Disponibilidad a recibir condenados

República de Trinidad y Tabago

The International Criminal Court Act 2006


Enforcement of Sentences in Trinidad and Tobago

139. (1) The Attorney General may advise the ICC that Trinidad and Tobago is willing to allow persons who are ICC prisoners as a result of being sentenced to imprisonment by the ICC to serve those sentences in Trinidad and Tobago, subject to any specified conditions.
(2) If advice is given under subsection (1), the Attorney General may, at any time, advise the ICC—
(a) of further conditions that Trinidad and Tobago wishes to impose in relation to the serving of sentences in Trinidad and Tobago by ICC prisoners; or
(b) that it wishes to withdraw a condition referred to in subsection (1) or paragraph (a).
(3) If advice is given under subsection (1), the Attorney General may, at any time, advise the ICC that Trinidad and Tobago is no longer willing to allow ICC prisoners to serve their sentences in Trinidad and Tobago.

(4) Any advice given under subsection (3) does not affect the enforcement of sentences for which the Attorney General has accepted the designation of the ICC under section 140( 1)(c).

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 103 Función de los Estados en la ejecución de las penas privativas de libertad


(a) La pena privativa de libertad se cumplirá en un Estado designado por la Corte sobre la base de una lista de Estados que hayan manifestado a la Corte que están dispuestos a recibir condenados;

(b) En el momento de declarar que está dispuesto a recibir condenados, el Estado podrá poner condiciones a reserva de que sean aceptadas por la Corte y estén en conformidad con la presente Parte;

(c) El Estado designado en un caso determinado indicará sin demora a la Corte si acepta la designación.