Ejecución de las penas nacionales – multas

Santa Lucía

Criminal Code

Punishment, Pardon, Remission, Rewards and Miscellaneous Matters

Types of Punishments

Fines, Forfeitures, Compensation Etc

Appropriation of fines and other money to use of State
1187. Subject to the provisions of this Code or any other enactment, every fine recovered in the Court in respect of a contravention of any of the provisions of any enactment, and also the proceeds of any seizure or forfeiture made or incurred subject to the process of the Court, shall be paid into the Treasury for the use of the State.

Power to sell or dispose of non-pecuniary forfeitures
1188. Subject to the express provisions of any enactment, all forfeitures not of a pecuniary nature which are incurred in respect of an offence triable by the Court, or which may be enforced by the Court, may be sold or disposed of in such a manner as the Court may direct, and the proceeds of such sale shall be applied in the same manner as if the proceeds were a fine imposed under the enactment on which the proceeding for the forfeiture is founded.

Levy as in civil actions on conviction for defamation
1189. When any person is convicted of the unlawful publication of any defamatory matter the prosecutor may elect to levy the fine, if any, and costs out of any property of the offender in like manner as in civil actions, in which case all further criminal proceedings in execution or recovery or otherwise in respect of the fine and costs, if any, shall cease, and a registration of a certificate of the proceedings in such case shall have the same effect as the registration of a judgment in a civil case.

General Powers as to Payments of Money Alternative powers in general
1190.— (1) The Court by whose order any sum of money is adjudged to be paid may exercise all or any of the following powers, namely —
(a) allow reasonable time for payment of the sum;
(b) direct payment of the sum to be made by reasonable installments;
(c) direct that the person liable to pay the sum may give, to the satisfaction of the Court security, with or without a surety or sureties, for the payment of the sum or of any installment thereof, and such security may be given and enforced in the manner provided in subsection (2);
(d) order a garnishee of the person’s income;
(e) use any other power which the Court thinks fit to ensure payment of the sum adjudged.

(2) Where the Court directs that the sum be paid by installments, if the person liable to make such payments defaults in the payment of any one installment, the same proceedings may be taken for recovery of the whole sum as if he or she is in default of payment of all the installments then remaining unpaid.

Extension of time for payment of adjudged sum
1191. Where time has been allowed by the Court for the payment of the sum adjudged to be paid by the offender on an application by or on behalf of the offender the Court shall allow further time for the payment of the sum by installments.

Periodical payments through office of Court or specified person
1192.— (1) Where a Court orders money to be paid periodically by one person to another, the Court may, if it thinks fit, order that the payment shall be made through an officer of the Court or any other person or officer specified in the order.

(2) An order made for the periodical payment of money may, upon cause being shown upon fresh evidence to the satisfaction of the Court, be revoked, revived, or varied by a subsequent order of the Court.

(3) Any order made by the Court under this section, shall be subject to such directions as to remuneration to be paid to any officer or person as well as any fund from which remuneration may be paid, or to such other directions as may be given by the Court.

(4) The provisions of this section are in addition to and not in derogation of the provisions of any enactment relating to affiliation or bastardy or otherwise.

Postponement of issue of warrant of commitment for non-payment
1193. Where an application is made to the Court to issue a warrant for committing a person to a correctional facility for non-payment of money adjudged to be paid by an order, the Court may, if it deems it expedient so to do, postpone the issue of such warrant until such time and on such conditions, if any, as the Court may consider just.

Searching person ordered to pay money
1194.— (1) Where a person has been adjudged to pay a sum —
(a) by a conviction of a Court, or
(b) in proceedings in any Court for enforcing an order in any matter of bastardy, or an order under which weekly sums are made payable towards the maintenance of a wife, the Court may order him or her to be searched and any money found on him or her, or which may be found on him or her when taken to the correctional facility in default of payment of the sum adjudged to be paid by him or her, may, if the Court so directs, be applied towards the payment of such sum, and the balance, if any, shall be returned to him or her.

(2) Any money found on the person shall not be applied in the manner stated in subsection (1) if the Court is satisfied that the money does not belong to the person, or that the forfeiture of the money will be more injurious to his or her family than his or her imprisonment or for other sufficient cause.

Fine or penalty may not be less than minimum
1195. Subject to the provisions of this Code or any other enactment relating to any offence, a Court may not sentence the person convicted before it of an offence punishable by penalty or fine, to any less penalty or fine than the mandatory minimum penalty or fine prescribed by this Code, or such other enactment for such offence.

Fines in Indictable Cases Additional fines in indictable cases
1196.— (1) Where a person is convicted of any indictable offence, the Court may, in its discretion, sentence him or her to a fine in addition to any other punishment to which he or she is sentenced.

(2) Where the amount of such fine is not expressly limited, the amount of fine to which the person may be sentenced shall be in the discretion of the Court, but shall not exceed two thousand dollars.

(3) Where a person convicted of any indictable offence is sentenced to pay a fine, the Court may direct that, if he or she fails to pay the fine at the time appointed for the payment he or she shall be liable to imprisonment until the fine is paid.

(4) Any imprisonment imposed under subsection (3) shall be in addition to any imprisonment, if any, to which the person is sentenced for the offence, and shall not in any case exceed twelve months.

Substitutional fines in indictable cases
1197.— (1) In the case of any indictable offence punishable with imprisonment, the Court may substitute a fine and impose in default of payment of the fine imprisonment not exceeding the term of imprisonment which may otherwise be imposed as a punishment for the offence.

(2) Subject to the provisions of any enactment, such fine shall not exceed eight thousand dollars.

High Court to fine or commit for contempt
1198. If any person commits any contempt of Court before the Judge sitting in Court or in chambers, it shall be lawful for the Judge to punish the person in a summary manner by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or by commitment to the correctional facility for any period not exceeding three months.

Imprisonment for non-payment of fine, etc.
1199.— (1) The Commissioner of Police shall, without further war¬rant or authority, arrest and detain in custody in the correctional facility any person upon whom, at any criminal sittings of the High Court any fine has been imposed by the Court, or by whom any forfeiture has been incurred and who has been adjudged to pay such forfeiture by the Court, until the fine or forfeiture has been paid and satisfied, together with all costs and expenses in consequence of such arrest and detention.

(2) No such imprisonment shall exceed twelve months in duration, and the Judge may, at any time, order the discharge of any such inmate.

(3) The return of the Commissioner of Police or the correctional officer to any writ of habeas corpus of an arrest or detention under any judgment or order of the Court for non-payment of any fine or forfeiture imposed or incurred, shall be deemed sufficient in law, if it contains or has attached to it a certificate by the Registrar, setting forth the judgment or order by virtue of which such arrest or detention was made.

Fines in Summary Cases

Fixing amount of fine
1200. In fixing the amount of a fine, a Court of summary jurisdiction shall take into consideration, among other things, the means of the person on whom the fine is imposed so far as they appear or are known to the Court.

Restrictions on power to impose imprisonment on conviction
1201.— (1) A District Court on adjudging a person to pay a sum of money upon a conviction shall, subject to subsection (2) allow him or her at least seven days to pay the sum or the first installment of the sum if he or she is to pay by installments.

(2) If the offender fails to pay the sum at the time of his or her conviction and —
(a) when asked by the Court whether he or she wishes to have time for payment does not ask for time;
(b) he or she fails to satisfy the Court that he or she has a fixed abode; or
(c) there is some other special circumstance appearing to the Court to justify his or her immediate committal;
the Court may issue a warrant of commitment under this Sub-Part and if it does so shall state in the warrant the reasons for not allowing the offender time to pay.

Scale of imprisonment for non-payment of sums adjudged
1202. Subject in every case to the provisions of the enactment under which any order is made, the term of imprisonment, which a Court may impose in respect of the non-payment of any sum of money ad-judged to be paid by any such order, shall be such as, in the opinion of the Court, will satisfy the justice of the case and shall be in accordance with the following scale, that is to say —
Where the sum of money The period shall not ad
judged to be paid by an order — exceed —
does not exceed $250 1 month
exceeds $250 but does not exceed $500 2 months
exceeds $500 but does not
exceed $600 3 months
exceeds $600 6 months

Warrant to arrest person etc. about to leave State
1203.— (1) If upon the oath of any credible witness it appears to the Judge, or Magistrate that any person who has been allowed time for the payment of any penalty, or who has been directed to pay any penalty by installments, is about to leave the State, the Judge or Magistrate may issue a warrant to arrest and bring the person before him or her.

(2) The Judge or Magistrate may, unless the person satisfies him or her that he or she does not intend to leave the State, rescind so much of the order as allows time for payment or for payment by installments, and issue such warrant of commitment or other process as might have been issued at the hearing but for the order allowing time for payment or payment by installments.

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 109 Ejecución de multas y órdenes de decomiso

1. Los Estados Partes harán efectivas las multas u órdenes de decomiso decretadas por la Corte en virtud de la Parte VII, sin perjuicio de los derechos de terceros de buena fe y de conformidad con el procedimiento establecido en su derecho interno.

2. El Estado Parte que no pueda hacer efectiva la orden de decomiso adoptará medidas para cobrar el valor del producto, los bienes o los haberes cuyo decomiso hubiere decretado la Corte, sin perjuicio de los derechos de terceros de buena fe.

3. Los bienes, o el producto de la venta de bienes inmuebles o, según proceda, la venta de otros bienes que el Estado Parte obtenga al ejecutar una decisión de la Corte serán transferidos a la Corte.