Ejecución de multas

Reino de Noruega

The General Civil Penal Code 1902 (2013)

Part I. General Provisions

Chapter 2. Penalties and other sanctions

Section 26 a.

In addition to a custodial sentence the court may impose a fine. This applies even though fines are not prescribed as a penalty for the offence. In assessing a custodial sentence the fact that a fine is also imposed shall be taken into account.

The power to combine a custodial sentence with a fine derived from this section is of no significance in relation to statutory provisions that give legal effect to the penalty limits.

Section 27.

When a fine is imposed, due consideration should be given not only to the nature of the offence but also especially to the financial position of the convicted person and to what he can presumably afford to pay in his circumstances.

The fine shall accrue to the State treasury.

Section 28.

When a fine is imposed, a sentence of imprisonment of from one day to three months, or in the cases mentioned in section 63 up to four and a half months, shall be stipulated, which shall be executed if the fine is not paid.

When a fine is imposed pursuant to section 48 a, no sentence of imprisonment pursuant to the first paragraph shall be stipulated.

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 109 Ejecución de multas y órdenes de decomiso

1. Los Estados Partes harán efectivas las multas u órdenes de decomiso decretadas por la Corte en virtud de la Parte VII, sin perjuicio de los derechos de terceros de buena fe y de conformidad con el procedimiento establecido en su derecho interno.

2. El Estado Parte que no pueda hacer efectiva la orden de decomiso adoptará medidas para cobrar el valor del producto, los bienes o los haberes cuyo decomiso hubiere decretado la Corte, sin perjuicio de los derechos de terceros de buena fe.

3. Los bienes, o el producto de la venta de bienes inmuebles o, según proceda, la venta de otros bienes que el Estado Parte obtenga al ejecutar una decisión de la Corte serán transferidos a la Corte.