnish authorities must take the necessary measures in order to facilitate the possibility of the witness to comply with the summons.

Section 6

(1) A witness, who has been summoned in Finland to be heard before the International Criminal Court, shall have a right to compensation in advance in accordance with the provisions on advance compensation in the State Compensation for Witnesses Act (666/1972), where applicable.
(2) A request for advance compensation shall be made to the district court which served the summons on the witness. A decision on the award of compensation in advance shall be made by the Ministry of Justice on the basis of a request of the district court.
(3) A compensation paid in advance may only be recovered from a witness who fails to appear before the Court or otherwise fails to fulfil his duties before the Court. A decision on the recovery of compensation shall be made by the district court referred to in paragraph (2) on the basis of a request of the Ministry of Justice.

Finland - International Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters 1994 EN

Chapter 3
Specific provisions on the provision of assistance

Section 20
Taking of evidence and obtaining statements of persons in a court of law

Where the request for assistance made by an authority of a foreign State relates to the hearing of witnesses or experts, the production of documents and records, the arrangement of inspections or the production of any other materials to be used as evidence, or the hearing of the parties, and the execution of the request falls within the functions of the judiciary, the evidence shall be taken in the court of first instance where:

1) criminal proceedings are pending in a court of the requesting foreign State; or

2) it has been requested that the evidence be taken in a court.
The evidence shall be taken in the court of first instance of the district where the person to be examined is domiciled or habitually resident, or where the evidence can otherwise be taken in an appropriate way. A public prosecutor shall be present at the hearing, where deemed necessary by the court. The taking of evidence shall, where applicable, be governed by the Finnish law on proceedings in criminal matters.

Chapter 3
Specific provisions on the provision of assistance

Section 22
Refusal to give evidence

A witness or expert who appears before a court or a person who appears before a pre trial investigation authority pursuant to a request made by an authority of a foreign State, shall be entitled to refuse to give evidence or make a statement, in so far as the person has a privilege or duty to refuse to give evidence or make a statement under Finnish law or the law of the requesting State. The law of the foreign State shall be taken into account, if the privilege or duty to refuse to give evidence has been indicated in the request for assistance made by the foreign State or if such information is supplied by the requesting authority upon the request of a Finnish court or pre trial investigation authority, or if the privilege or duty otherwise is known to the court or to the pre trial investigation authority.

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 93 Otras formas de cooperación

1. Los Estados Partes, de conformidad con lo dispuesto en la presente Parte y con los procedimientos de su derecho interno, deberán cumplir las solicitudes de asistencia formuladas por la Corte en relación con investigaciones o enjuiciamientos penales a fin de:

(e) Facilitar la comparecencia voluntaria ante la Corte de testigos o expertos;