Section 7
(1) A sentence of imprisonment imposed by the International Criminal Court shall be enforced in Finland, as requested by the Court, in accordance with the provisions of the Act on International Cooperation in the Enforcement of Certain Penal Sanctions (21/1987). However, the provisions in section 3 of the Act, concerning the conditions for enforcement, shall not be applied.
(2) The sentences shall be enforced by giving the necessary enforcement orders as provided for in section 7 of the Act referred to in paragraph (1).
Section 7
(1) A sentence of imprisonment imposed by the International Criminal Court shall be enforced in Finland, as requested by the Court, in accordance with the provisions of the Act on International Cooperation in the Enforcement of Certain Penal Sanctions (21/1987). However, the provisions in section 3 of the Act, concerning the conditions for enforcement, shall not be applied.
(2) The sentences shall be enforced by giving the necessary enforcement orders as provided for in section 7 of the Act referred to in paragraph (1).
(a) La pena privativa de libertad se cumplirá en un Estado designado por la Corte sobre la base de una lista de Estados que hayan manifestado a la Corte que están dispuestos a recibir condenados;
(b) En el momento de declarar que está dispuesto a recibir condenados, el Estado podrá poner condiciones a reserva de que sean aceptadas por la Corte y estén en conformidad con la presente Parte;
(c) El Estado designado en un caso determinado indicará sin demora a la Corte si acepta la designación.